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All of our lives stress

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All of our lives - stress

The stress of course, we have heard many times. 've Heard, and a catch phrase: " All of our lives - stress . Of course, this is someone's artistic exaggeration, but every bike has some truth. As always, for a start it would be nice to understand what we mean by the term "stress". It is very possible that comes to mind something like unbalanced hamster Dale, with hair sticking up on end and huge eyes, open mouth and even in a state of stupor. No, this also happens. But, in general, these symptoms of stress - the exception rather than the rule. Quite the contrary: outwardly calm person, except a few scattered in appearance, is clearly thinking about something not relating to the topic of conversation, but are not we all like that? But his stress, and then we ... well, die from stress, not necessarily. Although life stress shortens, it is a fact.
So still what is meant by stress-knowledgeable people? As a rule, under stress by psychologists and physicians understand the strong emotional (mental) stress caused by various reasons. In addition, stress - it is also a defensive reaction to a variety of adverse effects. As the saying goes, two in one: an attack on the psyche, and protection against this attack be named stress.

Once at a workshop of a well known psychologist in the audience Ming brought advertise some of the practical psychologist who claims that he will help save lives from the stresses and problems. Konstantin, head of the seminar, after reading these things impudent assertion, indignantly exclaimed: "How so? What kind of life is to be - without the stress and problems? Tosca one ... "However, the accuracy of quotations not answer, but the meaning, I hope, passed correctly.

In fact: try to arrange a "stress free life in solitary confinement at the public security and without any annoying external factors. A lot of stretch? On the wall do not want to climb? Unplug the phone, unplug the computer, do not buy newspapers, do not read books, do not go to visit, send the rest of children ... and you will go crazy after a few days, this "vacation within the four walls." We, the residents of the cities we live in a state of chronic stress, and we need it. How much pressure should be deep fish. Otherwise it will simply break.

By the way, the joy - this is too stressful. Only stress a nice, positive. Suddenly, right? Somehow you do not think about it, when you read the announcement of the "Life without stress. Fast, reliable, high quality. Lifetime warranty. But mostly, it's not sad, stressful for us is a negative state. And over what to do with this "bad" stress, I propose to reflect together. But as long as it has with past practice, I once again bit distracting from the main theme: One day, observing the prayer of an old sage, the students were asked to teach them his strange prayers. The old man did not break down and prayed aloud: "Give me strength Lord, to change what I can change, patience to make something I can not change; imudrosti to distinguish one from another." We will not yet comment on the statement. Just remember him - a wonderful aphorism, is not it?

If disaster struck

Thus, disaster struck. Specific circumstances are important. For us, more interesting result: a head crammed to overflowing with something big and bitter, to understand something we can not, "out of my head" too, did not go, and where to throw something? The problem is there, should be addressed, and time, as always ... a feeling that we fried on a griddle, jump with which we are not able to. In general, there are "fire" methods of dealing with such a condition, which in some ways to minimize our spiritual losses. What should I do?

Anything. Unbearable - no exit street, run through the marathon. Help, yet it will help. Health problems? Well: Take a tape recorder, kerf louder, and instantly to the kitchen to do the cleaning. Ideal helps wash dishes or other similar tediousness. In a state of intense work the human brain switches to control the hands, and often boring nervous system problems just temporarily turned off.

For people with nerves of steel and strong ears come in handy this advice: find a powerful speaker and a good amplifier, select the appropriate music - then, of course, is not it? Really helps a lot. Change your environment: go to the bath, a gym, put a couple of bucks for a single class at the gym. The main thing now - to transmit power from "head" to the muscles. Explain? Typically "feminine" recipe for stress relief - start a spring cleaning or general maintenance.

In a world of people is a normal reaction to stress is often difficult. Yells at you boss - are not going to have you throw at him with his fists. Dangerous. A close relative has died - once the votes in full force, his eyes vyplakivali. Today - whether good, obliged to defend a long and agonizing hours at the tomb, keeping a stone face. Came good luck - do not you dare to be happy people are not excited envy, and even the evil eye. Yes, and just smile on the street is dangerous - for the idiot find either a maniac, and who then must zacheshutsya hands spoil your mood. How then to respond? It's better late than never.

They say that Japanese firms to relieve nervous tension hung in the gym punching bag, decorated with portraits of the chiefs. Subordinates tortured hardships of the working day, on breaks or after work, go to a sportzalchik opt particularly cherished face, and "detached" in full. Fortunately, there are an epidemic if not karate, the master of sumo. It is in Japan, a country where various psychological practices developed in ancient times. Perhaps it is opposed to the traditional Japanese self-restraint.

We at the enterprises of this, unfortunately, not practiced, but at home in the basement or garage can totally arrange something like that. Draw and thresh the soul, free up his head, take a hand. Of course, you do not draw, and take it out on the very real characters - in their own (which, incidentally, is often practiced in many families). Everything is easier when one is near as bad as you. But it is easier - it is now. Pushing away loved ones, setting them negatively in relation to itself, we just chop the branch on which we sit. Instead, powerful rear, wherewith, in essence, is the family, we prepare ourselves the fate of the occupier - sooner or later we will understand that we do not have at home ...

Escape from the stress of almost the same thing to escape from life itself. If life is able to except that the Buddhist monks. However, even without being a follower of the Perfect, we can largely neutralize the effects of stress or minimize the negative, destructive stress. That's do it now much more complicated than just temporarily extinguish the fire of stress. Remember that little digression, which we suggested to the reader at the beginning of our conversation? Prayer of a wise old man to send down his forces for change that he change in force; the patience to go through what he can not change and understanding, to distinguish one from another.

This means, in fact, that not everything is in our hands (no matter what the Americans claimed cheerful). There are things that we do not change in the state. And once in this situation we can not do anything, then worry just does not make sense. The soil itself is lost to stress - in fact stress is partly designed by nature to "accelerate" a person making a decision. When the deal, in fact, there is nothing (everything has been decided "on top"), people usually do not worry. Another thing is that there are situations where our solution can still significantly affect our position. In this case, worry is also no sense, because in this situation, you just need to act quickly. But here's what to do when we are simply unable to decide whether it makes sense "flounder" or the situation is fatal? Just in such a situation, stress, and exerts its destructive effect on the psyche. The man lost, tossed, can not collect his thoughts, the nervous system begins to overheat and to fail ... How can we wisdom. God forbid, just not stupid crap.

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