All of the crown of celibacy
This is very common damage, and make it only the girls. Looks like she vekovuhu. But the crown of celibacy turns away from the marriage of a girl, and vekovuha, on the contrary, the reluctance to marry leaves, and the possibility does not. From the crown of celibacy she will fiercely hate anyone who will offer her marriage. And in the end, the woman is "old maid" - in this case it may even be children.
Recognize the crown of celibacy is not easy, especially in our time, when many prefer to give birth to children without a husband, and to educate themselves, do not want to communicate with family, someone in some way inferior. But such an obvious dislike for the opposite sex, usually indicates damage. The woman may feel it only in the forty years, when the train has already left. " Another sure sign: the fate of mothers, sisters, aunts - members of the genus in the female line. If they are unhappy with the divorce, loneliness - that corruption is accurate.
Get rid of corruption is possible, but there is one condition. Need to carefully examine the history of a kind and understanding, with whom began unhappiness, and even better - to know who brought damage and for what. After that, within six months to every Sunday to attend church, including the evil female days. (Only at this time should not stand in the church itself, and in the narthex.) Once a month, a must-confession and communion, and after the confession, give generously to the poor, asking them to pray for her. In addition, you need each day to read a prayer for marriage.
Prayer for marriage

O , all-good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on that I loved you with all our soul and with all my heart, and to perform all thy holy will. Manage the same myself, my God, my soul and filled my heart yahochu to please you alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Keep me from pride and vanity, intelligence, modesty and chastity, let me decorate. Idleness is contrary to you and generates faults, served as my desire for hard work, and bless my labors. Inasmuch as thy law enjoins people to live in honest wedlock, then bring me Holy Father, sanctified thee unto this title, not to please my lust, but to fulfill Thy purpose, as you said yourself: bad man to be alone and created a wife for him a helpmate, and blessed them to grow, multiply and populate the earth. Hear my humble prayer from the depths of the heart to Thee we ascribe devichyago, give me a spouse blagochestivago honorable and that we're in love with him and agree praised thee, Miloserdnago God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever . Amen.
Gathered married woman have to marry, just so she finally removes the crown of celibacy with his family.
But it happens that the crown of celibacy didst send directly to the woman. In family are all happy, and only she can not find her future husband. This crown is easier to remove, because it is not rooted back to the kind of destiny. Again, need to go to church, make confession and to pray, and in addition, perform the following rituals.
Scatter over the floor dry peas (about a pound) and walk on it barefoot, saying:
Since he opened the heavens and the earth and created man, man and woman, they also created art Thou. Adam and Eve, do not eat from the tree, eat from the tree - the soul to paradise separated. Eva did not listen, eaten from the tree, the soul to paradise separated. Shower razluchna paradise, Adam and Eve are inseparable. As Adam Eve is given as Eve, Adam is given, and I the Lord will give her husband, on the blessed life, to love everlasting, the Lord God married. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Peas to assemble, lifting his hands on a pea, folded into a box and put under the bed and left there for 12 days. Every day, going to bed, to say the word conspiracy. And on the 13th day of cooked peas, water poured into the streets and throw the peas birds.
I know one more ritual. To him, you will need courage, not just in his master. But if so will overcome, soon, soon finds his happiness. Go at night, 12 hours, at the cemetery. Choose a day when the moon is hidden in the clouds, or the new moon, when it is not visible in the sky. Find an abandoned grave. Take her away, propalite weeds, bring flowers and decorate their grave. Better yet, pre-order a new plate. Come morning, the church and ask for a memorial service for the man on whose tomb you were removed. And at home during the week read a memorial prayer.
P omyani, O Lord our God, in faith and hope stomach vechnago prestavlshagosya thy servant, our brother, (name), for He is good and loves mankind; otpuschayay potreblyayay sins and wickedness; weak, forgive and forgive all his trespasses arbitrary and involuntary; deliver his eternal suffering geenskago and fire, and grant him communion and delight thy eternal good, prepared for those who love Thee, For though, and sin, but not far from thee, and nesumnenno in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, God, in Thee Trinity slavimago, verova and unity in Trinity and Trinity in Unity of Orthodox even before poslednyago his breath confession. Wherefore pleased to wake, and the faith which is shed in thee instead of cases counted, and the saints Thou Thy bountiful repose: to bring more people, Who will live and not sin. But thou only art the vsyakago except sin, your righteousness, truth forever, and Thou art one God for favors and bounties, and humanity, and to Thee we send up glory to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, now and ever and ever and ever . Amen.
After that, the cross, leave on the grave of a feast (boiled egg, cucumber, bread and a glass of vodka, candy) and go home. Coming out of the cemetery gates, say out loud three times:
M ertvets in that light and that no one with him all his grandfathers, great grandfathers, all the holy saints. So would I was not one, but with a couple, with children so with happiness. Amen.
The human spirit, which you thought would help you take off the crown of celibacy. Approximately six months later you will meet your destiny. However, after the wedding, do not forget that the dead man. Take care of the grave, be sure to come visit the deceased on the day of his memory (the date of death). If this date is not specified on the label, then come to the feast day of the saint whose name had deceased.