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All you know about orgasm

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All you know about orgasm?

Orgasm - the peak of mental and physical pleasure, which is achieved by simultaneously reducing muscle sexual organs, when the blood rushed to him at the time of sexual stimulation, dramatically receding. That "leads us into orbit." After orgasm, the sexual tension subsides, although some women can experience orgasms and the subsequent, almost bypassing the stage of "rest." Do all you know about orgasm? " It is believed that a woman's orgasm lasts for a single minute. Prominent American psychologist involved in research of this problem in 50 years, concluded that multiple orgasms may have only fifteen percent of women. Modern sexologists believe that it is capable of all women, because unlike men, they do not need the recovery stage. Multiple orgasms depends entirely on the care and tenderness and care partner that really excite.

Multiple orgasms also depends on the partner's emancipation and the diversity of positions. In our body ply the so-called hormone of love. And they are directly linked to orgasm. For example, oxytocin, which is produced only in a state of arousal. Unlike other hormones, it is associated exclusively with emotions. For example, its synthesis increases sharply at the sound of voices of the beloved, and to achieve orgasm for women it should be much more than men. The researchers, who called oxytocin hormone, which explains its reluctance of women to the "naked" sex. Women need to feel that they are loved. It is the power of emotion controls the brightness of an orgasm.
Most women reach orgasm more easily in the "top", because it's more convenient to direct traffic, delivers the most pleasure. Besides, men are freed his hands, which he can caress the woman, increasing the likelihood of achieving orgasm. If a man asks a woman about the orgasm, he certainly believes that it is pretending. Determine whether you are right, helps a small observation. With genuine orgasm a woman's heart beats with a frequency of 180 beats per minute, breathing quickens to sixty breaths per minute, with belly shakes involuntarily reduced neck muscles, it tighten, then relax the muscles of legs, arms and face. Lips become dry, and his voice slightly hoarse. A man should closely monitor all of these symptoms - if the woman appeared flushed face, chest and neck, blood flow, then it is definitely on the way to orgasm. Some women are beaten fluid flows - this is female ejaculation. When the simulation is never to show all these nuances of this orgasm. The minimum duration of orgasm in women - approximately twelve seconds, the maximum (I already called the figure), is primarily dependent on the context and skills of the partner.

Some women claim that they get pleasure from sex, even without reaching orgasm. Sense of satisfaction can cause intimacy lover, but to argue that you do not feel the need to orgasm, then indulge in the necessities. Maybe it's subconscious punishment for their own promiscuity in the past or for pleasure, which gives sex. Understand this will help only a long talk with her beloved. Prolong female orgasm following exercises will help.


At the expense of one-two-three-four you compress vaginal muscles and hold them (at the expense of one-two-three-four), resting and so on. Do not try to deceive themselves acceleration accounts, because the effect you want, unless of course you need the highest sense of affection and love. Exercise must be performed starting from 3 minutes to 20, with each day adding to the minute. It is intended to strengthen the muscles which create orgasmic spasms. This exercise is based on tension and relaxation of circular muscles of the vagina, which can be sensed by interrupting urination. Try to do during urination, straining muscles, two to three breakpoints and retention. As a result of this exercise you will develop orgasmic sensation during intercourse with a partner.

Types of orgasms

Men have a very widespread opinion about the size of his body which should be "bigger is better". This is misleading. Penis size orgasm plays no role. In terms of physiology penis size does not matter. The fact that the depth of a woman's genitals to an average of 12 to 14 centimeters. But the most exciting areas in the zone of clitoris in the first five centimeters of the vagina. Therefore penis size is not important. But the crucial role played by the erotic culture of education, the desire to bring a woman pleasure that is achieved not only directly to the sexual act, but also the accompanying erotic caresses.

Sigmund Freud, sharing orgasms to vaginal and clitoral, gave the confusion by announcing the clitoral orgasm is immature, what is found poor knowledge of female anatomy. Extensive research conducted in the U.S. in the 60 years have proven that in fact the clitoral and vaginal orgasms do not differ. Devices were recorded physiological reactions of the body of women, in both cases showed the same parameters, though a sense of orgasm can take women at different points, depending on the individual. Clitoral orgasm in some women may be brighter than vaginal, and vice versa. The fact that the clitoris is rarely in contact with the penis and the position of "wife above" gives the most intimate contact, because the woman carries out any motion that gives her satisfaction. But in the pose of "man upstairs" is limited in the actions of his wife, as partners in a joint "work" face basically the pubic body parts. Women's movements, when she on top, does not prevent men.

I therefore recommend that women relax and surrender to their own feelings and reactions of his body. A husband should know that it is nice to his wife, and to do so. Motion wives always have to give her husband a signal that she is excited. Carrying out such movements, it can not mentally control them, so - close to orgasm. Its energetic movements - the best agent for her husband and the best way to speedy progress towards orgasm. Male controls the degree of excitation of a change of rhythm and depth of penetration. He may even stop traffic temporarily remove your penis from the contact zone and just caress his wife. With these actions, the man controls the duration of sexual intercourse. Virtually no women, which stimulate the action of her husband. They need their own feelings in order to get to orgasm at the same time with her husband.

A wife must by all means bring your orgasms to help her husband, who can not tolerate for long. To speed up orgasm wife may ask her husband to stay and try to rotate with deep penetration. Sometimes a change of rhythm from a fast, shock to the soft, gentle and deeply pressing helps the most effective sensations that cause more severe at the time of enjoyment. When a woman catches her husband's feelings, you can continue normal movement. In the couple everything is permitted unless it is injurious to health. It is desirable to develop options by various caresses and movements towards each other.
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