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Ambitious goal of the Child

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Ambitious goal of the Child

Long-established fact that any athlete, whether it's a golfer, tennis player, athlete, footballer or boxer who shows the best results in the conditions of intense competition, and not in competition with ordinary middle peasants. Therefore, in the sports world there are so many unexpected injuries caused by playing half-heartedly is a good athlete against a mediocre or poor opponents.

Let the child must learn to set big goals. His current vision of life will largely determine what he gets from it. To be the king - it is always a good feng shui! Utterly indifferent to what the child's environment today. It does not matter, he lives in a wealthy or poor neighborhood. Remember not cloudless childhood University, Mike Tyson, Muhammad Ali, Vanessa Mae, JK Rowling, Vilma Rudolph. Indifferent, he lives in the province or in the capital city. If you follow along with biographies of Russian pop stars or members of the business elite, you'll see that it is usually not hereditary Muscovites.

What is important is what is inside the child - an ambitious goal of a child and dream of becoming the best! If the child already learned to put before a big goal, then an adult, he would be the best in their profession. Take a look, please round. Among the representatives of all professions - doctor, singer, producer, businessman, lawyer, salesman, an athlete, a stylist, chef, teacher and tutor - there are rich people who get fabulous fees, seem to be engaging in the same things you do. Yes, the possibilities inherent in a particular person, and only then - in his occupation. As Zig Ziglar said: "You must see yourself as a great before you can become great!"

The goals should be long-term
Explain to your child that he put the long-term goal. Otherwise, it can overcome the short-term disappointment. In the next chapter I will teach you to respond positively to negative situations. The reason is simple. Unfortunately, we do not live in a golden age or in fairyland, where the child is surrounded by only a friendly talking animals, magical elves and dwarves funny. Around it might not be interested in its success, children and adults. On his way may encounter detractors deliberately associates spoke in the wheel. But if you talk realistically, the most important obstacle to success could be the man himself!

External factors, other people can stop you temporarily. You - the only person who can do this for a long time or forever. If there is even a fors majeure, uncontrollable, then they should not vybivat child out of a rut. All these disappointments are temporary, they are not important in comparison with the primary goal. Let your child will go as far as he was able to see forward and upward, and when he gets there, he could see even farther. If you are going to travel by car from the house, then surely would not wait the moment when all the lights on your way will be green.

Better today than yesterday

People can be divided into two categories. The first - the ones who do. Second - those who throw the word on the wind, or rather babble. Apparently, the way it is. It is important not just to dream and lays a solid foundation under their dreams, and daily work for their materialization. One genius has expressed it this way: "It is not often that an opportunity to achieve greatness rushes down like a fast current and abundant Niagara Falls, but rather, it comes slowly, rare drops.

One of my favorite affirmations is: "Today will be better than yesterday!" Yes, my dear, your daily goal should include a good faith effort to become better today than yesterday. And remember, please, that's what. Before you can do something better, you ought to be better than many others. For example, a child wants to become a famous singer. It would be nice to do on a daily basis to develop an ear for music - to attend lessons in piano, violin, and develop a voice - to sing in the school choir, choreography - attend rhythm, belly dancing. Note dancing singers look advantageous to those who monument stands on the stage. And so on. Equips children with the habit of daily work on themselves. It pays off, believe me.

Persuade children that their goals should be meaningful specification. Give your child an example. Keep a course for good luck. The ship did not sail there, where should sail if the captain does not hold the desired course. Hunter returns with prey only when the will to aim at one particular duck. By the way, the children sometimes argue about the amazing plans an ambitious goal of a child not ustupayuet plans of Napoleon. Just amazed by their ingenuity and talent. And what do we want? Children - Messenger of God. They come to teach us.
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