Amulets for the home
Doll Charm
You need your hands to make a little doll. Take a white handkerchief in the middle of the handkerchief put a little cotton wool cut to add a little lock of his hair and tied a silk thread to get the head. Then take a piece of natural colored fabric and fasten it under the doll's head, to get a sundress. On the doll's head you can put a little kerchief dress decorated with embroidery or an apron - this is your business. Can also draw a face. But most importantly - hide under the skirt Chrysalis piece with talisman. Doll guardian must be stored in a conspicuous place, it is desirable that it fell down the sun's rays.
T ospod King, hell destroyed, Satan pogiboh. Amen. Schley holy saints: St. Joasaph, St. Nicholas, St. Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom. They went to Mount Athos to pray to God, pray for me, a sinner, unworthy servant of God (name). Holy saints, Christ proslaviteli! Pray to the Holy Spirit, sanctifying every creature that he has consecrated this creation is mine, a small doll on the great guardian of my house. Otmolite, cast, house keeper she tell them to. And not to proceed to the house of my foreign-chuzhenin, adversary and vrazhin. None at dawn or at night or in the midday haze, or a night the darkness, nor in the moonlight or the stars or in the sun or at oblatseh, on any hour of the dashing, no matter what hour of good, from now until century of centuries. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Bread Ward
Take a small crust of black bread, there zasun'te leaf with a guardian and close up breadcrumbs so that the leaf could be seen. Then dry the grain and store it so that no one has found.
X Loeb and wine, and life giving God! Bread Sim seal my home, the bread is blocked, consecrate the bread and bread guarding. The body of the bread of the Lord, as unto the Lord Jesus Christ, Satan will not start and dies and the house of my enemy is not started, the thief will perish adversary otmyatetsya, hater hanged himself, envious person will go blind, and every evil imagination driven away before the bread sim, like dust before the wind . Bread dries out, and my enemy will die. Amen. Amen. Amen.
(To tell a loaf of bread, and put it over the icon.)
Ward written by my hand, my words are cut forever. Home stand, the enemy not to proceed. Amen.
Conspiracies-charms against thieves
1. If you fear for particularly valuable items are stored in your apartment, buy a white handkerchief (linen or cotton), and the young moon, post it on the night of the window. Then, at dawn, take a church candle in red, set fire to it and drag the handkerchief over three times, as if drawing a cross. At the wedding an hour (14.00) the same day, wrap this shawl your values, along with a guardian and hide.
In yshel Lord Savior of the city of Jerusalem, to meet him twelve are: babies, otrotsy, well done, but the old guys. The Lord asks them: "Who are you, twelve, where you're going?" Replied: "We have months of God, go to the baptism of Holy Russia, a century vekovat. Saith the Lord: "I anoint you, twelve months of God: January - Baptist, February - St., March - fasting, April - Sundays, May - voznesenschik June - troichnik July - Peter and Paul, August - uspenschik September - vozdvizhenschik, October - pokrovschik, November - arhangelschik, December - rozhdestvenschik. Go to Rus Baptism, guard people baptized, soul, body and home, at any time, at every moment, for all twelve months from the thief, from Likhodeev, from robber, from ubivtsa and pogubitelya. I do not say so, God said so, did not I write, the Lord my hand operated. Who's to my home in the twelve months of launch, he himself will come to the heart, crush, smash, soul in hell will withdraw. Strength of the Lord's word is my firm and modeling. Amen.
2.If you are away from home for long, the leaf with the talisman you need to fix the outside of the front door, preferably near the castle.
P Rishel day and passed. Night came and went. So you're a thief, villain, would come and would have passed my house St., past my yard wide. Come by, looking straight at the sides do not look back in my house do not look down on my threshold does not go on my property is no respecter. If you come into the house, the death of his find back will never come back, stay forever. I'll burn it, I'm chopped, I will sweep you from the clutter.
3. Go around the house, every room, kitchen, bathroom and toilet with a lighted white candle. In each room a piece of paper read amulet. Then wrap it oplavok candles and hide in the house.
A ngely, archangels, cherubim and seraphim! And all the heavenly powers, flame, air, invisibly nigh flying around me, guarding the soul! Save, save, home defense and protection from the enemy-foe, from the thief of thieves and robbers, evil intention, impure thought of scatter, develop, fire izozhgite, shut the power of God! Century to century, henceforth and forever. Amen.
4. It - Ward from the thieves for a year. In any Monday afternoon hide the leaf with a guardian near the threshold of your bedroom (the inside).
M Ev, fire an arrow, spear, pitchforks, flails, knife and fork - prick, burn, Ruban, sawing, ground my enemy, my foe, envious and a hater, a thief and a robber, unclean pogubitelya. Thief, thief! Is better for thee to the house I did not start for me not to look good. You take a brace - the sword naporeshsya; you to even make the threshold - in the fire'll burn, you cross the threshold - a spear zakoleshsya, you will enter the room - forks in the side get, you take my belongings behind - flails izmolotishsya; you decide to escape - knife yes fork will slash, and deposed into hell Satan for a treat. You do not have roads to my doorstep, the road to my angels guarding angels stern, archangels of God, the archangel Michael, the archangel Gabriel, the archangel Uriel, archangel Jegudiel. Stand on all four sides, one is not allowed, nor evil, nor prikoslivogo, nor thieves, nor the villain. How do they stand for ever, to stand, not to die, to glorify God and to my house to stand forever. I said, I wrote on the tablets of stone, the word of God the righteous. Amen. Amen. Amen.
5. This will make the amulet so that a thief sneaked into your apartment, lost his mind and will not be able to find the door to exit. But he will know exactly what to put in place if stolen, then the yield will be. On Friday, in front of any church festival go around the entire apartment with a candle, stopping at every corner and reading from notes Ward. Then leave the paper with a guardian in any shoe, which is in the hallway and that nobody really put on to your return. Upon his return remove Charm and put it to the icons.
With vyataya Angelina Valentine, Saint Juliana, Holy Saturday, from my house to let the devil backs away, rolled away in the ravines, through the dark forest retreat in the slimy swamp potopnet, stuck in quicksand. Do not enter, vrazhin in this house, in this holy house eating-drinking, celebrating Christ's meal, went out, closed the locks, the Holy Spirit left. Locks are closed with silver keys and the keys to heaven vzneseny on the throne of God laid, the cherubim, seraphim Hosea, angels, fearsome beware, holy God, the terms defined. On Friday, I fast, pray on Saturday, Sunday go to church. Until I do so, until then my home is safe and sound. Amen.
6. If you fear that any particularly valuable thing can be stolen, take it up or touch it and read this piece of paper amulet. Then wrap this thing in a leaflet with the talisman and hold the day. If the wrap is not possible, then just put the piece of paper with a guardian under it or on it (the text to the surface of things).
I spoke not a conspiracy, I fence, I build the kitchen garden, an iron fence, garden stone, from earth to heaven, and he hammered into the ground to forty yards, and forty sorokovin, he went to heaven to forty miles to forty forty tysyachek; no one fence will not pass, do not jump, do not perelezet, but will travel past. The servant of God (name) wrote, and the Lord Jesus Christ defended. Words of finish, close the fence. Amen.
7. When he left home for a long time, read from notes, closing the door. Then the leaf with a guardian, you should leave in the hallway, hiding it well, for example, behind the battery. Upon his return, try to find it. If you find one, keep it at home, putting in the Bible. If you find, then no harm will be.
A Very bar, home leave is not the emptiness, not solitude, but have given myself to Christ, true God. Lord, I'm leaving my house, you leave in the house of Stay, do not forget about me. Where the Lord is, there is Satan, the place to wear, the thief did not carry. Meal with a light heart, an angel with me! The doors are locked, leaving Christ, even the Mother of God and all the saints. My word is my firm, to business modeling. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Against intruders
Leaf with a good talisman hide in the hallway.
T ospodom defense, holy veil covering. Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, Mother of God, cover my house, my cover of a saint, but does not see his guest uninvited, unexpected, unexpectedly, in someone else's hand going, the spirit of a stranger, a bad bearing. Cover the roof, cover the walls, cover the threshold and gate. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.
To no one came to your house
Leaflet with this talisman hide in the hallway.
By ruglyak Kachu-kata kats from home rolled back, kats, lining, mortgages, butts, eyes ukosnoe, rags touch, all the troubles, all the adversity, every evil: the witch delusion, evil thoughts, disfigurement, infection, unclean spirit, the sorcerer passer Down and Out touring. I write, do not blot out, write forever home guardian. Amen.
Conspiracy to housewarming
When you move into a new house or new apartment, make a cat, saying:
As of you, the owner, hairy beast to a rich courtyard.