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Analyzing a man in his car

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Analyzing a man in his car

You never had to make a psychological portrait of a man, by analyzing what car he drives? If a man prefers to sport expensive model, this indicates not only its material consistency, but that person likes the dynamics, risk, change, he constantly needed a thrill, novelty .. therefore, the constancy of the by this same man can not even dream of.

Seeing the young man on a glamorous, bright, small car soon sneaking doubts about his male dignity, and begin to fantasize about his sexual orientation .... If the man himself short, full and awkward, but prefers big SUVs, instinctively think about it, that he tries to compensate in this way, his small stature? Or maybe there is more serious problem, and selecting representative vehicles, he wants to hide its failure in bed?

Usually, all the arguments are bound to certain stereotypes, well, can not be brave and confident man, the network behind the wheel of a glamorous little machine. And some "from" and "to" a notorious type is bound to be sketching at the expense of their car. In fact, everything is not so easy and give a precise characterization of the man, looking only at his car is impossible, but still, psychologists have found that some interesting facts about the sexual possibilities of a man can give us his car.

Slow and steady wins ...

Our activity is greatly influenced by hormones. About what the man in the bed can be judged by how he is mobile and athletic. Therefore, driving style, too, can tell about the activity of men in bed. If a man loves a fast ride and it is very cleverly is to overtake and rebuilt from the series in a series we can say that in life he was quite active, respectively, and in bed with him you will not be bored.

If you met a man who at every opportunity, trying to break traffic rules, pressed against the side of the road, drive through a red light, be on guard in front of you a very ambitious person, stubborn, tends to dominate everything.

But if a man is overly cautious, afraid not that exceed the speed he can not park properly, be prepared for that and for sex, he will be cautious and shy, if you're hoping that this man is in bed, you will be surprised, it is better to say goodbye with their impossible dream.
Position behind the wheel

Exactly how a man sitting behind the wheel can tell you about some of the features of his character. Typically, reclining behind the wheel of a man rather lazy, loves comfort and preference for life did not bother, so be prepared for the fact that a star from heaven, he will not get you ...

If the man sitting behind the wheel smoothly and he is focused on the road - is punctual friend, lover throughout the procedure, from its second half will demand the same - punctuality and order in everything!

But if a man sits behind the wheel, hunched over, and constantly stretches his neck to look forward - before you are unsure of the type that was used in life to get his cuffs and easier to adopt a defensive posture and wait what will happen than to rebuff.

There are contraindications. Consult with your doctor.

Pay attention to all the decorations, which are present in the car and the car. Sometimes the desire to stand out so great that the machine becomes literally a work of art that can not help but captivate the views of passers-by.

Here we have self-centeredness of the owner, the desire is always and under all circumstances be in the spotlight. Perhaps the first time such a man forgets about his compelling persona for the sake of love, but as soon as candy buketny period ends, he will remind his half that he center of the universe.

If the saloon car of your loved one plenty of juicy stuff, and sexual images - it tells about unrealized dreams and of course most of them related to sex and women. Which prevents it a show? Who knows ... maybe a lot of complexes, and perhaps he is afraid to show themselves, and may be such that this man used to move along the path of least resistance, so that any even minor obstacles forced him to abandon the planned ..


In fact, the color of the machine can also tell a lot about the nature of man and his sexual preferences, as well as tuning. If your partner is the owner of the car color of electricity or she tuned bright unusual patterns - this points to an interesting person, usually these people - the soul of the company. In sex creative and passionate.

Holders of white vehicles of romance, they are able to captivate a woman, it's gentlemen, have a tendency to idealize a partner. In sex gentle and attentive to his partner. If a man drives a dark color - the color of wet asphalt, black, blue, dark brown, it says that in front of you rather conservative person, this man is serious and reliable.

Particularly noteworthy are the owners of a bright green and light green car - it 's exciting, passionate, ready for the exploits and adventures. With a partner, every day a holiday, in bed, they love to experiment and know how to deliver a woman pleasure. With such a partner will not be boring that's for sure, but unfortunately these representatives of the sterner sex can not be called faithful, it can easily be carried away by someone else.
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