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Ancestral Curse

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Ancestral Curse

Ancestral curse - a curse, which has subjected Xia one of your ancestors. Operates it, if not remove it earlier, before the seventh generation. When the ancestral curse in your family will certainly be patients suffering from various mental diseases, neuroses, inappropriate behavior of relatives, failed personal life, written as one scenario, chronic women's diseases, infertility, debauchery, early death for children and men, the hereditary endocrine diseases, complex nature of many relatives. All this, of course, if this is not an isolated incident, this time - an indication that your family is not all right. If your family is unjustly convicted, or repressed, then it suggests that the ancestral curse is an active form.

The same can be said about the chronic hereditary alcoholism: if it is impossible by conventional methods to get rid of this bad habit, more often at this initially is a generic curse.

Ancestral curses can not be caught like a cold or the flu. Just once in your family been a negative event, which over several generations, growing like a snowball, ruin your life.
This leads to what is now on every member of this family (including children and grandchildren) hangs a curse. Kills someone in the family, part of the curse of inheritance is distributed among the survivors. So often after the death of a loved one feels leaning weight. Is not always a result of the test burning. Perhaps, the proportion of these sensations associated with inherited part of the generic curse before lay load on the soul of the deceased.

Often, it is a generic curse is the reason why that does not allow you to make a successful career and / or conduct business, can not get married (married) can not conceive, or have a child makes to drink heavily, is difficult to explain health problems, constantly turns away favorable circumstances life.

And if the ancestral curse is on your family, then your life can be the most inexplicable things.

After all, the generic curse directed at the destruction, it is passed on for generations until it reaches its main goal - the total destruction of all members of your race!

Withdrawal of tribal curse frees you for acceptance of all the best that can happen in your life, promotes all walks of life. After removing the ancestral curse (if any), you get to take from life all that you are destined by fate and what you can from it.

Withdrawal of tribal curses

If you are on the ancestral curse, or if you are cursed parents, you need extreme unction. Extreme Unction - the church rite, which is usually held in a church during Lent, but it can also be performed on-demand. It is aimed at cleansing the person from all sins, including those from unknown to him (which he can not confess, simply because I do not know), as well as cleansing from sin nature.

Maria Semyonovna all damned sends unction, and she said that if the curse is not very strong, then everybody can remove it yourself.

The rite is performed on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday at 12 o'clock at night. Time of the moon - not before the 17 th lunar day to 29-30 lunar day. On Monday (before the ceremony) are acathistus guardian angel. By night ritual preparing a three candles and church water.

So, before you a mirror with candles. For a you put another mirror. You stand between two mirrors in the t-shirt and swimming trunks or in combination. These things (without a trace of mud and blood) should be wearing at least two days (except for swimming trunks, of course). Light a candle and read (from memory!), Looking at her eyes, not looking up, and preferably without blinking (although the latter condition is all it will be impossible to do - do not worry, just try to blink less, if you do not under force, this condition):

In the eyes of the clear gaze, not afraid of anyone. No demon, no enemy, no man evil. With me Lord, with me the Holy Spirit with me Mother Virgin Mary. That is not a mirror in front of me, the shield of God before me. That is not a mirror behind him, the shield of God for me. Defense shield, the shield protecting no one I fear. God is the Lord with me, the angel behind him, the Virgin in advance. Amen.

Wash immediately in front of the mirror prepared in advance with holy water (a small bowl to cook, too, need to be in advance), wipe T-shirt, or a combination, not taking off this thing.

Look in the mirror even as much as a wish. Candles should burn out. While they will burn out, to stand beside them is not necessary.

On the first Sunday after the ceremony to go to church and put 12 candles: 3 - Mother of God, 3 - Jesus Christ, 3 - Holy Spirit, 3 - Panteleimon the Healer. Thank them for their lift the curse.

If the old boys die

Maria Semyonovna explained how to remove a curse. At Easter there is the custom: for everyone who wishes to make a call to the church bells. Three relatives must climb to the bell tower, take the rope together, and twelve times to hit the bell. After that, everyone should give a bell-ringer of three colored eggs and some coin with a request to pray for them. When descending from the tower, you need to stay on the steps and read a conspiracy:

Ringing down from heaven, Christ is risen! Death is conquered, destroyed hell. And our family Christian, baptized for forgiveness, rise, death wins, will destroy the curse. As a Church of Christ is strong and our nation will be strong men. Amen. Amen. Amen.

The Curse of the womb of a pregnant

This curse is usually sends a rival-in-law if she does not recognize the daughter, but can make any man in anger. As a result, a woman loses a child and becomes infertile. This curse is aimed at the destruction of family, so if you have cursed sisters, then they can expect the same fate. Just in case, pregnant better carry amulet from the evil word. He does so.

Buy a white silk handkerchief. In the near full moon at midnight Lay a handkerchief in the middle of the room, strip naked and stand on that handkerchief. Read the plot. After that, soak this handkerchief in the melted water and wipe all the nut house. Then the handkerchief must wash and ironed one of your relatives. Put a handkerchief under his bed: he has to lie there for as long as you do not have a baby. After birth, give this one a handkerchief, which she read a conspiracy. Words talisman:

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. I go out, the servant of God (name), to bless, I'll go and crossed the doorway doors of the gate of the gate. I will throw this card is clean, he shall spread before me, the way wide, no bumps, no bumps, no holes, no stones. I'm going Platova expensive three angels before me. The first angel clears a path, another way to protect a third soul rescues. The Lord of me, boards beneath me, a child in me, Our Lady in front of me. Virgin bore fruit, was stored by God, and I am the servant of God, will be stored at all times while wearing a burden. Amen. Amen. Amen.

If you are cursed, and you do not have a talisman, a spell will help you complete control over.

You take the rope, tie five knots in it, storing it all around on the ground. Then he put on her 12 silver objects, you can not new, transcend them through the cross. On the body should not be metal. Hair disbanded. In the spell can not make mistakes, are not allowed permutations of words. If reading does not stumble and do not stop short. This is very serious! If you are unsure of myself, let it do that for you, someone you can trust to do no harm.

Dead in the land, living on earth. Dead money is not good, live silver is not money. Silver throw, out of trouble bribes. Down and Out from a man from beast, Dick, from the sword, from a bullet from the curve of the road. Of silver denying, from the evil bribes. Get thee hence, evil otkuplennoe, come back, well bought. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Oath before death

Somehow came to Mary Semyonovna still youngish man, and told a story "When the wife is dying, then asked me to swear that after her death, I will not marry on anyone. Said: "Go out with someone you like, and what you want, but my wife does not take another." Well, I vowed to die do not worry. She died, I grieved, mourned, and remarried. A guy-I was still young, strong, not accustomed to walk, used to live in the family. And so I dream a dream: standing at my bed and the wife says: "oath you did not keep her, but to live with another wife thou shalt not. I'll take it from you. " Months had passed - his wife to death was hit by a car. A year later I married again, and again the same dream he saw. After that, guarded, watched over his wife as he could. And she still died: cardiac arrest. The fourth time I want to marry, but I'm afraid, as though once again it was not necessary to bury. "

Maria Semyonovna advised him to go to a monastery to repent and live there for a year the occupants, and then again about marriage think. Those who are similarly swore and then broke the oath, she recommends the following. Need to order a funeral for one year for the man to whom you swore. During the year, every great festival to go to church, confession and communion. Every day, drink the holy water of the throat with this prayer:

O Lord my God, let him be your gift at Your holy and sacred water for the remission of my sins, in the education of my mind, the strengthening of the soul and body mine, in the health of my body and soul, to conquer my passions and infirmities, engraved on the mercy of Thy most pure prayers Thy Mother and all Thy Saints. Amen.

In addition, you need to take water from the well (about 1 liter) and saying to her, and then little by little and drink a whole:

Water God, holy water. The Samaritan woman was the wife, went to the well early in the morning, I met the Savior. The Savior said: "Give me a wife, a Samaritan woman, a drink of water!" She replies Samaritan woman: "O Lord, with thee living water, let me drink it, let me wash her, to me, and thy servant (name), to live it forever not to grieve and grieve. Dead paradise and peace, and joy to the living God. " Amen. Amen. Amen.

Parent's curse

Typically, the parent is the curse of an involuntary way. Stands angrily tell the child: "To hell you have!" - And the child begin to torment the demons. Sometimes that missing children are missing after such words. Here helps only prayer church. To those who curse uttered in the church need to repent, and Prayers for the child to order and give alms. Sometimes a curse cleaves to the child and no mention of the unclean. If dityu kept repeating that he is - punishment of the parent "," spinogryz "," stupid "and the like, the curse itself, stick to it. He will truly be a punishment for the family. Therefore, parents should keep their mouths shut and never tear irritation in children. This does not mean that children should not blame and punish. Scold their needs, but without malice.

Bad words from a parent

Relatives often cursing each other - in the division of property under some other disputes. That recently came to Mary Semyonovna girl and told about the family troubles: "When the brother got married, my mother could not accept all the choice. And so, and so the bride swore all dissuaded him. When he got married, it's right at the wedding said to his face: "God save thee, my son, children from this ...." Here it is impolite word daughter called. And sure enough: they live for five years, but the kids do not have them. Went to the doctors, were examined, they say - all in order, to be unable to become pregnant she could not. Laugh: that is bad try. A brother and his wife not to laugh. My grandmother said - is the mother of their curse, and therefore have no children.

Maria Semyonovna taught how to deal with this case. Read the guardian at the beginning:

There was a girl prostovoloska, to meet her holy man Simeon. "Where you go, girl prostovoloska?" - "I'm going to dry the swamp, to collect rotten moss .-" Why do you have a rotten moss? "-" Ropes vit ".-" Why do you rope? "-" Wild ducks catch ".- "Why would you duck?" - "Milk is milk." How not to twist of rotten moss rope as a rope does not catch these wild ducks as ducks do not need to milk, so as not to spoil, not to curse God's slave (name), baptism, Rozhen, the light produced by the will of God, for the Lord's mercy. God creates, God gives birth, the Lord protects. Stand back, klyatoe word in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

On poverty

Their story told me one woman who came for help to Mary Semyonovna. "My daughter married a foreigner and went abroad. We have not seen for five years, only wrote letters, and even send it to me, sent for me and my younger son. And in the premises were veshchichki fashion - not new already seen, but still sturdy and in good condition. I thought: just send second-hand, so new things have no money, well, thanks for that. All wanted to go, on her - as she lives there, in a strange land? And then went ... "How looked at their lives - and gasped. Live, smooth cheese in butter rolls. Big house, two cars, the husband on the good work. And it was a shame to me: the very rich, and her sister sent a castoff. I told her, and say: What are you, daughter, new things money spared? But she shrugged - veschito were good, not to throw away. I'm even more in the offense. This means: in thee, O God, that we have more useless? And I began to steal money from them so the younger daughter of updates to buy. Here's hubby a foreigner, and I noticed that money disappear ... apparently said something to my older. She walks, wrinkled, and I said nothing. Finally decided. From afar, the beginning, she asked - did not call anyone at home in their otstutstvie? No, I say, do not come in, but what is it? - He says the money somewhere to disappear. And I lyapni: that I took your money. I have the right: a mother I am. Herself living as a millionaire - and the house you have, and machine two, and his sister are sending old clothes! I'm on the money thing for her buying. My daughter was upset and says: the house and cars - all purchased on credit, we are living in debt ... And if you need the money were, so would ask, why steal? I would have so provided. Now that my husband would say? And I'm on it even more angry and say: you live in debt, ever since you do not pay these debts, just before his Fritz so cringe! Choke you with their money "- and threw her the money I had left over from the purchases.

I left. A month later, calling the elder and said: "Mom, write down my new number. We've moved. " It turns out that the house they chose, because my husband lost his job and is now a loan to pay them nothing. And off they have upset and ruin ... Call rare: it became expensive to call. Live on the dole, an apartment somewhere in the slums removed. That's not call it a long time, I came to Mary Semyonovna know - if anything had happened. And she says: It happened long ago. If not for you, said it would have been the daughter of a well, and baby would be born too. You did it. "

I said to her:

-Do you think a mother could harm her daughter?

-It even can. Remember what happened when you visited his daughter abroad.

Well, I thought ... Now here I go - conscience torments me and for the money stolen, and a curse. "

Maria Semyonovna told how to fix this.

Buy now need three church candles, cut into pieces and throw into boiling water. When the wax is melted, throw in three coins, saying such a conspiracy:

Do not throw money into the wax on a candle money to give, donate to the church. Candle in full swing, the church stands in the Lord richer. Until the money in the candle, the wealth will go to me. Wax money in your pocket settled his sisters residence call me. You have a lot of sisters, and I will be a lot of money. Amen, my word, three times amen and amen again.

After all this is to remove from the heat. When cool, the coins needed to get it and give it to someone cursed. Then you need to go to church and confess. How to do it, so the curse will disappear, and the wealth back.

From the curse of the family

If the family is no peace and harmony, native as enemies, then you need to buy 12 candles to light after 12 at night. Must see to it that the sky was not overcast and vyzvezdennoe. Reads a senior member of the family:

Let God arise and His scattered all at once! Yes disappear from my house to force the enemy: Satan, evil words, envy, anger yes! Go, go, go to hell! Put a cross at the forty seats in the Matica, on shelves, in corners, on the ceiling, windows on stenochki on ochelya on the roof, on the threshold, the door jambs on at podokonnichki. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary, John the Baptist, the Apostles the saints, all saints, all the martyrs and the martyrs, all the virgins and saints, all the blessed and holy fools, all the angels and archangels, with the leadership of St. Michael, all the Lord's saints and the righteous! Pray, defend, stand before God, I Remember, my home defense. No you, Satan, in this house of residence, not place you, you do not have any power over this house, nor me, nor over my sons, neither of my ancestors, nor over my cattle, nor over my yard. Here the power of the Lord, the Theotokos throne. Amen. Amen. Amen.
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