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And what if the send

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And what if the send?

Do you know how to ride a bicycle? Or ice skating? And remember how learning takes place, remember, everything fell ... Everything! .. Afraid? Yes. But tried and fell! It's inevitable. Not stuffed myself cones, it was hard to learn something. Now I will offer you a brilliant idea! In order to become steeper in communion with the opposite sex, you will need to fall more than once. Doing something that you never did, unwittingly make mistakes, but you learn. How many times have beaten Tyson, before he became who he is?

Many, yes, but what is happiness - to be the world's boxer! Therefore, I advise: to learn and failures are treated like an exciting game. After all, how cool that I can experiment and break off. I conclude from this situation, I learn, I get emotional, I'm super! The most important thing - to take their drops positively. Do not bother. Argue: "Many people do not learn, but I'm learning! And when I make a mistake - I'm proud of it! "It is better to regret what I did than about what did not. That our grandchildren will tell. The trainings are often asked to practice: " What if send? "

I reply: "So cool! Send, go to the next item bias and Practice. " It is important to treat it simply. Easily. "Wow, I was sent! Cool! "Start to think and see how cool it would be. You will begin to live! In this book, I described a bunch of techniques. But I do not want you to be fixated on them. I describe them for you to relish. Catch the buzz, but have not studied them as a rigorous science. First and foremost, think how you will kayfovat today. Think of that today, muddy fun that picks the tower and lift your spirits. And look at this book that you like. I do not want to impose anything on you. Do only what you want, what pleases!

I learn bummer

Often I hear: "What a babe! But I'd rather be without it, than it is now sweating and thinking about how to catch it, "or" She's not my type. " It is understood that "his" character - it is only those women who do not need to try to seduce? That is, by definition, they are worse than you and just because you and hang on, that they understand: you are steeper than them. In order to entice people your level and above, you'll have to join with him in the game. Game, in which the opponent is worthy of you! Oh, and here you can experience a lot of thrills. But it's worth it, believe me.

I do think that those people who invoke the fear in this case, just too lazy to change anything in my life. Let's start with what you want to tear your ass from the chair on which you sit at the bar, and go to the target, to be able to make their life more colorful, letting her in person that really attracts your attention. Reminds me of Isaac Newton's theory. "An object in motion stays in motion. An object at rest remains at rest. Provided that no external influences. " From this law it follows that in order to get something changed, you need to apply a force. Or do you do that, or someone will make it outside. For example, good friend will kick you or a friend help you. In itself, nothing will change. Why is it so useful sometimes kicking themselves?

When you're not attracted to anyone and do not offend, you are in a state of dormancy. This is what is called a "comfort zone". Conventionally, this is the place where you feel good, comfortable. You will not need and can do nothing. And nothing can bother you - there are no external influences on you. There is no reason to feel frightened or fighting for something. And often you do not want to leave their comfort zone, because it requires some effort. But people prefer to be lazy, rather than make any effort. But there is a stressful situation in a relationship: problems with a guy or a girl. And this is an external force that makes you finally leave the comfort zone.

You seek to restore harmony, to find someone with whom you feel comfortable again. It is in the best case. However, there are many situations that occur rarely, but their effects more devastating. They may even lead to different pathologies, which are well known Sexologists. For example, when a man who was thrown or hurt, to fixate on the negative, closed within itself. His comfort zone is closed hermetically from outside, he is afraid that by doing so he plunged into a state of emotional discomfort.

But if your protection prevents social adaptation, it's bad. That's why it's important to kick yourself!

But at the same time I want to warn: this is not the only thing you need to do in life. Since many familiar friends have amassed themselves for this reason, obsessions, and sunk to the point that they can boldly make a diagnosis "nonsense." In encyclopedic definition of "delirium" - a psychological disorder. Brad - is a logical construction, not based on real facts of life, it interferes with social adaptation rights, and, moreover, a man in delirium nothing and nobody can convince. Conclusion - Know the measure!
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