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And what we have in mind

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And what we have in mind?

First, let us remember the popular postulate - a stylish woman can easily find out if you look at her shoes and hairstyle. A woman who appreciates herself and takes care of itself, will never go to any well-worn shoes, or with uncombed head. And what we have in mind? How many of us women think about this? Are we prepared daily visits barbershop or beauty salon, that we "laid down" hair to hair, or whether it is sufficient that we ourselves navayal in his crown? The French say: clean hair - on their own hair. And we, armed with this proverbial cunning paddling with enthusiasm mylim hair early in the morning, hastily blowing their jets burning air from the dryer, run about five fingers on the crumbling locks and full speed rush to perform labor duty to the country in the face of public institutions or private owners of the capitalist- .

Ladies! Stop! Think about what you do with them! Are you so shook and worried to death at work and chores that you can not find extra half hour for this hairstyle, but not "fast food" for the head? The first rule of beautiful hair - they must be healthy and clean. Any disease, deficiency of vitamins and minerals very quickly lead to deterioration of the appearance of hair. Therefore of great importance to the beauty of hair has the power. Essential nutrients deliver the hair eaten carrots, onions, garlic, fresh salads, uncooked apples, fish, liver, kidney, lemon, honey, boiled milk, yogurt, yogurt and cottage cheese, other dairy products, vegetable oils, cereals, ie foods rich in zinc, magnesium and calcium.

Hair washing should begin with a thorough combing, then they should be moistened with warm water, lather with shampoo, soap or other means to get rich foam, then the foam must be washed off. Select the appropriate for your type of hair shampoo. When you apply, do not apply shampoo on your head straight from the bottle - always rub it in a small number of palms with the addition of water. Now you have to lather your hair a second time. It must be necessarily good to massage the scalp. If you are subjected to frequent coloring their hair, before washing thoroughly massage your scalp for 10 minutes, rubbing with the burdock, castor, linseed or hemp oil. Try not only to rub oil into the roots, but also to distribute it throughout the length of hair. After such a regular massage trichotrophy enhanced by the rush of blood to the roots of the hair, normalizes the sebaceous glands, hair noticeably improved over time and are much more beautiful in her hair. Completing this reconstructive procedure, hold his head over the steam, turning to a couple of back and his head thrown back (keep the scalp, not a person).

After washing hair, rinse thoroughly with warm water. Alkali contained in the soap, shampoo, bad effect on the appearance of hair, they can cover it with gray patina. Therefore, to bring hair back to normal, make a sour rinse. There are a few recipes such rinsing:

1) add 2 liters of warm water juice of 1 lemon;
2) add 2 liters of warm water 2 tablespoons of citric acid;

3) add 2 liters of warm water 1 tablespoon of vinegar;

4) Dilute bread kvass water in a ratio of 1:1;

5) Use the rinse warmed beer. Very well affect a rinse with thin and sparse hair, making them more lush and springy and promote the preservation hairstyle for a longer period. With the same purpose, rinse hair serum;

6) dry hair rinse useful decoction of birch leaves, nettle, chamomile, burdock. Oily hair is very useful concoctions coltsfoot, thyme, horsetail;

7) rinsing of broth horsetail hair gives necessary for them to silicon. To prepare the broth, brew a handful of grass cup of boiling water and simmer mixture about half an hour. Well affect the state of hair is not just rinse the hair and horsetail tea;

8) You can rinse your hair with a suitable balsam-conditioner.

Wash your hair more times a week, but if the hair get oily sheen before, you should not wait for the formation of fatty icicles, it is necessary to wash them from pollution. Now on sale is sparing shampoos that are designed for frequent washing. However, women have long enjoyed the recipes creams, hair shampoos own making, which greatly strengthens the hair and improve their growth, shine and opulence.

Recipes for Hair

-To strengthen and grow hair, try washing your hair birch sap. It is useful to wash your hair and a decoction of birch buds and leaves, and buds of poplar. Pour a glass of raw liter of boiling water, let stand and wash your hair. Infusion improves hair growth, strengthens their bulbs.

-Very useful to wash my hair raw egg, which gives the hair a special glow. The structure of egg lecithin and includes almost all amino acids, which protect hair from damage and help to eliminate dandruff. Beat the egg well in a small amount of water. Hair pre-moisten with water, pour the egg foam on your head and wash her hair without soap. Then rinse the head first with clean, warm, and then acidified water.

-The true beauty makes hair washing black steamed bread, followed by rinsing and brushing kvas comb with wooden few teeth. True, comb out the remnants of bread out of the hair would be long

-Not bad to wash your hair with ashes from the stove, but, unfortunately, find it difficult in the city.

-Very good effect on the hair yogurt, kefir, whey. Fat milk products create a film that protects hair from damage caused by an alkaline solution formed by dissolving the soap in the water. Drench any yogurt products hair, cover head plastic bag or cap, on top Insulate the head with a towel. Hold a wrap around half an hour, then rinse your hair with foam baby soap. Then thoroughly rinse your hair first with clean water and then acidified (with vinegar, lemon juice or citric acid).

-To give a special shine to hair, does not necessarily use the most expensive shampoo, enough time in two weeks to wash the hair of ordinary mustard. It improves blood circulation, strengthens hair and increases their growth. Dissolve a tablespoon of mustard powder in a liter of warm water. Mustard seed, water, rub into the scalp for 20-30 minutes, wrap the head, then rinse with warm water and mustard.

-Clean and dry hair can be the means by rubbing bran, flour, powder, which absorbs fat. Flour or powder can be removed with a brush, then rub the hair dry with a towel.

Hair mask

Honey mask

Mix one tablespoon of honey, egg yolk, one tablespoon of castor oil, one tablespoon of cognac, add the juice of aloe. All this mass of mix well and rub into the scalp and hair, how to massage your scalp for about five minutes. Then wrap the head with a plastic bag and warmed towel or a hat. After 30-40 minutes rinse with warm water.

Onion Mask

Take 2 onions, rub them on a grater, put a lot on your hair, wrap your head and soak 1 hour. Then, wash your hair thoroughly massage the scalp.

Bread mask

Soak 200g of rye bread, put a lot on your hair, wrap your head and soak 1 hour. Then, wash your hair thoroughly massage the scalp.

The mask of sour milk

In a glass of sour milk, add a bit of rye bread or bran to milk does not flow from the hair. Apply the mask to dry hair, wrap your head and hold 1 hour. Then, wash your hair thoroughly massage the scalp.
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