Angelica drug from the evil eye, damage
Angelica - good and strong remedy against witches. Koren, worn on the body, protects from evil spirits and witchcraft.
• To protect young children from witchcraft small piece of dry root them sewn into clothing.
• If you drink a decoction of the root, it heals and cleans a cold and sore breasts.
• Well decoction of the root helps those with food is not digested, and after the meal begins vomiting.
• For those who want to lose weight and do not want to eat a lot, you need the morning on an empty stomach to drink a glass of strong decoction of angelica roots.
• If poisoning alcohol and tobacco 3st. l. angelica root to put in an enamel pot and pour cold water 3stakanami. Put on a slow fire and let simmer 30 minutes under the lid closed. Remove from heat, drain, drink in small portions throughout the day.
• From the rhizomes of preparing "angelikovuyu" water possessing anticonvulsant activity.
• Decoction of the root tones the cardiovascular system.
• alcohol tincture rubbed into the sore spots for rheumatism, gout, muscular pains.
• angelica root, infused vodka - the most powerful means of cholera.
• With frostbite you should take a decoction of the root.
• Broth angelica good heals stomach and intestinal cramping.
• When an internal organ damage (cancer) use a decoction of the root in milk.
• angelica root is used in treating various paralysis, epilepsy, muscular pain, incontinence, bleeding, and radiation injuries. When chlenorasslablenii and shortness of breath is desirable to make brandy, and not a decoction of the root.
• Angelica has expectorant, diaphoretic, diuretic, protivobrodilnym properties.
• Decoction of rhizomes and roots are used for flatulence, colic, urinary retention, and bronchitis.