Anima and Animus
Have you ever wondered why men that you come across, have some definite similarities? Typically, this is not the physical similarity, and the character, demeanor or the way of communication. Think of that total was from all your admirers. Maybe someone much swearing when his car clipped on the road. Or maybe all of your partners after a stormy night of love left on the pillow flower? Well, or you have always surrounded themselves with men who liked to drink beer in the evenings and watching football. And no matter how much we did not say that these qualities is just irritate us, in fact, these qualities are and what we are.
Namely. Imagine that inside every man, like every woman lives a little person of the opposite sex. This personality has its own character, their habits and their special qualities. And when we are looking for a mate, we look for it in the image of the little man. We, as a rule, it is hard to judge on their own. Therefore, I propose to conduct surveillance of their girlfriends and friends.
Maybe you have a friend who for the third time is going to marry? All her previous marriage ended in divorce, did not last a year, and as she spoke on grounds of "incompatibility of characters." But look to her new chosen one. It is possible, and half a meter above its predecessors, and his shoulders broader, unlike them, but he also hates her job, disposed of, it will wear. And we just wanted to scream to her, that she changed flea markets. But she was so in love, and says it is "like the first time."
We can slightly zanyrnut in science, with a view to a more detailed explanation of this situation. Once known and respected Carl Gustav Jung opened his theory, and named it the Anima and Animus. Here's how he saw them:
Anima - the availability of the female element in the psyche of every man.
Animus - is the presence of the male element in the psyche of each woman.
Now do you understand? No matter how many partners we have not changed, it is impossible to escape from himself. We never make random choices. Everyone knows that the woman is already in 7 seconds understands fits her, this man or not. Naturally, the selection is not on a conscious level. At this moment is identified with its internal animus.
You ever met a woman who constantly cries to her husband. After some time, this unfortunate divorces shiftless husband, and mourn a little, getting married again. And what do we see? The new choice is different from the previous one only by name ... and foot size. And believe me, after a while, this lady again burst into tears on the same topic, with the same lamentations. Now you can recognize that it is crocodile tears. This new villain is her man.
But how then to explain the cases where after a divorce do manage to find their "perfect mate"? Pretty simple. And with the first partner we could find common ground if we were wiser. After going through a divorce, people are experiencing severe stress. It was during his flow is a great overestimation of values. And creating a family home again, people know in advance, with what might encounter and what they prepare.
Well, let's now on our own, about women. And a little bit about the man. Now the peak activity of feminism. Every self-respecting woman, tries for a second to keep up with men, and in many ways and succeed. Maybe it's because men are so unreliable steel, and perhaps because we ourselves have made them so. No question about it now. Feminism is not an inborn quality of women. This is not educated parents. This is an extremely self-willed choices at the level of the psyche. Animus takes dominant position in the head, and he now leads a woman. This is called peaking. Women who have undergone the influence of Animus becomes overly logical, categorical, even callous. Such women tend to occupy leadership positions. They're pretty stubborn, and we can say that they have completely absent conscience. They have a very progressive sense of power over others.
And now look at the men who became the mistress in the head of the anime. This is especially transvestites and bisexuals. If, however, with the orientation of all right, that guy is very easy to learn. His love women, but not as a man, but as a good friend. All ladies' tears spilled on their waistcoats, and their ears are aware of all the women's secrets. Who else, but they are better informed about the means of feminine hygiene products, and difficulties reaching orgasm. When the couple built up with the activity of the anima in a man, then he will unconsciously look for a woman with an active animus. Problems of society as gigolos can be seen also from this point of view. These men can not be "real men". They have a view of the world, men and women.
Why do we women choose men just to "such and such" traits? The answer is clear: because this is our animus. But where did he took such a feature, it's not a real person? Perhaps during our formation and maturation, we noticed someone some psychological trait, she us very much liked, but we do not have it. So she deposited in the subconscious, and "left" to our animus.
There are more simple and lovely version. There is a legend that once people are bisexual. Both sexes have existed in one person. But for some fault with the gods of Olympus to punish them, and divided in half. So there were men and women. Since then, we go around the world and looking for a soul mate. And its appearance has remained in our memory, and it's called the Anima and Animus.