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Animals and children

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Animals and children

-It is necessary that in the house were cats and dogs, and friends the whole bag! Then the children will not disappear!

Then the parents will start to disappear!

Animals and children - it is so beautiful! Question: Who and how long it cohabitation endure? In any case I do not want to offend anyone! Forgive me, inveterate lovers of dogs, cats, hamsters, uzhikov and all other home and not pets! I do not have to living creatures is absolutely no animosity. I even really like all these lovely creatures. All my life I wanted to get a dog, but first we were against the parents, and then ... then it was no longer up to the dog. But the desire to have a pet left, and eventually we came to the house ... cute kitten. As we were all happy! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray! We will take care of him, we play with it!

My daughter was about four years. It is a good kid, long time and was busy taking care of seals. Girl not once watched as other cats climb trees, and she decided to teach and our kitten to conquer the high branches. It was at the cottage where our family spent sunny days. When one of these fine days I left the house - oh, horror! - Docha kindly threw a kitten up a tree, he fell, she caught and he again flew to the sky, eyes shut in fear! Do not think that she mocked small animals! No! She sincerely wished that he had learned to still climb trees, blunt this kitten.
And such examples in the lives of animals is complete. Kids love with playing with pets: squeeze, stroke, treated. Kids relate to this beast, as soft toys, making walking on front paws to be acrobats and wear doll dresses. Animals are usually very patient relate to their young owners. But the animals - it's all the same animals. And no matter how nice or was kitty, kind and obedient dog - they are unpredictable. The child may accidentally angering animal accidentally hurt him. A dog can take over a game any child's action. The result can be extremely unpleasant. In medical practice, cases of serious injuries to children is pets are more than enough! Just be careful and do not forget to explain to children the right to communicate with pets. After all, sometimes a dog in the family - loyal, faithful friend, about which the child be happy to take care with which it is impossible to quarrel, which is always there to walk.
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