Animals treated with human
Fumigation of dried and crushed horns and hoofs of cattle, goats, sheep, deer, well help people who are sick, suffering from bouts of possession. Fumigation patients smoke can produce 1 time per week. If damage to the patient's lethargy must fumigate smoke 3-4 times a week.
Greater impact on the sick person has ash from horns and hooves of adult animals.
Barnyard need to burn until no pobeleyut.
Our ancestors in order to determine whether a person napuscheny seizures, fumigated it with dried deer antlers. If during the fumigation began attacks in a patient, it is said that the disease is on him didst send.
• If ingestion in the morning on an empty stomach for a teaspoon of ashes burnt antler can heal sores and coughing up blood in the lungs. The same recipe will help in the allocation of blood in the urine. Powder ash antler helps with ulcers in the kidneys, dysentery, and various internal bleeding, as well as useful in hemorrhoids. Ash antlers does not lice to be got on the human body.
• When vitiligo 3stolovye spoon of ashes of deer antlers to put in an enamel pan and pour 300ml of vinegar. Put on low heat, bring to a boil and simmer under the lid closed 5-10minut. Remove from heat, do not strain. At night to lubricate the affected places. Shake well before use.
• Ash ram horns, mixed with vinegar in half, to help with leprosy.
• Ash horns animal cleans teeth.
• Ash goat's hoof is useful in cracking of the lips. It needs to be carefully chop and sprinkle with powdered sore spots.
• Ash all kinds of hoof stops bloody diarrhea and heal ulcers of the intestine.
• If ulceration of nails should be taken in equal parts of ash from the hooves and pig fat. Mix thoroughly. Morning and evening lubricate sore spots.
• If you take one part of the hoof and ash mixed with two parts olive oil, then help with the festering tumor on the body.
• In epilepsy in the morning on an empty stomach should be taken with a spoonful of water 1chaynuyu ash hoof of any animal.
• With hysterical seizures in the morning on an empty stomach should take a teaspoon ash bull horns, drinking spring water.
• If you mix a tablespoon of ashes deer antlers with a glass of fresh butter, and smear this ointment cracks in the skin on the hands and feet, it will help.
• incontinence in the morning on an empty stomach to take 1 teaspoon of ash from the hooves of a pig and drink warm boiled water.
• Young deer antler or antlers are widely used in treatment. Pantocrinum useful for the general breakdown, insomnia, dizziness, pulmonary tuberculosis, rheumatism, tumors of the uterus. He was appointed in nymphomania, deafness, convulsions, belyah and visually impaired. It enhances memory. Children up to 16 years antlers are contraindicated.