Anorexia nervosa
Lack or loss of appetite is often the first sign of a disease. If you noticed before, a similar feature for a child, then in any case do not force your child is in these moments. It is known that early in the disease organism strenuously struggling with illness, so that all forces must be directed only at this fight. Digestion, in turn, requires a certain amount of energy, so the younger the child at this point would take the food, the faster the body will cope with the disease. At such moments, give him as much fluid, which helps bring the body of all toxins.
During the illness in children appetite decreased or absent. Of course, the kid in this period needed food, but do not try to feed him, come what may. Portions not have to be large and the food - greasy and difficult to digest. In addition, when the baby feels better, he probably had asked you something to eat. It is worth mentioning such eating disorders are directly related to appetite, as anorexia. When anorexia child simply refuses to eat. Any attempt by parents to feed it finishes its vehement protest, and even vomiting.
Anorexia nervosa is characterized by the complete failure of the child to eat. Very often this disease is manifested among adolescent girls, but may occur at a younger age. With the development of the disease, you may notice that the child loses weight drastically. And how do you convince any kid that is still necessary, it lead to nowhere. This is primarily due to the fact that a child pretends that hard eating, while after a meal makes herself vomit to get rid of eaten.
Over time, even the thought of eating is becoming unbearable for him, and mention of it often causes vomiting. As a result, his body may occur, such changes, and weight loss becomes so significant that the meal would be impossible not only for psychological reasons, but also have the physiological. In the body of the child observed the following phenomena - the volume of the stomach is reduced, digestion slows down, and bouts of hunger completely disappear. Anorexia - a long and serious illness, and to avoid it or to see the early stages of development, parents should closely monitor their child.
Unfortunately, the causes of anorexia nervosa is still not fully understood. In young children, it rarely starts with a fully conscious diet, it is typical for older age groups. In other words, anorexia in young children due to other than the desire for weight loss because of a mental nature. May not be the last place here occupy all sorts of fears. You may suspect this disease in a child when he noticed his strange behavior at the table. So baby can too thoroughly pulverize food for a long time poking around on the plate, hoard food, whereas before, these features had not been observed.

Sometimes anorexia appear strange culinary preferences. For example, he refuses to eat only one or two meals, whereas before he had a much greater preference. In addition, a sign of anorexia may be sudden weight loss. As weight reduction and increased malnutrition in the baby the following symptoms: weakness, fatigue, dizziness, constipation, sometimes lowering blood pressure and heart rate rapid. Very often these children decreases body temperature, they feel a numbness in the limbs.
In the treatment of anorexia, the first thing should take care - it's about power is restored. In addition, work with your child here should be done in two ways: you need to take care of both the physical and the mental state of her baby. And in order to recover proceed successfully, the child is desirable, at least temporarily change the familiar surroundings. Inspires him that he needed people that love him, that he has quite an attractive appearance. Be sure to convince him that the food necessary for each person, as a source of vital energy.