Appearance of women to men above
Appearance of women to men thing. Um, kindness and ability to cook - also, of course, important. But if all that is hidden behind a facade nevazhnetskim, most likely, you'll enjoy his amazing qualities alone. Yes, it's not very nice and smart on our part. But you also have their weaknesses, right? For example, the material welfare of a potential beau. We believe it is quite fair. So you do not get me wrong. That is the stark reality of life ...
So women look for men above . If it does not suit us, learning is likely to simply not take place, and we will never know how good a person. For the men did not matter that they themselves frighten children. He's not thinking about his stomach hanging from the belt, do not worry because of his bald head shining and I am sure that pants do not need ironing - and they both stroked the store three years ago. All this man somehow forgets. You bet! The same little things. And so it is irresistible ... and has every right to criticize a woman's breasts are not very elastic, and not long legs. And if those legs even with hairs ... Here the aesthetic feeling of the men was a direct insult.
I recently caught the eye of a curious book, which is probably familiar to many women. The author is also a woman - Barbara De Angelis. And the book called "Secrets about men that every woman should know." Interesting, incidentally, the name of ... What kind of secrets, should be aware of every woman? Secret because the secret that know about it no one should ... (Well, it's so lyrical digression.) So, in this amusing little book is a list of any purely external flaws, which, according to the assurances of the author, men are annoying. They are:
• unshaven armpits and legs;
• breath;
• «mustache";
• unfashionable clothes;
• unnatural hair (too frankly painted or curled, and so on);
• Worn items or shapeless robes at home;
• an unpleasant vaginal odor;
• flabby body;
• poor skin, concealed cosmetics;
• stale body odor;
• peeling nail polish.
I must say that these things really cause in men is not the warmest feelings. And while we are ourselves quite allow all these charms (well, of course, with the exception of vaginal odor, cosmetics and nail). Yes, again, discrimination based on sex. Nothing can be done about it. On the other hand, men are rarely typed impudence to say about these shortcomings of his beloved. He would wince and avoid the hot embrace, but silent, as a partisan. Most likely, because just as scared. He knows what awaits him, say he is. A woman is worth nothing bryaknut among other things: "Phew, what a nightmare, you have hair in your nose!" We are blamed on women's spontaneity and good-natured smile. While inside ... There's a typhoon and tsunami!
What is beauty?
The beauty for us - it is primarily a neat appearance. Even if a woman dazzlingly beautiful, but dressed in a sack of potatoes out of which peep unshaven legs and hands with bitten nails, a man will pass. Conversely, freckled bulbous nose, we assume a very nice, if its owner is clean, fresh and tidy. (Although, of course, would be better if she still had plastic surgery ...)
Usually explained by the fact that a man loves his eyes ... It is a moot point. Why? And because, according to statistics, these men are not more than 45%! Of the remaining: 45% like hands, 10 - ears. That is, in theory should pick at best, half of all men. But the unshaven armpits are dissatisfied with everything! (Well, except for some lovers of natural vegetation.) By the way, as is the case with unshaved pubis. The abundance of hair there men are not particularly happy. Much more appealing, or complete lack thereof, or the minimum number. Just do not say this: "And you try to shave!" We do it every day. And while not dead ... And the skin on your face no rougher than it. Just because you think ...
Um ... again, I digress. Why do men react to your hair? The abundance of body hair is typical for men. Over many hundreds of years we got used to it. And they began to perceive the hair on the body as an exclusively male trait. So that the hair on a woman's body cause quite unambiguous association. We see this is something masculine. Oh, and curves. Want something to hug a woman and not a hairy man. Exceptions are cheerful sexual minorities. Well, they are to you, ladies, no claims and do not show, like ... A thicket of pubic and more difficult, some caresses.
With hair in inappropriate places is clear - they absolutely do not like us. (Any female shaving machines probably invented by men.) And the complaints about the soft sensitive skin we do not touch. That we have out there on the list? Yeah, bad breath. Well, no one will like it. Here and explain nothing. And much to prove - even more so. Yes, and all other odors. Although men are not so subtle scent, but even they do not like the impotence of Chanel number 5. It is surprising that in general have to write about it. Oh, it would seem that could be more natural for a woman than hygiene? But apparently, not all women read de Angelis. Sad ... And again an unpleasant vaginal odor makes some affection.
Flaccidity of the body. I do not mean curvy shapes, which some like, namely body, reminiscent of mashed potatoes in a plastic bag. Hide it under clothes from the 45% of men who love eyes, you can. But what about those who like to touch? And with the first difficulties arise when one would have to undress ... well, thing, of course, is not good - this is the laxity. And these little "sexy" cellulite bumps on the thighs ... But here men still showing a gentleman. That is able to close my eyes. (We are all human, to be sure.) But still, if possible ... better than anything out there to pull, where a smooth, compacted something ... We are very grateful. What? Our beer belly? Lovely ladies, all that a man above the waist - this chest! And do not try to convince us.
Bad skin, groomed nails and other melochishki. Not as deadly as the previous "beauty". But annoying. Daily produced hundreds of thousands of tanks of any creams, lotions, balms, ointments and other fragrant, invigorating, smoothing, rejuvenating, penetrating deep into the pores and in the very roots of crap. Why work of millions of people in white coats, anxiously Poteyuschih bent over microscopes, has wasted? After all for you! Oh, you want to see you first and foremost a man? Well, then let's clap for a beer, and then I'll get in-the-n of the blonde ...
Unfashionable clothes worn items or shapeless gowns at home. You might be surprised, but we never discuss your toilets, hairstyles and handbags. It is for us simply do not exist. We perceive a woman as a whole, without singling out certain details. In details, we do not penetrate and argue at the level of "like, not like that." Dress to the floor and the dress before the hips - is what we see. But here's rim, stitching, gateways and eversion only visible to you. For us, it's all the same. The same applies to the shades. Peaches - a fruit, not a color!
Another important detail. Mini-skirts, tops, cuts and other "teasers". Very often come across statements like: "No, a long dress with a slit at the side of a lot sexier than a miniskirt. A woman should be a mystery ... "I do not argue, a long incision is too great. But! There are the usual, normal men, and there are the aesthetes-Botany. So unbridled propaganda cuts and "mystery" was unleashed aesthetes. And, perhaps, with the filing of women. Most men believe that a mini-skirt in combination with beautiful legs look just as-a-abaldenno! And the topic. No cuts to their mystique and sham were not around. I repeat - it is the opinion of the majority of full-fledged men. There is no need in this regard illusions. And aesthetes let them talk about eroticism pantsuit. We are not fooled!