Arkan 1 Indicators of health
The chemical composition of the body - a complex system. When a person becomes ill, the doctor sends him for tests. As a rule, the most common of these is the analysis of urine. On the first sign of disease of all kinds shows alkaline reaction of urine, which also depends on the type of food consumed.
"The tide of alkali" is observed in people with high acidity and is absent in people with zero or low acidity. Reaction of urine from acid to alkaline was observed before the onset of symptoms, in particular, childhood diseases such as chickenpox or measles. With timely treatment response of urine again becomes acidic, and the disease does not occur. Found that the symptoms of sinusitis, asthma, bronchitis and other diseases directly related to the reaction of urine. Studies have shown that if the reaction of urine in the two samples during the day becomes alkaline, there are signs of the disease. One gets the impression that the treatment of diseases is carried out as if to restore the balance of the reaction of urine.
The relationship between the reaction of urine from the body temperature. Hot tub, is widely practiced for the prevention and elimination of the common cold, restores response to acidic urine, as well as hot tea with herbs. Sauna, Turkish bath, removing fatigue, also contribute to changes in alkaline urine acidic.
The result of extensive studies in mental work is alkaline reaction of urine.
Based on experiments established products that cause a particular reaction of urine. For example, revealed that sugar causes alkaline urine, and honey - no. Vinegar, which is added in canning, changes on the acid reaction of urine.
Pain directly related to the reaction of urine. Different acids have different effects on the body, so you can not use them thoughtlessly. Acetic acid reduces pain, hydrochloric acid, diluted in water (5 - 10 drops per glass), increases the pain in small joints of hands and feet (for arthritis).
Reaction of urine is the first indicator of health.
Apple cider vinegar, which is now forgotten, is very useful. Acidic drinks, so beloved of children who have retained the instinct of self-preservation, it is very useful, such as cranberry juice, rich in natural acids. Leaves of trees, such as beech, maple, willow, apple, cherry, poplar, birch - a storehouse of natural acids. Fresh fragrant wild plants used as food in early spring until the ripe vegetables in the gardens. List them is huge.
Just to name a few: Marigold and Primrose pharmacy, growing in bogs and water meadows (the leaves are boiled); fern shoots (used as a salad), radish leaves, dandelions (they are collected in spring and early summer: cut low, leaving part of stem and root) ; sorrel - a storehouse of vitamins, including vitamin C, watercress, growing along river banks (it has a spicy taste and is very useful); fragrant mint and oregano; purslane - a weed that grows on wastelands, leaves and stems which add to the salad; Corvelho , aromatic plant, used as a garnish for meat dishes.
Plants, popular in folk medicine, often referred to as herbs. They are added to some dishes, such as mint - a dish of lamb, fennel - in marinades, cumin - in cakes, many herbs are added to salads.
Basil, burnet, scented geranium leaves Shandra, rosemary, sage, mint, wormwood, tarragon rich in vitamins.
Divination aspect. If you have a disposition of Tarot cards fall this Arkan, your body needs a green food. So you need to make it a rule to use as much green food in different forms.
And if Arkan falls in direct alignment position of Tarot cards, then prevailing acid reaction of the body, in a negative position - alkaline.
To maintain a balance must be introduced into the diet products that regulate the chemical reaction of urine. This will help prevent many diseases.
Symbolic aspect. On the field Arkan prairie, which grows herbs. A man collects it in a basket. Arkan von gold. Morning. The sun rises.