Arkan VI six rules for doctors niche
The system of the late Japanese Professor Katsudzo Nishishiroko practiced in different countries. Russia has enjoyed great popularity of his articles translated from English: "Cancer is curable. Prevention, treatment, cure cancer in the system Nishi.
Niche practiced in a hospital in Tokyo. He has written two books devoted to curing cancer and other diseases, use its wealth of practical experience, as well as the thousand-year experience of Tibetan, Filipino, Egyptian medicine, yoga, etc. Initially, this system is widely used only in countries where the warm climate and abundance of fruits and vegetables, but later found out that it works perfectly in any climate, for a surprisingly simple. Niche likens the human body complex business organized on the principle of "import" and "export".
Organism - the whole, it has a reserve of energy, high-but not limitless potential defenses, and help to use them correctly - the task expert, in particular Dr. Katsudzo Nishi.
Health - a balance between consumption and emission of energy by the body, an imbalance leads to disease.
Modern medicine does not consider the human body as a whole, it treats specific diseases: fever - extinguishes it appears vomiting - therefore you need to deal with it. However, cough, vomiting, and nothing else, as signs of the body's resistance, the struggle for balance. When these "bells" should be able to help the body get rid of, for example, slag and other negatives.
Cell nutrition is carried out by the motion of the blood vessels and capillaries, both gateways. K. Nishi attached great importance to the state of peripheral circulation, especially of capillaries, their regeneration. He developed a treatment system of capillaries and restoration of their functions through exercise, supporting them in a tone.
Japanese scientist to formulate simple rules and exercises that will help you maintain your health in balance.
1. Smooth and solid bed. Blankets and clothes made of light, thin, natural fabrics are well air flowing. Supercooling in a dream is unacceptable.
2. Solid pillow. Pillow-Cushion should be small: length 40 - 50 cm, diameter 10 - 15 cm Putting it should be so that the third and the 4 - th vertebrae were on the top cushion. It's painful, but necessary, gradually soreness goes away. This corrects the position of the head curvature of the cervical vertebrae, eliminates the headache, eliminate the disease spectrum of ENT, eyes.
3. Exercise "goldfish." Lie on your back. Stretch out, hands behind head, feet perpendicular to the floor. Several times (at the expense of up to 5) to stretch, moving arms and legs in opposite directions, stretching the spine, stretching arms and legs, focusing on the right foot. Relax. Repeat several times.
Hands bent at the elbows, put under the neck, cross a 4 - or 5 th - the first vertebra. Elbows pressed to the floor, legs together, toes directed toward the body. Relax. Repeat several times.
Arms, bent at the elbows, put under the neck, cross a 4 - or 5 th - the first vertebra. Elbows pressed to the floor, legs together, toes forward to the torso. Since vibrating body, head, feet from left to right like a fish, twisting in the water (1 - 2 minutes).
4. Exercise for the capillaries. Lying on the floor face up, put under the neck vertebrae pillow-cushion, raising his arms and legs up perpendicular to the body and rapidly vibrating their hands and feet, while dragging your feet and fingertips up. Perform 2 - 3 minutes.
5. Joining of the palms and soles. Lie on your back, put a pillow under my neck. Palm link the front of the chest at the level of solar plexus, with the feet connect (sole to sole), knee push (posture reminiscent of the pose chicken tobacco). Alternately press pads of each finger of his left hand on the pads right, then vice versa. Repeat 10 times. Then close my hands and, as if slitting his body along, move them back and forth (head) during the entire length of the hand (10 times). Next, putting his hands on the serried body under the breast, move serried soles back and forth over a distance twice the length of the foot (10 times). Closed their hands and feet, remain at rest for 5 - 10 minutes.