Arkan XXII wise
Ideology Arkan based on the work Yoshiro Tsutsumi ("Simplified method of preservation of health finger exercises"), and Zolotarev Yu ("Healing wise").
Mudra - the addition of the fingers (or both hands). It is noted that in certain, often inappropriate situations people once in a special fold, "breaks" your hands and interlace your fingers.
In Eastern countries (India, China and others) long ago knew about the healing power of folded in a special way the fingers. This knowledge is passed down from generation to generation, have survived to this day.
Even proponents of this method does not consider that the only wise one can get rid of the disease. But they will help in the treatment of very complex diseases. It is only important to choose a wise and correctly apply them.
Learn to perform simple finger exercises. It is important to understand that by using them wisely, you can even save from death a man with whom, for example, suffered a heart attack in the street, if there are no other ways to relieve his condition. Only necessary to state a specific concentration, and at least a basic understanding of the processes occurring at the same time in the body. The main function of wisdom - the impact on energy flows in our body.
Mudra - Managing the commander on this front. It gives the body the command to the effect, remove some of the energy in the channels and sends it to the right place.
"Wise" in Sanskrit - is a special position of the hands, a strictly defined canon. Experts know are hundreds of different combinations and shapes. Mudras to engage under the supervision of a teacher (guru), as many complex mudras are contraindications.
Perform mudras should be calm, without the slightest exertion, without effort. Some wise immediately facilitate well-being, the effect of other makes itself felt in a few days.
Patience and daily lessons will give the desired effect. Mudra is usually performed sitting facing east, with both hands for 5, 10 or 15 minutes three or four times a day. You can run them on a walk, sitting in front of the TV.
In most wise thumb of one hand is connected to one or more fingers of the other. Fundamental wise 32. What happens if such manipulations?
1. The tips of the thumb and index finger, connecting, releases energy in the channels of the pericardium, the three heaters, the heart. Concentration of energy - in the channels of large intestine and lungs.
2. When connecting the large and middle finger release energy in the channels of the large intestine, triple heater and hearts, and concentrated in the channels of the lungs and pericardium.
3. When connecting the tips of the thumb and ring releases energy in the channels of the large intestine, pericardium and heart, is concentrated - in the channels of light and three heaters.
4. When connecting the tips of your finger and thumb release energy in the channels of the large intestine, is concentrated in the channels of the lungs and heart.
5. All the fingers are disclosed - the energy is released from all channels.
6. All the fingers are compressed - the energy is concentrated in all channels.
7. Bent index finger - to regulate the energy in the channels of the heart, lungs, large intestine.
Suggested wise assist with various diseases, the same mudra can be used in the treatment of many diseases. Need to know when this is not always hurts what should be treated. Every minute our body involved in the process of information exchange with the cosmos. In the presence of a dominant you can get other effects.