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Art of communication manager

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Art of communication manager

That's what you can and should learn always - the art of communication! Communication - about him so much said and written. But so is not clear, for example, why we are in communion rude, Child Abuse and Neglect is the most kith and kin? Why even realizing greater efficiency of respectful communication, stay rude, not attentive and the supervisor and coworkers? art communication manager , probably the most important "tool" of influence. Than quality, effective self-communication, the more results can reach the leader or manager. In the workplace often communication has the character of orders, instructions, tasks, enforcing perform any actions. Each of us knows how important this form of coercion. There is no better way to get an individual to do something, how to encourage him to want to do it. Desire to any action by the strength of vital needs, which means that - understanding the individual need for such action. "Explain why I need it and I'll do it!"

If an employee is forced to work under threat of dismissal - a sure sign correctly aligned emotional relationships in the team. Such an incentive to work is not very effective and flawed and fraught with undesirable consequences. Sigmund Freud argues that the basis of all our actions is based on two motives - the sexual drive and desire to become great. The American psychologist Professor John Dewey, we can also find the assertion that a strong desire inherent in man is the desire to be meaningful. Leaders tend to cause people the enthusiasm and stimulate the development of a person the best qualities. Honest and sincere expression of approval by the positive outcome of labor, as an incentive, it is much more effective than criticism, and even higher wages. Find in a man positive features, its shortcomings, he still can not hide!

The basis of our behaviors are based on our innermost desires, and the best advice we can give to those who set himself the task to induce anyone to certain actions is as follows: "First, make sure your buddy in favor of such action, primarily for himself" . If there is any secret to success, it lies in the ability to understand another point of view. It's so simple and so obvious that everyone can see the validity of this statement. D. Carnegie, recalls how he came to Philadelphia to a known audiologist. "Even without looking at my tonsils, he asked what I do.
He was interested not the size of my tonsils, and the size of my income. He was more interested in how much money you can extract from my wallet than a help to me. As a result, he received nothing. And I left his office with a profound sense of contempt for his lack of principles! "In the world there are many such people. Therefore, one of those rare people who is willing to provide a service or perform work without concentrating your attention to our own benefit, there will always be successful. We all understand the futility of business without the benefits and revenues, but if the problem is improper enrichment predominates over all others, then such a leader can never achieve real success.

How to please the team?

Managers and leaders capable of putting yourself in another person and understand his thoughts, easily able to manage a team, pulling him along. The rules under which you will enjoy:

1.Vas are welcome to take everywhere, if your concern for others and their needs will be sincere.

2.Nauchites experience the joy of communicating with people, and they will tell you the friendliness and location. Does not divide people into good and bad, remember - it all depends on perspective. A man with a smile on his face is always preferable.

3.Kazhdy man perceives his own name, as the best and effective compliment. Teach your memory carefully memorize the names of others. You certainly will offend his interlocutor, forgetting his name.

4.Stat good conversationalist is very easy to do - are interested in the other party, let him say that it is interested in him, keep him confident that you are curious about it all, he says. Listen and hear - this is not the same thing. Strive to understand the conversation.

5.Ubezhdayte interlocutor in its significance, but do it sincerely. Remember - the most important human need is the desire to be recognized, valued highly.

The rules of persuasion

And these rules are associated with some skepticism, although practice shows their practical effectiveness. The rules of persuasion:

1.Edinstvenny way to victory in the dispute - is to avoid it. Take it for granted! In dispute is not the truth is born! The dispute posed a problem! The dispute - is a clash of opinions, ie, "Emergency situation", which is why it should be avoided. You can win the argument, but you still remain a loser, because your opponent will be to his own opinion, and forcing him to feel the force of your arguments, you inevitably will touch his vanity. So the more important to you - the formal sense of superiority or the location of a person?

2.Uvazhayte their opinion and do not forget to show it.

You can come to understand the man that he is not right, look, tone or gesture no less eloquent than words without hurting his pride. Spoken - "You're wrong!" - Strikes a blow of his intellect, his self-esteem and self-esteem! Equally significant, and many "wounds" does not allow an opponent to agree with you, even if the errors of its obvious!

Whether it is worth persuade people? We often live with the various convictions and even wrong, and it does not hinder us. Typically, a conflict of opinion arises artificially, and the inevitability of it depends entirely on our will. Difficult to convince people, even in favorable conditions. So why create unnecessary difficulties with his own? To explicitly not to impose their own opinions and views, the right to present them as forgotten or belonging to someone else. For example: "I read somewhere such a thought ...?" "You probably remember what else ..." "The Right not to oppose the views and offer your opponent to choose the right of the proposals. Not cause rejection, and this form - "Maybe I'm wrong. Let's check the facts. " Adopt a rule, avoid contrasts the views of others. Try not to use categorical words and expressions that involve firm views, for example: "obviously," certainly "," no doubt "," of course "," no doubt ", etc.
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