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As a child get rid of fears

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As a child get rid of fears?

Fears and nightmares come in almost every child. However, they still are not an indicator that the baby's nervous system is shattered, or that his health is not in order. But in any case, fears and nightmares - the phenomenon of negative, and your task - to help the child quickly to cope with them. As a child get rid of fear? " How can this be done? First of all naladte close contact with the baby, he must trust you and believe in what you love. Calm the child also contributes to the relations within the family.

Even if it is impossible to completely eliminate conflicts in the family, find out the relationship only if it is not close, and stick with it themselves consistently smooth and tender tones. Remember, though, that the attention and understanding for the baby's father is no less important than good relations with his mother. Your right actions will facilitate its state of stress and will help to ensure that it will no longer be afraid. But if the fears are? Do I need to see a doctor? If your child is sick, they can neutralize or at home. To this end, we developed a special program, which offered to your attention.

Program to neutralize the children's fears

The program consists of several stages, the first of which is a DRAWING of Fear. All children love to draw. Even two toddler reaches for a pencil and paper, trying to "express themselves in creative work." But after three years of painting becomes one of the favorite pastimes of the child, indicating that the development of his creative thinking. In addition, by drawing the child carries out the need to express their feelings and emotions. Psychologists have noticed that children's drawings convey their interests, hobbies, peculiarities of temperament, are the mirror of their inner feelings.
If the figures the kid is dominated by gray and black tones - you can talk about the lack of joie de vivre, a constant bad mood, a lot of fear with which his mind can not cope. When the dominant figures in bright, rich colors - this indicates vitality, high spirits and optimism. If a child puts paint in broad strokes, not in compliance with the scale does not make preliminary sketches, the story does not change the picture - it means the kid has a confident and determined character. This may also testify at his obstinacy. If the image is blurred, the picture is dominated by clear, but cross the line - the child is easily excitable, hyperactive.

Before you begin to depict the fears to inspire a child process of drawing. Ask him to draw something on the neutral theme: "On the street," "My Family", "Favorite Animals". The topic "My family has a special significance. The child must draw all family members. This will help you understand how a child perceives the relations within the family. Look at where he placed himself as close on the parents. If he found a place in the center of the picture, but close - the parents, it means that family relationships are even and fears the baby is not related to intrafamily conflict. Conversely, an alarm may be that the child drew himself away from his parents or close only one of them. This means that the family has all gone wrong. It is worth paying attention to the paint, which he enjoyed. If he painted a single color, and my mother and father - the other, it means that the baby more contact with his mother, and vice versa.

Draw what I'm afraid

The next topic of drawing can be: "What a terrible dream about me and what I'm afraid." First talk with your child on the souls, find out what he most fears, make a list of fears ("I'm afraid the bear, Baba Yaga, death, spiders, doctors, fire), then give the job to draw them. If he refuses to paint fears, it does not mean that they are not. Most likely, he denies them, and so it will be hard to overcome them. If he is depicted in figure any of its objects or frightening events, it means that he is prepared to overcome his fear. Do not think that a graphic increases the fear. Conversely, if you draw down the voltage from the suspense of something terrible. In Figure fear is not so sharp, as is depicted as something that has already happened, implemented, and therefore less scary.

Drawing should not last more than 20-30 minutes. A child can draw a few fears, and perhaps only one - a phenomenon which he fears most. Of great importance is also the atmosphere in which the child is engaged in painting. Support for parents, their endorsement help him gain confidence in yourself to overcome fear. It is important to express appreciation for the drawn, say that you are proud of him, because he no longer afraid. In general, pride - an amazing quality, it enhances self-esteem activity and self-confidence. No need to tell the child that now, after the drawing, you are sure that all the fears will disappear. It is better to tell your child that he perfectly coped with the task and everything goes according to plan.

If the child is not sure how to draw a particular fear, you can tell him how to portray it (but only in very general terms). Remember that the topic of death should be excluded because it is most difficult to understand, and images. After all the fears, will be drawn necessarily discuss the drawings with the child. Well, when such discussion is conducted jointly with other children, the effect of role models will help each of them to quickly deal with their own fears. Show your child his own image, with humor, describe what it shows. And then ask whether he is afraid now. Denial of fear necessarily secure praise. Even if the fear persists, it is not as strong as the baby feels your understanding and support.

Hooking up the game

If fears remain, offer to draw them again, but now that he may portray himself not afraid. If the first figure was depicted only the object of fear, now the child draws itself at the moment of confrontation him. This position acts as an indirect suggestion and added incentive to overcome fear. Final theme figures may be: "What I want to become." It brings a touch optimistic, adds confidence and helps cope with problems. He draws his future, but there's no place fears. Thus they are neutralized.

Achieved by drawing success in overcoming the fears must be secured in the game. Play with the child in the game: "Who will tell a better story." Start you're inventing a story in which the main character is afraid of something, but then overcomes his fear. Then ask the child to dream. Let him invent a story in which the hero is easy to cope with difficulties and overcome fear. Protagonist in this story may be a child himself and a fictional character. If the baby does not work, help him. And remember the main fear that torments a child, and use it to compose a fairy tale.

The impact of such stories on the kid can be strengthened to fake it by using dolls and soft toys - and let the child himself allocate roles. This little performance can be augmented with masks, costumes, songs and poems. Playing the same story of overcoming fear, the child himself is no longer afraid, because fear in most cases, only the unknown. And if he figured out for sure what constitutes terror and how it can be fought, it is not so scary. When a child lost contingent history, you can proceed to instsinirovke real events that happened to the baby or the person whom he knows.

How have you managed to see the problem of children's fears is very urgent. And if your child is prone to fear and nightmares, your job is to help him cope with them and feel confident. Necessary to establish the cause of children's fears and try to fix it. If the troubled condition of the child due to tensions in the family, that he ceased to be afraid, you have to adjust to family peace, learn to be kind to him.
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