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As a child learns the world

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As a child learns the world?

We're going for a walk. The kid wore, the money just in case - in my pocket. Thank God, while wheelchair behind, and you can simply, by the handle and quietly exit the elevator. Nevertheless, the kid for a second delay to look into the hole between the elevator doors. Once he dropped back toy car. Now every time it tries to discern.

-Mom, this is the tunnel?

Yes, the tunnel.

-As in the subway?

Yes, the subway tunnel, too.

Elevator closes. We leave the yard.

A tractor-where?

-What is the tractor?

Yellow, as seen yesterday.

Street children - a place of unexpected accidents, huge distances, and this boundless space for children is important for something to catch. This can be anything - building a tractor, a favorite hill or corner store. On the territory of streets and yards looking for a child familiar spots or familiar feeling - fun on the court, the rustling of leaves in the alley. The whole world - in the child's head, it's something with which already faced, so the street is always fraught with the unknown. Parents of children derive almost always with one purpose - to breathe fresh air, and for street children - it is another dimension. The texture of the road, a pool, a crack in the asphalt, the yellow flower on a bed. We are sure that they only recruited health and communicate with peers in the sandbox, and they suddenly freeze, and sitting on the cold curb, look suspicious to us as a cooing dove.
-Do not sit on a rock! - Kid pulled, he gets to play for the joy, breathing fresh air. And the mother is happy.

And then the broken knees.

A-ah-ah-ah-ah, why the road can be scratched?

A-ah-ah-ah-ah, why the slippery wet leaves?

Because the street - it is another kingdom. As a child learns the world? And simultaneously on the street child begins to learn the world around us. You can visit many classes to promote and show the baby pictures all over the world, but only touching the stone, metal, wood, cold gust of wind would cause in his mind the real feelings, stir genetic memory, make love or fear, will cause a desire to learn. And let the filth does not frighten you, buy the soap better and ahead of discovery! You control nothing terrible will happen.

Of course, it is very convenient to put the carriage on the balcony or walk to limit a child outside of the playground, and then you calmly rest of experiences okrikivaya only occasionally to her baby. But my advice: do not plant the aversion to a world in which we were born. Let the mud and water from a puddle, soaked feet, will leave in your child that a child felt ourselves, and he will not feel horror at the possibility of natural bad weather - cold, heat, rain.

Villagers, on the contrary, often suffer from fear of the subway and elevators, from ignorance of the fact that engineering works are absolutely safe when used correctly. Fear of closed space is claustrophobic. City dwellers, accustomed to the stairs and living in square meters, are surprised when they hear about the panic in the solarium or fainting in the elevator. Though they are experiencing discomfort, seeing my son wins a wasteland, retiring in a thicket of bushes.

To street you are not scared and you could easily walk there with your child, develop a safety in accordance with their area. Walk around with your child and discuss the district where the dangerous areas - roadway, construction, dump, and where safe places - sandbox meadow. Where can run, and where necessary, to go by the handle. And then, by mutual consent, the area where you live, will not only be "fresh air", but also a world in which we can find without spending nerves.
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