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As it is not necessary to deal with a man

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As it is not necessary to deal with a man

Sometimes in an effort to create the man of her dreams girls go too far! "To begin, I know all the ins and outs of it" - they think set the clock and spying on the object. My friend Veronica - a real amateur private investigation. What the detective lost our country! When she began to meet with Dimitri, known in her circles, ladies' man, we immediately decided for themselves:

- I found out about him everything that he does what he wants, sleeps with someone other than me, what his weaknesses, who his enemies are, in short, everything that he lives and breathes what - Veronica smiled slyly and solemnly promised - and when I know all about it, then find his Achilles heel, and then it will only mine.

Some time all went merrily and smoothly. Veronica mastered many subtleties. Learned to quietly go through his pockets, and so is distracting Dmitry and, using the moment to check his sms and calls to mobile. She really methodically and meticulously collected dossiers on him. But once, when the boyfriend was already in her "under the hood," Veronica pierced. As once on holidays in May, Dmitry refused to hold Veronica weekend on the pretext that it would be to drink beer with a dose. But

Veronica already had time to check his voice messages, she knew that Tolik for May goes to Peter. And on Friday, pulled blond wig and dark glasses, she went to track down her boyfriend. After work (in the office was a short day) Dmitri went not home, but in an unknown apartment, from pick up (who do you think?) Which is an unknown red-haired lady and took her to his dacha. Veronikinomu indignation knew no bounds. On reaching the problem, she waited for half an hour (wanting to catch the scoundrel in the act), then opened the door with his foot, saying: "Cheap bastard! How dare you hook onto which a ragged chickens behind me! ".
Raising his eyes, Veronica was numb. Red-haired lady was near the middle-aged hostess, pouring Dmitry gulls.

- Veronica, meet, this is my mom - Dmitri said calmly, - the things you can take away from my apartment on Monday. Hopefully, no longer see each other. No comment is one of the most striking examples of how you should not behave with men .

The monastery at home

Jealousy before a fall. Of course, it is good when your man looks only at you and admires you only. But for this he must be deaf and blind. Many girls are trying to control the thoughts, fantasies, and the views of his men and then go to really extreme measures. My friend Ilya shudder to tell about the horrible months that he lived with Marina, rampant blyustitelnitsey manners:

- She acted like a madman. When she looked Fashion TV, as soon as I enter the room, she switched the channel with the words: "What do models pinned to admire? FIGS you! Look at me! "Any transfer, where the lead was a woman who became a semi-legal. If we watched it together, viewing the program has been completely spoiled by her age-old question: "What do you want, like Masha Malinovskaya? What are you staring at her then? And Tina Kandelaki to your taste? It is that better than me? "

And so that began when she found my collection of porn and erotic magazines? Happened to her real hysterical with screaming: "What do you want, I'm this little?" Damn, yes I have these journals and magazines bought for five years before his acquaintance with her, gathered dust in my closet, I already forgot about them long ago. In the end, she solemnly burnt all my Playboy magazine in a ritual bonfire. And sorry, there were interesting articles. In general, for a long time I did not last, and we parted. When a person monitors your every breath is unbearable.

That's it. Do not want to be miserable, then let him compare your natural beauty with the charm otfotoshopennym glossy beauties. One hundred percent, the comparison will be in your favor! And if you yourself invite him to watch a movie together from his collection for adults ... you rightfully earned the title of the woman of his dreams!
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