As news programs affect children?
For preschoolers news - this time, when mom and dad sit near a TV, periodically shikaya each other: "Do not disturb!" Immediately it is clear that now, say something important. The kid does not realize that it is important, but now realizes that now everyone will be not up to it. Nine-hour evening news show after the "Good night, kids!", After you have washed and indulging the child went to his bed, saying goodbye to their parents. This was, at least, the Soviet tradition. But the conditions of life are such that children can sleep peacefully only when the adults calm down. Not all children have their own room. In addition, most children, especially those who are different mobility and irritability, can not fall asleep so early and sleep for as long as prescribed by the ideal scenario of sleep. Therefore, children regularly listen to news.
As news programs affect children? " Actually, kids are proud of if they're allowed to do something as an adult and with adults. For more unstable child attention, calculated at 2-4-minute plot, half an hour of political information - a lot! Of course, children are interested not so much what they say on TV, but the fact that parents say while watching. They saw: my mom scared, Dad is interested. Mom commented on the leading suit. Dad - Uncle conversation with a microphone. Actually, this is the outer row of news and remains as fuzzy scheme in memory of the child. You saw the children play in TV? Give them that opportunity, and you will see how they see the news! Girls prefer to be beautiful speakers.
Even adult women dream to lead evening news! And the boys want to be smart and brave correspondents. They find a microphone in his hand - the base of the pyramid, children's hammer, a big carrot, hidden from his mother and grandmother - and try to imitate the report. Remember kids only initial words and intonations of the news anchors: "Good day, dear viewers! In America, grew up a big elephant. And we bought it ... "More children have not come up with the news that, because for them the text that they hear on the news - semistructured gibberish.

Kids love when the show children, their age or just kids in the hospital. Most often, the children then want to talk about what they were young, pretty and what they have learned. In addition, children are very fond of stories about animals - it is their area of interest. And here they do not stand up and start asking her "why": why the cow ill? And what she ate? "(Information about foot and mouth disease in southern regions of Russia)," And we will go there on Sunday? And we have enough money to buy a ticket? "(A report from Jubilee circus color)," And let them to cook and feed them! "(The family displaced persons), etc. Seeing how the parents are actively involved in viewing news, the child also wants to participate.
And so please, if your son or daughter are watching the news with you, tell them a simple and true story that really shows. And kids are afraid that the news will soon be over: "And where are the news? And if they will no longer be? Well, to be output, and everything will be closed? "Recalls: Preschoolers concrete visual thinking. They are still difficult to generalize the concept. Their scope is limited to its own "habitat", and other countries they are represented as the same houses, apartments and kindergartens, in which they walk.
And in this world, kid events, fortunately, does not occur with such speed with which they are talked about with the TV screen. Of course, is a birthday, come to visit, but not every day! And then the kid thinks so: "If a bowl of candy lies slightly, then one day they will be gone. And while bowl is empty ... "Hence, the news should end as candy and cakes. We must explain to the child that candy and cakes in a vase dragged hundreds of reporters from all corners of the earth. And when some sleeping, others, like ants working.
Not all of your children watch
Do not forget that news today often become the source of fears and neuroses, even for many adults. Crime scenes, shooting and corpses - not for preschoolers. They are so, due to their age and their vulnerability, fear death, disease and devastation. Yes, are you sure that you can explain it to them all? Newscasts on the war and terrorist attacks are designed for adults. They - not for children! Many of the children, peeking reporting from Beslan, refused to go the next day at school. They have become secondary victims of the attacks. If you see that child frightened or stir up, talk to him about it. Do not forget to say calm: "I'll not give it," "I'll never give up!" Children are afraid because they are helpless and they are very worried that they were not strong enough to withstand trouble.
In this case, the important physical contact with a child - non-verbal action. Baby to hug, squeeze, to show that you're next. Rational arguments are good at a later stage, when children begin to learn abstract concepts: the "dangerous", "far away", "rare" ... a child under 7 years, it is important to maintain that he was not afraid to express emotion, did not hesitate to fear, could talk about them to adults, to seek and expect help. And, finally, about the weather. Children do not understand what the temperature in degrees Celsius. They certainly know what is summer, autumn, winter, spring. Sometimes heat or cold. Therefore, during the weather they had better explain: "It will be cold, put on warm socks and your favorite warm hat ...
News watching, not all parents. Some now prefer to recognize them from the Internet. For many television - it's just an excuse for entertainment. There are studies that show that adults who watch the news with greater criticality and pragmatism are the most television. It occupies a subordinate place in their lives - a place of technical devices for transmitting information. This is not the most appreciative audience, it's hard "to plant", he did not have a decisive influence on the ratings and, consequently, does not bring revenue broadcasters. But this viewer retains its "I", do not forget about their interests, and he plans while viewing programs. If we are in your family brought up watching the news at night, do not forget to comment them out. So you are indirectly convey to their children a culture of rational relationship to any, not only the worst television information.