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As part of scoundrels

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As part of scoundrels?

Farewell dresskod - this is a very special and very important point for any separation. But in parting with the apostate, fools and scoundrels - a matter of paramount importance! When going to part with a villain who does not appreciate you, most importantly, as they say, to suit sat! No bruises under her eyes! No funeral mines and black, modest clothing! You're not a widow and not the heroine of the tragedy. You're absolutely nothing to lose! Do you think the former is useful to know about it.

If you did not appreciate it if you frequently hear criticisms and insults in his address, if you hurt his unflattering comments to you a matter of honor to make their final exit memorable and the most spectacular. Imagine that you are a Hollywood or Broadway star during his benefice. Choose the most gorgeous outfit. You should look seductive and available simultaneously. Lay the hair, make-up. So, a few tips to ac part with scoundrels .

Appear spectacular, and spectacularly, and during the farewell to explain to himself proudly, regally and with great dignity. In order to keep themselves well, so should feel. Can you come for a farewell meeting in a taxi, a crush in the subway and ottoptannye weekend shoes clearly will benefit your mood and your self-esteem. The most elegant version - you foreign car drives up on a luxurious new fan or someone willing to play along to you.

For example, my girlfriend, throwing her ex decided to play the whole performance by all the laws of the genre. She quickly found a beautiful and spectacular friend, who agreed to be the new boyfriend. Then beg for her older sister luxury Mercedes for one night. After that, it turned out that her lzheuhazhera no rights. They have long argued about what to do. "It can not bring up my sister with me supposedly new boyfriend - says the girl - should something come up."

Then the nurse gave the guy a couple of driving lessons. At the appointed hour, it took them to the venue. Parked behind the house, lzheboyfrend moved behind the wheel and proudly drove three hundred meters to the right place. It turns out their "audience" has not yet come. And consequently, a spectacular emergence has gone unnoticed. "Let me once again podedu" - offered a taste logged guy who likes to ride behind the wheel of Mercy. " So they went back and forth until it came up "hero of the occasion."
In short, arranging such performances, be careful not to get into the ridiculous or stupid the situation. However, there is a way to avoid such failures: in fact, find the luxurious new guy on the luxurious new car. Of course, no easy task. However, she decides two issues simultaneously. All the same vengeance and a desire to hurt the former - this is temporary, but a new love for foreign cars, perhaps forever. But how much fun!

Not interfere with fundamental rights and principles of the bitchiness of separation on which to build your valedictory speech:

1.Pomni, brevity - the sister of talent. One small but trenchant frazochka is usually more efficient and more painfully long accusatory monologue. Choose his most sensitive spot, and beat on it without regret.

For example, one of my friends, catching her boyfriend in bed with her best friend, all his excuses and requests for a second chance said cheerfully: "Why, dear, you for me now is like the used condom! Condoms I twice did not use. " True, the word "condom" is replaced by synonymous with the letter "r". It was wonderful!

2.If you want to make him nervous and feel uncomfortable during the farewell call, looked at some of its shortcoming. If he has a double chin or beer belly, without hesitation pyalsya straight there. If a pimple on my cheek, just keep staring at him. If there is no visible flaws, you can stare at his manhood. Only a little more skepticism in his eyes. He will certainly feel uncomfortable.

3.If your ex - nerobkogo dozen small and sharp on the tongue, if you're afraid that in a verbal duel you will not be able to win, is to leave in English, without saying goodbye. Just stop calling him. And his calls to throw up, or change the mobile number. Cruel? Yes. But this option in an extreme case, if you know that your proposal to leave, he will find millions of caustic remarks and insulting words, which seriously undermine your self-esteem and will be remembered for life.

Revenge - a dish that should be served cold

Revenge - it's not just a way to throw out the negativity and get even for their grievances, but also an excellent opportunity to demonstrate their ingenuity and creativity. Plenty of room for imagination is really huge. You can get ideas in the movie ("Kill Bill" in this case is not the best example!) Or come up with something, straight from the tin. I've had friends who were placed photos of his former gay dating sites, accompanied by their phone number and some sort of bottom-hole recruiting frazochkoy like "Call me, my Pupsik, I'm a hot guy!".

Some ordered and disburse huge banners somewhere near his home or office with his portrait and acerbic commentary. Other limited hard mail. One of my friend made up a whole ode, where the poetic form sets out all of their complaints and claims the former. Ashamed to admit it, but I myself began his journalistic career with ostrosatiricheskoy article about his former and frustrated passion. It turned brutally frank to rudeness, but in general, witty. Editor, which caught the eye of this article, and herself while going through a difficult period, entitled "All Men - free ..." and therefore immediately took me to work.

But in fact, examples of revenge ends than good, not so much. If, despite everything, you're all the same as that decided to annoy the former, be careful. Remember that evil returns. Do you want to sow the seeds in your life violence? However, if hunting Forest bondage act. But remember, too, need to take revenge on the mind. First, ideally, if your vendetta will be constructive in nature. For example, a poem, article, letter or your ex <previous treated in Photoshop so that the stomach can be torn the laughter. Creativity - a great way to throw out the negative. Your energy will be directed to the peaceful course, and very soon you will realize that sincerely forgive the former for all what he was and was not guilty. Second rule: even the most brutal revenge must not be harmful to health. This is not creativity, and cognizable case. So keep yourself within and not "order it" former street hooligans, a professional killer or his housekeeper, who scalded him with boiling water according to thy decree.

And finally, the third. If you got in mind to avenge the former, then former revenge! Under the distribution should not get a girl with whom he cheated on you, his new passions, friends or relatives. You did hurt just one person with him and understand. As for the girls with whom he slept, it is possible that they are just victims of circumstances, as you yourself. So before you tear each other hair, remember who the true culprit of your troubles.
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