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As the week affect your life

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As the week affect your life
It is our wish that the circumstances have always evolved only in our favor, that we opened the shortest path to implement his plans to quickly find assistants and on the path of life found only the right people. Likely it will seem incredible, but a moment to catch your luck is really possible, this will help us to ancient astrological system of knowledge, precisely because it can learn to manage time given to us so that our luck did not leave. Each day of the week corresponds to a certain planet, she manages the day, which means that on certain days we can feel the impact of Governors of the planets. Such planets seven: The Moon (in astrology as a convenience, and the Moon and the Sun are called planets), Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Sun.

Monday afternoon heavy?

Monday is the manager of the emotional and impressionable Moon, it is linked with our mental state, so this day we are very painful tolerated criticism. Any comments, changes, surprises may this day be perceived rather ambiguously. We are unstable in the day, because Monday is ruled by emotion. That is why many consider Monday afternoon difficult and even unsuccessful. Try not to start new cases, not to sign major contracts, do not make investments, etc.

Actually not so bad as it might seem at first glance. Benefits for themselves can be drawn even on Monday. Times a day of emotions - let's use it! That same day, you can punch and beg for pity from his boss for a pay rise, go into an unscheduled leave or ask for time off. If you can not find the right person a common language - do it on Monday! This is the day when the spiritual conversation over a cup of coffee will be perfectly fine received by your correspondent.

It was on Monday the easiest to make contact and find a common topic of conversation. On this day can not go ahead, it took a foaming at the mouth, fall into the ambition and achieve the desired shouting and threats. Only sincere and heartfelt will help to achieve the desired results. The truth should caution - any deception in this day will be opened, because the moon enhances intuition and you can easily expose.
Militant Tuesday

Since Tuesday's militant manages the planet Mars - the day you may be in conflict, to break away, to face incomprehension and annoyance of colleagues and friends. In spite of this achieve the desired in this day is quite real. This is the day when you need to trust their impulses. If you would like to tell the authorities about their ideas, but I doubt it is worth it? Then again Tuesday as the day that your ideas will be appreciated.

If you would like to reveal their feelings of the loved one - this day will also help you to be heard. Mars - the planet of action and instinct, so this day is better not to postpone something for later. Since Mars is a masculine planet, Tuesday is the best suited to communicate precisely with the opposite sex. Be your character on this day, show others that your opinion should be considered, show the will and fortitude.

If you find it difficult to be decided on a serious conversation - Tuesday the most appropriate day to dot the "J". But despite all this, do not forget that on Tuesday, any dispute can escalate into a squabble, and any showdown - end break. So do not let your emotions and anger overwhelm sanity.

Catch your luck at changing environment!

Planet of the environment - it's Mercury, the planet is very changeable, which gives each of us eloquence, cunning, good communication. Since Mercury is the planet of change and anything new in the environment can not sit still. This means that it is the movement and sociability may bring that day a success! Your ability to communicate, to tell something new, to draw attention to you.

If you've always wanted someone to remind myself, but never tried - Wednesday the best day for this. If on the way to achieving its design you've used all there is to try - a trick. It is under the auspices of the Mercury you will be able to cheat anyone! But do not forget that you are on this day can easily trick!

Also on Wednesday, fortune smiles gambling people. The planet Mercury is to the air element, therefore the motto of the medium - the ease in everything! If you're going to talk about their feelings, do not come up with a long speech, just say - "I love you." On this day we should not talk about their problems and crying shoulder. You will not understand and the problems of your rapidly forgotten.

Mercury - the planet is changeable, so the environment is changing rapidly, not only mood but also plans, as well as very quickly forgotten promises. So do not promise what can not perform, and themselves less, believe it promises. But any problems on Wednesday, will be resolved with ease.

Business Thursday

Thursday ruled by Jupiter - the planet of social life, communication in society. That Thursday the most successful for the job, careers, contracts, etc. etc. On this day, to as much as possible is at work, talk with relatives about their work on the problems associated with work or plans - and you will listen with interest and something to advise.

If you want to talk to superiors about the wage increase itself or its employees, Thursday is the best for this approach. You at least listen and take your request into accout, but if it does not comply with the bosses, be patient and remind them of bread next Thursday - you'll see, you should definitely go to a meeting! On this day we are ready to consider the interests of others, and this means that this particular day is to enter into contracts and transactions on mutually beneficial conditions!

But not everyone is so good day, managed by Jupiter. This planet is connected not only with success but also the phenomenon of sprawl problems. So to did not happen that you Thursday was the worst day - try to solve problems encountered on this day promptly. Do not let them take their course and not delay the decision on Friday. In this case, saying: "sleep on it" - do not play in your favor.

We give his feelings on Friday!

Since Friday is the manageress beautiful Venus, the goddess of passion, feeling and beauty - on Friday we could not do without feelings and all that is beautiful. On this day, must seek to understand others' feelings, to beauty, to the beautiful communion. Stay up to this day, polite and considerate to others and you will receive in response to the same attention and courteous attitude.

Spend a little more than usual attention to their appearance in this day and you do not have time to look around, as you increase the interest of others. Try to do the job on Friday, carefully, slowly, so the result was beautiful. Since Venus - female planet, then this day would be appropriate to pay compliments to women, care for, provide them with tokens. Woo the boss is very easy it is Friday!

On Friday, women are more open and trusting, to this day, they usually require more attention. Therefore, men should take advantage of this skill. Provide the attention of his colleague, make up, if you had an argument with his girlfriend, do compliment a business partner - will appreciate your action, and in return you get the friendship and warm feelings to himself.

Strict Saturday

This afternoon the planet of restrictions and controls the strictness - Saturn. Therefore, on Saturday to restrain myself, communication must be no unnecessary words and substantively. Bad day to talk about their failures and experiences, or rattle or anything. On Saturday, a very advantageous to go shopping - rest assured, the day Saturn will not allow you to spend too much or buy unnecessary things.

Since Saturn is - it is our karma, our cross, our debt, many of the day may feel frustrated and depressed, complaining about fate. Saturn is also called a planet bitterness of life, so be sure to this day do not sort things out with family and not to punish children. Do not add to the life of the loved ones of bitterness. Try to be in this day affectionate and tender, gave close to a surprise, make a baby gift.

On Saturday, it is best to do the cleaning, make all superfluous and unnecessary from the house. Just Saturn will help you bring order to their thoughts and feelings. If you left something unsaid is better to find out exactly on Saturday. If you are someone hurt - ask for forgiveness when wronged you - sorry.

Since Saturn is also a symbol of law in this day is not recommended for someone to cheat, cheat, attempt to violate the law. Saturn does not like change and innovation, so in this day honoring the traditions of his family. Saturn planet strict and conservative, be prudent in this day, do not talk too much, avoid excesses, whether it's food, drink, sex - and Saturn will always give you good luck.

Luck is sunny Sunday!

Since Sunday manages the Sun - the planet of joy, creativity and sublime feelings on this day, many turn to their spirituality, looking for romance. On such a day would not be appropriate to march into a restaurant or an expensive gift, and a walk in nature, going to the theater. On Sunday, everything must be approached philosophically and creatively. Do not be surprised if this day you will shine a new plan for a profitable project, you will find an original way to solve old problems.

On this day, try listening to the partners to take into account their personality, show respect. After all, the sun is associated with the personality of each of us. If you want others to appreciate your "I" - appreciate it in others. The sun - it's gold, luster, beauty, it is not surprising that on this day you can wake up the desire to get everything at once.

If you want to impress a woman to attract her attention - boldly promise her a star from the sky if you want to get a valuable employee, tell us about the favorable prospects, etc. You will believe and accept your offer! Promise to the right people everything that they want to hear!

Sunday will be happy for you, if you find a creative approach to existing problems and any targets set for that day. Demonstrate your individuality and do not suppress other people's. Try something new and original! Be generous and considerate to others, and then Sunday will be for you a happy day!

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