As there are holy springs
The story of their origin is always associated with a miracle. And these marvels, perhaps, the only ones who fully recognizes the Holy Orthodox Church. Talking about each source, I will tell you about a miracle, which was accompanied by the appearance of the holy key. Sacred springs always arise unexpectedly: the land are opened, and from beneath it begins to beat pure water. And it can happen anywhere: in the plain, on a hill in the mountains. There are cases when the spring begins to beat right out of stone!

Sacred springs were known to people in ancient times. I have already resulted in the beginning of this book is a story from the Bible about water Ovchey fonts, which at times included angel troubled the water. First, who dipped into the water after it became an angel, cured of the disease. But around the world the holy sources is not very much. The largest number of saints key is in Russia. Some of them are very ancient, others are more recent. It is known that the holy key, stepping from one location, you may be in another, and always accompanied by signs and wonders. One of the monks of Mount Athos, coming to Russia, was struck by an abundance of holy sources. He exclaimed in surprise: "There are more holy springs than on Mount Athos! Now I know why Russ called Sacred. " Indeed, sources in Russia a lot. To mention just about everyone would have to write a book! Here I will tell only of those who became famous for miracles of healing the whole of Russia.