As to be able to distinguish an honest man from a liar?
Honest people - it is a strong personality, but very often their desire to be honest, always and everywhere makes them a very harsh critics. As a rule, too straight people, we fear, and condemn the dishonest. Deceitful man is by nature weak, because he is afraid to speak the truth, wanting to make their lives easier. Communicate with the true man is not always comfortable, as not very nice to talk with someone who can tell you what he thinks of you, nothing to hide and not embellishing. Absolute honesty is not always makes a person want to talk. In conversation, such people can be tactless and cutting in expressions. For many people, honesty - is the opportunity to make a man in the face of all that boiling, all that's on his mind.
In dealing with a completely honest and straight people need to behave cautiously. Causing it to open conversation, be prepared for the fact that your partner may say what you will be unpleasant to hear. So do not provoke the interlocutor, who is prone to peremptory truth, to express their views on all issues. This can greatly spoil your mood. If, however, your partner starts too hard to speak, then you should stop him, let him know that you value his opinion, but you would be pleased to hear from him some praise or a compliment, not the naked truth. In a conversation with an honest man, you must be completely honest, try not to conceal anything: they have very well developed intuition, and they immediately will bite you if you try to deceive them.
On the dishonest people we have withdrawn are not very flattering - the type of slippery, unpleasant person. How to be able to distinguish an honest man from a liar? " People who have something to conceal, hide, nedoskazyvayut usually very unnatural to behave: they were either cloying saccharine to, or rude to the obscene. They are generally not able to withstand the gaze of the interlocutor for longer than 10 seconds. Prefer not look straight in the eye, and, for example, on the nose, the tip of the nose, at the intersection of the eyebrow or consider any foreign object. They usually speak quite slowly, with long pauses. Liar with the experience is always very careful to present the facts, trying to supposedly remember something more precisely.

And they themselves at this time simply invent the most interesting and shocking denouement of the story. In a conversation with them you will not get bored: they will be able to delight your ears bike on all sorts of topics, their rich fantasy turns any banal story in this thriller, comedy or drama. Communicating with a liar - is another reason to laugh. If you saw through your buddy, do not directly incriminate him of cheating. Typically, such people will always be relevant excuses: "Really? Really? That's really out of this gossip Tanya finotdela privret forever. " They can also complain on their own forgetfulness or ignorance. So in a conversation with a better liar ever listen to the end, and then together with his friends laugh at the master of fiction and deceit.