As with credit does not get
Each person has a perfectly normal desire to live well. Gone are the days when we had years to accumulate on the furniture and appliances. Swept all the credit boom, and how! After a loan you can take absolutely everything: from your mobile phone and ending with real estate. Banks go to great lengths to lure as many customers. Credits from one year to become available. Whereas previously a prerequisite was an income statement, and to some costly thing could not even give credit, but now most banks open credit without this help! Well as to refrain from the temptation?
Not fully aware that the bank gives you a loan with a sufficiently clear purpose - to take with you interest in the heat of consumer desires, you can open even more credits! Too many people see credit as manna from heaven, completely unaware that you not only will pay the full cost of the goods, so still and pay bank interest on the loan!
Why do we so easily agree on the conditions that we put the bank? The answer is simple, many argue as follows: The loan is living all over the world! So why can not I do the same?
Yes this is true, a credit system prevalent in the developed world, but do not forget that in these countries, this type of loan is accompanied by a series of laws!
Credit may be taken such as are commensurate with your income, in the west necessarily before to give you credit check your credit history. Nobody will open a new loan if you have debts of the old, or if you have opened some credits! The most important thing in other countries, bank interest rates are much lower than in Russia!
Take out a loan or not to take ...
Before you borrow any thing you need to clearly define for themselves whether this thing is a necessity, so whether it is important to you at this time. A simple example of life: a young family is going to buy a plasma TV. In this case, than more expensive the better, what trifles the same loans!
Yes, the TV they want and why and why plasma necessarily very expensive? Well, because it's cool, and it does not matter that the apartment is the repair and the only furniture in the room sofa and a cupboard on the other hand, when friends come, they will check out all of the steepness of such a purchase. Funny, is not it?
The same situation, for example, with washing machine. If taken from the salary, would be looking primarily for functionality, the main thing to deal with all of its functions, and fashion "chips" we do not need it. But if the credit - it is quite another matter! Why take the cheap? Walk, so walk! Almost half of the credits - this stuff is not essential! These are things that really want to take, because I like it because it is fashionable because it's cool - but for the most part, if you think about, it can be completely dispensed with, or without these things, or take a similar much cheaper.
Before you arrange the loan carefully weigh all the pros and cons. If this thing you really need at this time, and you are sure there is no other way to buy it, but to get credit, then you will be helpful to know some more important aspect of the loan.
How not to get stuck in a credit history
So, you are tuned to take the credit, determined with the thing and its brand, as well as cost. First of all, you should divide the cost of things at that time, which are going to take out a loan to know how much you have to pay per month. Do not forget to add on to these interest payments, which will take you to the bank for giving you credit. But from this point be careful! If the amount of monthly payments is not more than 25% of your income, it is quite feasible loan, and if this amount is closer to 40-50%, you know - it's utopia!
Very soon you will feel all the "charm" of such credit and your life will turn into a continuous stress. Usually people, counting how much they would be able to pay monthly, do not take account of force majeure. And if God forbid, get sick? After all, credit is made usually from several months to several years, it is clear that during this time can happen anything. You have broken through the battery flew plumbing, burned out refrigerator, etc. Intermeddle not need a loan, whereby you have to sit on some pasta!
The second point, you have chosen the model came into the shop with the necessary documents for credit on this thing, and suddenly the seller starts to rub you the confidence that such is the model that is much better than yours! So what that it is almost twice as expensive, so it's the same but the thing! You'll still be paying for her parts on a monthly basis - well pull their socks up a bit, but she's worth it! Do not succumb to such provocation!
Well, who argues that the refrigerator door with a built-in screen and control of frost in the freezer with a remote control - a miracle of technology and have the dreams of everyone, but when you consider that in the next few months, you had practically nothing can be put, because of for saving, so can not be run to such extremes?
The third and most important point - read the contract carefully! The fact that you do not understand ask while you are still not a signatory. If the contract you think you are too confusing, and a bank employee can not give you a clear answer to these questions - so whether it makes sense to issue a loan is through the bank? You always have a choice, choose the one bank that you no longer inspires confidence that you advise friends and family.
Any bank you can find information on the Internet, as well as a store or product that you intend to purchase. Nobody says that you can not take credit, but it should be done wisely. If you have to overpay for the item bought twice as much of its value, so whether the loan is justified? Can not help recalling a famous aphorism, "Do not things define a person's life and his attitude towards them." Let's surround yourself with things that we really needed, because it is not they who determine the attitude towards us around - we do and we alone!