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Ascendant treatment in the homes of Radix

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Ascendant treatment in the homes of Radix
 In I the house. Special way selects all instructions and Radix Ascendant dominant force. Often notes the direction that will influence the next years (months, if the Moon): the foundation of such a society, company, setting the foundations of something or the dominant influence of others (such as meeting her future husband in a woman's horoscope, and the first elections of political leaders and m . etc.).

 In the II house. The tendency to earnings or raster, depending on the aspects of construction, erection. The leading role played by the Fund, capital, affairs.

 In the III house. Environment, brothers or writings will play a major role during this period. Pushed forward movement or intellectual activity.

 In the IV house. May relate to real estate purchase or change of residence, the various transactions, etc. Since the IV is a cardinal house, mingling with the midnight hour, and manages the occult may have a magic value of the house: to highlight the introversion, developments relating to relatives or property.

 V V house. Start career. The possibility of expansion and creativity, if confirmed in Radix. Link or multiple links. May become an important commodity or speculative questions. Since this house manages the teaching, diplomacy, consular functions and honors, all of which can occur when light is helpful.

 The VI house. Period, which distinguishes health or professional opportunities: medicine, commerce, etc. all the attributes used at home. Typically, the Sun and Uranus is the new orientation of professional life. Subordinates may also acquire importance.

 In the VII house. Position of importance, as well as all the provisions of the angular fields. Can highlight the process and all sorts of legal issues. Others may hold part of their own destiny of man as the main event of the period will come through another person. This may be a marriage, the union win the public, an important contact. May also develop a sense of hostility, criticism, contestation. General

should bear in mind a strong impact on other (seduction with Venus, teaching with Jupiter, the policy with the Moon or Uranus). In the VIII house. Capital, evolution, sexuality, dreams, etc. can form the basis periods or one of its dominating influence. Period may also indicate the importance of someone's death.

 In the IX house. The main value will relate to teaching, or traveling abroad. This provision is helpful for religious educators, and intellectuals. May point to an important event in connection with foreign countries, such as transfers for writers to work with foreigners as translators, the promotion of employment or the development of cases for the business person. It may also highlight the process and all legal matters, or visit one of his relatives by marriage with the test or in-law, coming from far away friends mother), teaching a foreign language.

 In the X house. Perhaps the importance of the influence of the mother in a man's horoscope, or a father in the women's concerns and happy changes and new opportunities in the state. There is an upward movement. Actions can be allocated (for the sake of a person or a mediocre happiness). Period when people can come close to the government or to gain promotion.

 In the XI house. Plans, policies or advertisement under the favorable influence. Period marked by new friends and expanding friendly ties. Sometimes this new orientation and the beginning of an artistic career (as well as the Ascendant in the V house Radix).

 In the XII house. Period, which favors mainly underground work, secret activities (eg, laboratory tests, the occult). Actions risk being tossed or scattered. Because XII house is also the home of a secret love, this value should also be borne in mind from the health perspective is possible illness or hospitalization. Period may be marked by an event of a mystical order, for example, conversion, if it promises to Radix.
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