Ask for and be granted?
Girls can ask about anything and everything they routinely get away with. You can ask for a favorite to get you the moon. You can ask a stranger to replace the guy you punched the wheel on the car. Here are just pay raise request is usually very difficult ... Most of the girls are sure: to ask for a raise embarrassing (indecent, stupid, useless, risky). Why? Because if so sue, then ask - is virtually the only real opportunity to get it. Do you think your boss telepath? Is he himself must guess that you expect to raise? However, even if he guesses about your desire to get bigger, then he is not obliged to do anything.
Why? You work for reasonable money for it and on what not complain because of what you raise him? So what about his desire to earn more not only possible but necessary. Ask for and celebrate ! But how to do it correctly?
1. Start with the positive. Tell me what you really like working for this company, but you'd like to get a raise. Unobtrusively take an interest about the possibility of personnel changes. Ask, what are your chances to increase their income by serving in this company? Importantly, speak calmly and confidently. No need to lizoblyudstva humiliated. If you consider yourself worthy of better wages, behave accordingly.
2. No need to run over. This is absolutely hopeless way. Bosses salary increases to those employees who do not just deserve it, but who also have to themselves. Your accusations rather will set up a boss against you.
3. No need to put "lzheultimatumov. That is to say: "Either you raise my salary or I'm going to competitors." So you can do only if you really luring some rival company with a decent salary, and you would like to stay at the old place. Then you can put all their cards on the table. But, again, be benevolent. Say: "I do not want to leave this team, but offered more salary ..." Let the boss himself to decide whether it makes sense to keep you at the same workplace?
Bird in the hand
When Western psychologists conducted a case study in Russia, they were shocked by the results to the depths. What is so different from the average Russian worker of its western counterparts? It turns out that the majority of Russian people, working in his firm, psychologically oriented way that "do not lose their job, by all means stay on the job, while their Western colleagues set themselves the task" at all costs climb career ladder and become successful. "
What kind of approach is more secure and profitable? Many people think that to claim a higher position is very risky. After all, you may have podsizhivat his boss, to compete with colleagues and even to wage war without rules. Little did the workers were fired for trying to "vypendritsya. No, better to sit quietly and peacefully at his workplace, to receive salary and be put in relative safety.
In fact, just such a mindset is the most risky. After saying to yourself "if only not fired, you will automatically programmiruesh itself on the negative. After that, do not be surprised if you actually fired. In fact, nobody wants a mediocre, gray and passive workers. The desire for career and material growth is natural. There is nothing reprehensible. After all, a man who seeks to climb the corporate ladder, trying to show their best side. He continually gives fresh, relevant ideas.
He is doing his utmost for the prosperity of the firm. Such staff to more valuable than those who are simply trying to "stay in the firm." So, being passive and bored at work just a risky policy. After all, if you spit on their growth and development, then you probably do not care and development firm in which your wares. So do not deny yourself the pleasure all the time to grow and improve both their skills and wages.
Ups and downs
A miracle happened: you have raised! Now you're a big boss. Well, or maybe not quite big, but it is not just an ordinary employee. It would seem that this is a wonderful event could not be dangerous or risky priori. But there it was. In fact, just such booms often are the causes of quarrels, envy and latent aggression in the team. Do not take from both of the earth you have enemies suddenly appear, although I seem to surround you some friends. Do not understand where are the rumors about how you made this very improving and who are you spared in the fight for a warm place. Yes, unfortunately, not all people are willing to genuinely enjoy others' success. So how do you avoid the envy and resentment of colleagues after his meteoric rise?
1. Do not be too soon to wind itself. It is possible that the problem is you and not be affected. Not all groups are equal. Therefore, not all people perceive someone else's career as a personal insult. So do not look for a plot where none exist. Do not try to discover their hidden enemies and the envious. Surely the new post you can find better things to do. And remember who is looking for, he always finds, so do not look!
2. If you still found some resentment, hostility to myself, try to understand its causes and extent. Some of the employees you just can lure to their side by promising them their patronage and support. It would be difficult to envy you or hate you, once you promise that the negotiations with the chief of a raise or help push a mutually beneficial project. In short, instead of cultivating grievances, seek common ground and common interests.
3. If your interests do not intersect, or the negative other employees against you desire more reasonable cooperation, look for ways to bring them out of the game. That is not necessarily ruin their careers and dismiss the offenders. On the contrary, try to move them to another department or float in a competing firm, and can, and do organize the promotion. In short, anything, just would not interfere once again at work. After working in the atmosphere of the Cold War is extremely unproductive.