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Asp from the evil eye damage

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Asp from the evil eye, damage

The people called Whisper aspen-tree. It applies to virtually all types of spoilage. In broth twigs and bark spoiled bathe patients, dry crust fumigate them. Decoction of the leaves wash the evil eye.

• drive a wooden stake in the graves of vampires.

• aspen buds help with bronchitis, prostatitis, nephritis, eczema and trophic ulcers.

• Decoction of bark is effective for prostatitis, hemorrhoids, salt deposits.

• tincture of kidneys taken inside in bronchial asthma. Ointment on pork fat with aspen buds are used for hemorrhoids.

• Fresh leaves crushed and applied to the sting of snakes.

• When hernia in children should drink a decoction bark of young twigs of aspen. The bark is cut from the branches, which are no thicker than a human finger.

• When damage to the joints need to sleep on the aspen boards.

• When the harvest the bark, the stem diameter must not exceed 20cm. The bark should be free of moss. It can not be dried in the sun.

• Decoction of bark taken inside the young at a delay of urination and inflammation of the kidneys, joint pain, arthritis of the hip joint, as well as from scurvy, and syphilis.

• Who has a sore mouth, as well as paralysis of the language necessary to make a decoction, and rinse them in the mouth.

• If a person is not drinking, you need to mix equal parts of aspen, birch, fir bark, chop. Powder take a teaspoon 3 times a day.

• Decoction of buds used for diarrhea, fever, muscle aches colds, as well as a strong diuretic and diaphoretic.
• alcohol tincture kidney (50 g kidney 300ml of vodka) drink with abscesses of internal organs.

• Decoction of leaves taken for acute and chronic inflammation of the bladder, hemorrhoids, gout, rheumatism, painful urination.

• Dried and pounded into powder buds of aspen, mixed with fresh cream or sunflower oil, serve as a means of wound healing in burns, chronic ulcers, and are used to soften the hemorrhoids.

• Young leaves are chopped parboiled, are used for poultices to treat gout and rheumatism.

• Decoction of buds - analgesic and diaphoretic in fever, protracted colds, pneumonia and pulmonary tuberculosis.
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