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Assistance of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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Assistance of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1

Before going to court, read the amulet piece of paper three times. Leaf with a guardian put in your passport and take with you.

My Holy Lady Theotokos, Mother hymned! On thee, on thee nadeyusya that Thou hope of being unreliable, the force helplessness, poverty wor jerking, cover napastvuemyh for NTRY Obidimo, hlebomanno, pleasing the hungry, hungry for the nectar of heavenly repose, Preblagoslovennago Mother of God, Blessed and Immaculate Virgin! To seek refuge in Thee united, to Your cover vsedushno kneels, Mistress. Do not despise crying and tears, joy crying! Ashche terrifies me my unworthiness and okayanstvo my sins, but assures me tselbonosny this image, on nemzhe Thy grace and power, for Thou inexhaustible sea vizhdu: blind his sight, skipping the lame, the errant Tanks in shadow of Thy charity, obscene retreat, around the petition blagoizobilstvuyuschih ; on the add way of looking pardon, pribegoh, blind sy dushevnyma ochima and chrome mental sense. About World Nezahodimy! Enlighten and correct me, knowest all my sorrow, vesi any trouble, do not despise my prayer, O Poleznodatelnitse! Not abhor mene sinner, do not despise mene skvernago; BEM, for they all can, elika volishi, the Good Hope mine, my refuge from the mother's breasts moeya. To Thee am committed to the mother's womb moeya, leave you am not forsake Me, not far from me, now and ever and ever and ever. Amen.


Wrap the leaf with the talisman in his handkerchief. In court, wipe it with a handkerchief (a talisman) on several occasions.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Lay boards in the open field, spread out on four sides, one end to the east, the other end to the west, the third end to the north, the fourth end to summer. Go, my enemies, slanderers, zloslovniki on all four sides, where your eyes look, where your legs are, but on my back, I was not looking, my name forget. With me Lord and His Blessed Mother. Amen.

For mercy of the court

1.Podsheyte amulet to dress when you go to court.

Go to trial, the three angels with him, take it. An angel stands at the door, a second angel court administers the third angel of my enemies eyes veiled, judges mouth bar. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

2.Polozhite in the left shoe when you go to court.

Worth prison, a blank wall, out of that wall of the pier did not hear the screams and groans they hear not, and will judge my deaf and silent, but not hear the words suprotiv me. Amen.

3.A this Ward put in a right shoe.

Not go to court, go to the Lord's meal. As for the Lord's table of all the fun and joy, so would I, the servant of God (name), the court was delighted, by the grace of God was justified in jail stayed back home. Amen. Amen. Amen.

4.Etot guardian keep in your pocket or purse so that periodically you could touch it by hand. Touching a talisman when ask your soul.

Hand once touch - one angel to protect me. The other hand just touch - two angels to help me. Three times the touch - three angels in my defense. Hand touches the angels flied, wall stand, condemn me not give. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

5.Podsheyte this amulet to the collar.

Sew-sew uncircumcised secret, sew-sew foes languages. All of you, the enemy: the languages were sewn tightly, tightly, as sewn up my collar. How to thread a needle goes in, so would you have me go, looked at me, words would be against me, saying they could not. How do I cut the string and throw, so your evil speeches I break and throw. Amen.

6.B Monday to put a candle in the church, on Tuesday - nine candles before the icon "to subdue the evil hearts." Deal twelve alms, and then hem Ward garment from the inside.

Lord incarnate, the man turned, the Son of God grew, the court unjust on his cross he carried. Lord voluntarily surrendered to death on the cross crucified, all of his attackers, all of its sgubiteley, all forgave his persecutors, for they prayed to God the Father. So I would have forgiven the court, but I'd prayed to God about the judges, as well as the Lord the righteous thief into paradise empty since the court would have me home alive, healthy dismissed. Lord of the coffin left unharmed, so would I, servant of God (name), from the court to leave unharmed. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen.

To avoid jail

Have a guardian for yourself if you are afraid of prison.

Remember, O Lord, King David and all his meekness. About prehvalny prechudny and prophesy God of David!

Hear us, sinful and obscene, in this hour coming before thy holy icon and assiduously resorting to your request. Pray for us Chelovekolyubtsa God, but will give us a spirit of repentance and contrition of greseh our omnipotent and His grace so help us ostaviti path of wickedness, prispevati same in every Blazy, strengthen us in our struggle with the passionate and lusty by our yea stabbed in the heart of our spirit of humility and meekness, the spirit of brotherly love and gentleness, patience and a spirit of chastity, a spirit of jealousy for the glory of God and the shadow of a nearby spa. Abolished the prayers of your people, prophesies zlyya customs of the world, more than the same pernicious and pestilent spirit of this world, infecting the Christian race disrespectful to the Divine Orthodox faith, to the ordinances of the holy Church and to the Lord's commandments, disrespect for parents and vlactem powerbrokers and Flowing people into the abyss of iniquity , corruption and destruction. Avert from us prechudne prophesied predstatelstvom your righteous wrath of God, and deliver all the castles and villages of our kingdoms of dearth and hunger, the terrible storms and earthquakes, deadly plagues and diseases, from the invasion of enemies and mezhdousobnyya battle. Strengthen your prayers Orthodox people blagopospeshestvuy them in all good deeds and endeavors to interned peace and truth in their power. Posobstvuy All-Russian religious troops in braneh with our enemies. Asked for and prophesied of God, the Lord our shepherd, the holy zeal for Bose, heartfelt concern for the salvation of his flock, the wisdom in the teaching and management, piety, and strength into temptation, sudiyam asked for no respecter of persons and bezkorystie, truth and compassion for Obidimo, all the rulers of the care of subordinates, mercy and justice, as a subordinate submissiveness and obedience to the authorities and the zealous performance of their duties; yes, tacos in the world and piety in this pozhivshe Weeze, was granted to the sacrament of the eternal blessings of the kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Emuzhe befitting the honor and worship, with the Eternal His Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers, charms for prisoners

1.Molitva prisoner to the Holy - the strongest guardian for the prisoners. Keep a permanent guardian for themselves and at least occasionally re-read - your life in prison would be much easier.

Prayer Ward prisoner to the Blessed Virgin Mary

O Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord and my Savior! TNI chelovetsy replenished to you and nobody pritekayay departed from thee in vain, If ye of good requests. Beseech Thee, bishops and svyaschennitsy, for Thou art the Mother of Great Bishop, proshedshago heaven. Beseech Thee, monks and nuns, for Thou art the Most Pure Virgin herself. Beseech Thee, fathers and mothers, others like commiserate about their children, in nemoscheh lying or living far away, Thou very boleznuyuschi looking for his son, when thou wast he dvanadesyatiletny boy, remained in Jerusalem. Beseech Thee Obidimo, Thou hast suffered persecution from Herod to the Divine Child. You have to elevate his last dying prayer that Thou hast faced a umirayuschago at the Cross of thy Son. Beseech Thee, the righteous and the TNI Wishing to perceive piously zhiti: and no one of them attain righteousness without you molitvennitsu. Taco TNI imut Thee intercessor hard and all podaeshi ambulance. One is whether the al, a sinner, in prison, which dwelleth between, zabven going on you? Less Is not uslyshishi edinago prayer? Mena whether pribegayuschago to you, not priimeshi under Your shelter? Oh, nikakozhe devise these things byti.
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