Assisting in the "difficult" classes
Worried call a teacher. "It's unbearable! Class as the chain fell off! The atmosphere in the classroom depressing! The case last week, fill up the cup: the little girl was thrown from the window of the first floor and broke her arm. Parents have written a complaint to the management of education. I am in despair! "Such treatment - one of the possible reasons to help" hard "classes. The teacher has exhausted all funds available at her disposal, to abandon its efforts to curb the class and is forced to passively watch the lesson, students spit into each other's face, exchange punches in the stomach and in a paroxysm of permissiveness spoil cool tools.
Teacher thinks that she has tried all ways: first, she cried out to mind their wards and carried with them educational conversations, urging to be prudent. When the conversation or to no avail, she tried to reason with them through the application of severity: were imposed penalties and the sentencing. However, to implement the stated sanctions forces it is clearly not enough. As a result, students are insolent to the limit. While she explains the lesson, standing before the class, the student can ride behind her on a skateboard around the department. Pupils suffer it in the classroom as a decoration, its ability to influence them is zero. After the incident with a broken hand the initiative group of parents asked the school administration to intervene, some parents have offered to dismiss the teacher.
Egregious case. How could this happen? From conversations with the school administration and the teacher found out that in the class were frequent change of teachers. For two years in the role of the teacher here was replaced by six teachers. Some of these teachers lacked the skills, but others were highly skilled professionals. The frequent change of teachers has led to a reluctance to consolidate around the class teacher's persona, since there was no certainty that the teacher in the near future will not leave the class. The prevailing view: back to him and the road. The sooner be rid of him, the better. Rejection of teachers to students has become the starting point for finding a new community, enables them to feel their strength and feel group. Purpose and object of pride of this class was the aspiration at all costs "dunk" the teacher.
A teacher, for his part, was a young specialist who came to the school immediately after graduation - students of Class 5 were her first wards. Imbued with the ideas of the workshop group methods of instruction and individual approach to each student taking into account his or her abilities, she broke the class into small groups and asked the students ability to work independently. She appeared in the role of counselor to the class, companion, the learning process. Authoritarian teaching methods she hated. She saw herself of their classmate, distinguished only by age. The class reacted to it with sympathy, but out of fear of losing it did not dare to deal with it. Fear of losing it in the near future was a reluctance to go to meet her class. The class was a victim of the dynamics of negative sentiment from which has been unable to escape. Teacher and class were trapped.

Case with a broken arm was the last straw. On top of all the ills of misfortune has happened during the lesson, which, naturally, caused all kinds of rumors. The teacher decided to pilot a lesson by dividing this purpose students into groups. One group worked behind a wall of boxes. Instead of performing an assignment, do the children began to jump out the window. When one girl hesitated, the boys pushed her out. This situation was the pretext of seeking care. In cases of this kind is typical of a long pre-history teacher and class relations.
Assisting in the "difficult" class neobhodtmo teachers who do not own situation. The need to seek assistance is not established by objective criteria, and depends entirely on the nature of the subjective perception of the situation referred to by teachers. However, often in the role of the initiators of such actions serves the school administration. The school administration may request assistance in response to frequent complaints of parents on the behavior of students, negative report on the status of a school or other signs of trouble in the entrusted to her school. In this case, the administration must first enlist the support of the teacher a hard class.
Rejection of the guilty
To assist no matter who - the school administration, teachers, or a group of parents - took the initiative. Regardless of who initiates the action, a course of action is the same. Preference is given to the teacher or staff, nor the school administration or parent group, for the fight against violence for everyone. All parties are called upon to contribute to the solution of the problem and, abandoning the search for the guilty, to focus on how it might be a possible solution. A case in point is not about identifying problem children for their subsequent expulsion from school or about to take the teachers under his wing, and of finding the internal resources of the school, to translate the situation to normal. Assisting in the "difficult" classes do not has nothing to do with surgery, able to cut the existing root of all evil, like a sick body, it is an attempt to mobilize new forces of parents, teachers, administrators and children due to momentum generated from the outside.
The question is not who is to blame for what happened, and that can be countered by such acts within their field of activity and because of its position. Abandon the habit of looking for the guilty is often not so easy because of our constant readiness to seek and find those responsible. Thus, the principal has no doubt that the "blame houmboi, poisonous atmosphere outside the school." A group of parents called another reason: this teacher a few years ago promised the children to organize a week-long trip, and unfulfilled promise is the cause of disobedience to students! Or: we know that the protagonists are two boys. It is necessary to get rid of them - and the class will stop fever.
The school is influenced by groups that subjugated the street, some children draws attention by its high aggressiveness, teachers provoke violence reckless and clumsy demarches. The conclusions come parents, school administrators or teachers, often groundless. However, within the assistance activities, priority is given no consideration of the relationship and causes a search for internal resources. Only in the second stage can proceed to analyze the possible causes. Should first overcome the psychological gap that has arisen as a result of mutual recrimination.