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Astro kamasutra
The existence of the Kama Sutra, Indian treatise on the art of love, known to everyone. But not everyone had the opportunity to learn and apply in practice the ancient knowledge. Astrologers easier for you to: Learn to program a minimum - a pose that is recommended specifically for your zodiac sign.

OWEN - pose "Wonder Bird."
This option is more commonly known as "Woman on Top." Suggest a partner lie on your back, stand on it themselves on their knees. Clasp your feet stronger. In this position, you dictate the rhythm and can give free rein to his temperament. For your sexual energy there are no barriers! However, if you wish, to yield the initiative of man. He seemed to agree. Because female Aries usually choose willing partners. Erogenous zone: the neck and ears. Another option: posture, "Oyster" (see recommendations for Leo).

TAURUS - pose "Lord."

Laid on the bed, ask your partner stand behind you on your knees and massage your back. Feeling the passion increase, rising on his knees and rotten at the waist. At the moment of orgasm, lift your buttocks as possible. Taurus women in bed does not know tiredness, especially if having sex in a comfortable environment. Erogenous zones: neck and neck. Another option: posture, "Passion Flower" (see recommendations for the Virgin) and "Horseman" (see, for Capricorn).

GEMINI - pose "LAMP".

This method requires some physical training. Starting position - on the side facing each other. Put feet on the partner's shoulders. Clasp his neck, ankles, making it easier to move in the same rhythm. In the process you can try to roll on the other side - sex in motion Spice spicy! Erogenous zone: his hands - from the tip of his little finger to the elbow. Another option: pose "ripe fruit" (see recommendations for Aquarius).

CANCER - pose "bowl".

It is ideal for those looking for sex in full physical and emotional union with a partner. A man sits on the bed, legs straight and apart. A woman sits on top facing your partner, grabs his legs. It is important to cuddle him all over, and move in the same rhythm (it can support you in the buttocks). Connect legs behind his back and hug the shoulders, to feel it with every cell. Erogenous zone: his chest. Another option: "Snake" (see recommendations for the scorpion).

LEO - pose "Oysters."

He sits on the bed or on the floor, bent and feet slightly apart. She sits on top facing your partner, clasping his feet. For sustainability can be put under the buttocks pillow. Tightly holding hands, swing, like on a swing. Feeling the growing excitement, paused to make more of each other. Finished first, you will enjoy it the culmination of a few seconds later. A mirror will satisfy your passion for contemplation. Erogenous zone: the spin. Another option: "Wild Cat" (see recommendations for Sagittarius).

VIRGO - pose "Passion Flower."

Partner sitting on the edge of the bed, legs apart. Ride him while standing on her knees facing the partners, and with his hands supporting your back. Give the man an opportunity to regulate the rhythm of your movements. As a rule, Virgo - subtle connoisseurs of intimacy. Therefore, the "Flower of Passion" - a true delicacy for a true Virgo. Erogenous zone: the lower abdomen. Another option: "Lord" (see recommendations for Taurus).

LIBRA - pose "Cherry".

You lie on your back, a partner kneels between your legs. Put the legs on his shoulders, clutching his neck while arching his back. Female Balance - gourmets and prefer slow sex. If the excitement sweeping, pause, and then again start to move slowly. Come to the finish line, looking into each others eyes. Erogenous zone: the buttocks. Another option: "Lamp" (see recommendations for Gemini) and ripe fruit (see - for Aquarius).

SCORPIO - pose "a snake".

Partner lies on his back. It is best to sit on the floor. Sit on top, turning his face to his feet. Rest hands on the floor. Do not miss the prelude - pat the lips and tongue of his body. Then begin to move, increasing the tempo. Scorpions are easy to reach sexual satisfaction. Complete the process, lean forward and feel the whole body sweet moment! Erogenous zone: the sexual organs. Another option: "Sea Pearl" (see rekomedatsii for fish) and "cup" (see, for Cancer).

SAGITTARIUS - pose "wildcat".

The basic position - standing. Turn your partner back, slightly bent forward and resting his hands on the desk or wall. By arching his back like a cat sweetly, take initiative in their hands and set the rhythm. Strive to reach orgasm at the same time with loved ones! "Wild cat"-pose for the fans of wild passion. Hunting for a partner excites woman of Sagittarius, and in bed with a "prey" she tireless! Erogenous zone: the groin. Another option: posture, "the Wonder Bird" (see recommendations for Aries).

CAPRICORN - pose "horsewoman.

Partner sitting on his knees on the bed or floor, resting his buttocks on your heels. Sit on top a la rider turned his back on him. Moving too slowly but not fast, adjust the tempo and seek to achieve simultaneous orgasm. Pose "Horseman" will help you to make their claims of sexual domination. Erogenous zone: the inner side of the knee. Another option: posture, "Passion Flower" (see recommendations for the Virgin).

AQUARIUS - pose "ripe fruit".

Stand facing each other. Lift the leg and grasp the partner's waist or slightly below, depending on your flexibility. To be sure, a man can keep you in the ankle. Manage his movements, rotating their hips. Aquarius woman is not even necessary to achieve orgasm - have sex, she gets pleasure from the process. Erogenous zone: the ankle. Another option: posture, "Cherry" (see recommendations for Libra).

FISH - pose "Sea Pearl".

The basic position - lying on its side, back to the partner. He must cling to you from behind. To rouse his movements buttocks. You are close to him, as ever, but quite free in his movements. Maybe you'll have to lean back or arch your back, to find the right angle, because intuition allows women-Pisces find the hidden erogenous zones on the body of a man. Erogenous zone: his feet. Another option: posture "Snake" (see recommendations for the scorpion).
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