Astrological art of seduction
I suggest a few secrets of seduction each separate "Capricorn" ... And that lesson was fun and better remembered, I turned it into a nice little game of "Pick up the melody." It is no secret that after talking with a man, every woman is mentally (or in reality) is singing a particular tune. For example, after a week's acquaintance with the subject zanudlivym and preachy, the song comes to mind "do not come near me, I'm offended ..." and lost all desire to do anything further. But, once in the field of view gets a worthy candidate ...
Thus, the astrological art of seduction.
OWEN - "He would come, I would have turned away ..." and so on through the text. The only way to intrigue Aries easy prey, he will not even smell. And if your independence "seasoned" high intelligence and sense of humor, count - half the job done. He is absolutely contraindicated in a lie, all sorts of tips and monotony.
TAURUS - The sun is my ... "is such an old song about a flower that without it the sun itself wither away. So with the Taurus - flatter him, without a blush, even to amuse his vanity ... delve into everything that he likes, until the music and eating. Climbed into his liver and his sensibility - the trick is done! About the past of his novels keep quiet, as a partisan during the interrogation - did not know, I do not remember. In short - total amnesia!
GEMINI - "Be a good child with me, carrot and stick ..." Two-faced Janus, which can cater to, except that the undivided. One half does not know what to do the second. Deceive such - anyway, that tame the wind. If you have a good imagination - go for it! Respond to flirting - flirting on prudence - extravagance. In short, as in the song - "Whether or not to be, do the same for something!"
CANCER - "The Chief of the weather at home ..." You are a home bird, not butterflies, you're the world's best cook, Patient of the women, Mary Poppins and Aphrodite in one bottle. Waste money? No, no! Puritanism in bed? God, forbid! Want to check out, dear Cancer - lead me down the aisle ... And it will lead, no doubt.
LEV-Rybka mine, I - your glazik .... " However, the word "I" Remember, more likely to use "you" in conjunction with the word "best." Even walking down the street, stay a step behind. However, because of the broad back of Leo can secretly ogle men. Lion caught - on you all pay attention! You innocently pretending lamb - is admired by your masculinity, dear! Sometimes it is helpful to pull the lion's whiskers, but not very fond of.
VIRGO - "And you're so cold as an iceberg in the ocean ...". Yes, it is necessary for some time to become a "piece of ice" and to restrain their emotions. Complain about excess weight and other of his own shortcomings will now have only a friend and then a whisper. Learn to walk on tiptoe, while Virgo works, even if his "titanic work" consists in the contemplation of the ceiling. And absolutely not afford - afford to be naive and foolish.
Libra - "I can not live without you any day ..." - these words sing to him Monday through Friday. Then arrange a "time out" and analyze the situation - should continue or not worth it. " If the response was not observed, then pipe it! If the scales were interested, act decisively. By the way, he has a weak spot - is an art and persistent allergic to controversy. Press down on the first, and do not affect the second. To reinforce the impression, repeat from Monday to Friday, as he is willing and young, as you value his advice! By the weekend safely keep an eye in the cabin of a wedding dress.
SCORPIO - "Sim-Sim, unlock, Sim-Sim, gave ...." Yes, with whom - puritankoy, and with it - a mysterious and relaxed. But not explicitly calling, but still under a veil of mystery. One body, it does not entice, to apply for dessert intimate conversations about sex .... In this case, her jealousy over and no hide away. Played thriller, erotica, science fiction, but not melodrama. Never spoke about his sexual manner, unless you decided to stop affair.
SAGITTARIUS - "There is no bad weather ..." I, as the weather breaks all the stereotypes, demonstrating his brilliance and dynamism. He criticizes you right in the forehead - do not care! Offers to stay friends - great! Hints at sex - with joy! Perhaps you and you'll never get a confession of love, but somehow imperceptibly, just walking around town, you find yourself facing registrar. He - "may, come ...". You - "why not ...." Bam - and you're married!
CAPRICORN-"What a song without the accordion, which Mary without Ivan ..." So, all laid out on shelves, all strictly according to plan. Today, meeting tomorrow-kiss of a year or a wedding. This "wait and see" game could be delayed, especially if the favorite is busy career. In any case learn to do erotic massage, then he will include it in your daily schedule with you in the bargain. But remember, leaving for Capricorn, you marry all of his relatives for his career, punctuality and snobbery.
AQUARIUS - The driver, do not drive horses .... " He was - cool and unemotional, you - too. His own favorite cause, you have - in the same rhythm. Freedom is important to him, you hold a position of waiting, think through the tactics of seduction. He is not in the spirit - Freeze and do not show the form that it was too passionate about them. When the time comes, it immediately intelligence.
FISH - Musi-pusi, my darling ... "and so on without end. Here's who's available to show sentiment, dragging into the house all the homeless kittens, playing a naive girl and hang noodles on the ears. " Convince him that there was no love to meet him, you know they did not know about sex, "had never heard of - a couple of trivia. Only with him, you learned that all this is simply a "Musi-pusi! Under the crown, he will lead you, filled with pride, that he gave you true love!