To shed a little light: knowledge about the moon does not have anything to do with astrology or horoscopes to the surface of magazines and newspapers. Past as far from a serious professional astrology as weather prediction at times are far from the most forecast: "Tomorrow is expected to erratic weather, or remained the same." Knowledge of the lunar rhythms and their effect on all living things - this is a very ancient knowledge based on experience. Mankind has used them for thousands of years, they have been continual part of everyday life. The only thing that connects this knowledge with astrology, this method of calculating the lunar calendar. Lunar calendar - is the only tool necessary for the practical use of knowledge about the moon. Each year it is new and is calculated using the ephemeris, astrology tools.
For several centuries, a calendar published in the Peasants' and tear-off calendar, such as Forarlbergskom calendar or the United States in "Old Peasant Almanac>> (from 1786). In some areas (especially in Austria) there is no one at home, wherever in the kitchen on the wall or hanging a calendar - not because of all the people here are addicted to astrology. They're just grateful to the assistance received from the ancient knowledge, know how to appreciate and use it for their own benefit. We would like to introduce you to at least a small part this knowledge and learn how to apply them in practice.