Astrology and Horoscope are like born in same origin.The basic aspects of astrology are sun shine,star signs has been popularised in daily news paper and columns.
Our star signs actually tells about our personality,our attributes in life,our future that what is going in our future.Everybody's have some positive points and some negetive points in life,positive points gives lead in your life but negetive points should be overcome it.
For this we have to do some special personal devlopement in our life, to change our attributes and move our life in a positive way.
Astrology is about the interaction between the Planets (including the Sun and Moon) and the star signs.

The relationships between planet and signs are all mathematically based.
So the studies of all astrology represents the whole aspects of entire human body and soul.
Aries starts the cycle, representing the Self, and Pisces completes it, representing the mass unconscious of all mankind.As well as other sun sign tells the human nature of other phase of life.
It is all within the universe.The sun is the biggest planet in your zodiac sign at the time of your birth place.

It is a planet of power and ego..Its give you a lot of power in your life in different phase,
It is a core of potential and stamina which moves you ahead in life to overcome your all sorrows.
The forces between the Planets involved in Astrology can be simplified into the phrase: Synchronicity at Work. This can mean 'As Above So Below' or 'Like attracts Like'.

In that case we can know more and more things in our future to move and lead it in better way.
The sun has an strongest effect in our life or in astrology.It represents individual ego and identity.