Connection. Travel, relocation, change of residence. If the moon is bad in Radix obstacles, accident, hazard of water.
Favorable aspects. A good professional work, popularity, success and luck, the possibility of engagement, wedding, wedding. In women, the birth of girls. Foster's undertakings in all areas of health-born, mother, wife, all that is passive, full of imagination. Tranquility, recreation and welfare. Provides a good assimilation, nutrition (home cooking), etc. It is well recognized on human health. As well as good aspects of Saturn from the Ascendant, the direction it tends to give a well-preserved health in old age. Easy digestion.
Unfavorable aspects. Interfere with the lives and health of women and infants. Unknown enmity, bad mood, apathy, laziness, reconciliation. Does not favor the mother, wife, mother. Concern. Celebrated poor digestion, disease, nutrition, poor assimilation. This aspect is more harmful for women than for men because women, he makes the difficulties in childbirth. Wayward health, conflict, poverty, divorce, separation, jealousy, shame, humiliation, disease, lack of pleasure and sex, unhappy trip, travel, change. Mother's illness during a night birth.