Astrology and disease
In our life there are things that are predetermined by us again. The day and hour of birth of each awaits its fate. Naturally everyone worried about whether he had a family, whether he is rich, and, of course, all of us care about their own health. This information we can get, consult a professional astrologer. Each of the twelve zodiac signs has its own weaknesses. Usually people are one and the same mark are subject to similar diseases. Disease prevention is better than cure. Knowing what to look for and how to protect and improve your health, you have the chance to avoid many of the diseases for which you are predisposed.
Aries - the representatives of this sign at birth are in good health, but, alas, few of Aries cares about him. It is therefore not surprising that over time, in Aries A whole "bunch" of sores. Weak spot Aries head, so they have more chances to get sunstroke in the summer, for example, and in winter a spasm of cerebral vessels, or otitis media. Therefore, in cold weather, they should always wear a hat protects the head from the cold and in summer wear a hat that protects from the sun. Also at Aries can be any injuries associated with head and face. Aries should be very careful attention to the spine and cardiovascular system, they often suffer from hypertension. To protect yourself from injury and disease Aries must first make a measurably in my life, take care of sanity, not to fall apart and not to worry over trifles. A balanced diet will help strengthen the immune system and improve health.
Taurus - a calf as well as at Aries, good health potential. But they have their weaknesses. This throat, larynx, and intestines. In general, many of the diseases they can start with the Throat - launched a sore throat can turn into acute bronchitis, bronchitis and asthma go to. A calf is more likely than other zodiac signs as a result of allergies get swelling of the throat. Therefore, throat and larynx, they must take care not to drink too much cold drinks, not supercool. Taurus loves to eat, and since the same time they are lazy, there can be problems with excess weight. To feel good about themselves Taurus should move more in sports. The more active the Taurus, so it is healthier.

Gemini - the representatives of this sign health problems begin in childhood and cause most of the psychological. Various neurological disorders and self-doubt leads to a weakening of immunity, and frequent colds. Due to stress and excessive emotionality Gemini is a skin rash that occurs on the nerves, but they are also prone to allergies to foods and medicines. Since all diseases Gemini mostly from nerves, the main recommendation - the fresh air, good sleep, natural foods. Foods must contain a large amount of phosphorus and calcium, and vitamins B, C, E and D. The ability to relax and get rid of negative emotions will help the Twins to keep their health.
Cancer - as well as Gemini emotional and sensitive. Any personal problems can become the starting point of severe illness. Cancers often suffer from colds, rhinitis and sore throat. Women should always follow the mammary glands, there is a probability of occurrence of mastitis, mastitis, and even breast cancer. Cancerians are very anxious, so there is a tendency to ulcers and gastritis. Cancers are also prone to swelling, so they should drink plenty of fluids, and it makes sense to abstain from food, with lots of fat, sugar and starch. The main recommendation for cancer - stop to worry over trifles, cheat ourselves and take everything to heart. Your mental health is directly related to physical health.
Leo - Representatives of the mark must first take care of the spine and cardiovascular system, the Lions are frequent myocardial infarctions. To support their heart eat millet porridge, millet contains much potassium, which is needed for normal hearts, cucumber juice strengthens the heart and blood vessels, as well as dried apricots and walnuts. Lions do not get involved in animal fats - they lead to atherosclerosis, which are Lions. Emotional state of Lviv affects their metabolism. Therefore, it is desirable to stimulate the nervous and digestive system. Lions should play sports, it will be especially useful for running up the hill - it will strengthen the heart and not allow them to gain weight.
Virgo - she is very insecure, so when the Virgin leads an active lifestyle, busy interesting work, family - her time to think about their sores, and she finds herself completely healthy. It is necessary to survive the stress, depressed or simply start a lounge - the Virgin immediately bore down the disease, one after another, all the fault of hypochondria. In fact, the most vulnerable organ Dev is a stomach and intestine. By choosing products should be approached very cautiously, food should be fresh and preferably not "heavy" for the stomach. Beware of alcohol and laxatives - anything that irritates the intestines Virgo NOT! Also Devas are very common skin problems - eczema, dandruff, inflammation of the sebaceous glands. To avoid skin disease, your diet should not be too oily, spicy or spicy food.
Libra - the most vulnerable parts of the body - the kidneys and spine. And because the scale gourmets and they can not live without the exotic foods and hot spices and sauces, after eating such food is their thirsty and they drink a lot, overly burdening the vulnerable buds. Often suffer from curvature of the spine scales, osteochondrosis. They are also the owners of an unstable nervous system. And, despite the fact that the people around them may give the impression of a man quite happy in his heart, they can suffer and doubt. Weights should get plenty of rest and relaxation, inner balance is the key to physical harmony.
Scorpio - representatives of this sign can be very seriously ill with serious illness, eating a vicious or sorrowful thoughts. Many diseases of Scorpio from his thoughts. Scorpio should cherish the nasopharynx, heart, feet and spine. Often Scorpion meet the circulatory system disease and varicose veins. High risk of infectious diseases such as respiratory transmitted by airborne droplets, and sexually transmitted sexually transmitted infections. The diet of the Scorpion, must be present fresh vegetables - asparagus, cabbage, radishes. And, of course, fruit - figs, black cherries, plums, gooseberries. These products are not only the removal of residues, but also help the body fight various infections.
Sagittarius - the most important organ for this sign - the liver. Sagittarians are very fond of dishes flavored well, and without high-calorie desserts just can not live without. All this of course sooner or later leads to liver disease. Also, because malnutrition Sagittarians often hurts the pancreas, so the first thing that needs to be done to Sagittarius to prevent disease of the liver and pancreas - to adjust your diet. To bring their livers in order, Sagittarius needed vitamin C (rosehip, sea buckthorn, black currants, red peppers) and vitamin B (sprouted wheat, calf's liver, egg yolk). Due to excessive loads Sagittarians often suffer from nervous disorders. He should get plenty of rest and eat more fruits and vegetables.
Capricorn - Capricorn weakness in teeth and bones. Therefore it is desirable to strengthen bone tissue. For this it is useful to eat foods such as nuts, seeds, bananas, spinach, beans, celery and almonds. In Capricorn enough "slack" metabolism, so they should avoid heavily oily, spicy and spicy food. Most useful to them foods rich in protein and iron. Capricorns are subject to melancholy and as a result, often suffer from mental illnesses. As a general rule, if the goat gets sick, the disease is prolonged and may become a chronic ailment. Representatives of this sign must be more to visit in the sun, an ideal option for them - a sunny climate and mountain air. You should definitely support the body vitamin complex, yet it will be very useful for massage.
Aquarius - to mark the typical representatives of this disease are vascular diseases. Therefore, Aquarians should eat foods rich in vitamins B and E. There may also be problems with the metabolism, so they definitely need to use sodium chloride, which is contained in fresh fruits and vegetables. Aquarians need to very closely monitor their health, as most diseases occur very transiently, at the same time, it is this sign still manages to be ill with rare diseases are not diagnosable. Aquarians are difficult to tolerate abrupt change of weather, they Rides pressure, headache, disturbed sleep. There is also a predisposition to arthritis and thrombophlebitis. To maintain his health Aquarius useful active lifestyle and frequent changes of environment.
Fish - Fish suspiciousness, and love of lung disease, make the whole tragedy. Sometimes it is not averse posimulirovat. The main problem of Pisces - a weakened immune system, all diseases are clinging to them because of their inability to fight off microbes, viruses, and the malfunctioning of internal organs, as a result of stress and overwork. Fish must follow the regime of the day and the food they eat. It is desirable to take vitamins. The fish have a problem with metabolism, as well as they suffer from swelling, so they just need foods rich in protein. These include lean meat, yogurt, nuts, eggs, these products help eliminate fluid from the body. Fish need to pay attention to legs and feet, as there is a predisposition to varicose veins, rheumatism, edema. Keep your feet dry and warm for the prevention of diseases legs do foot baths with herbs and sea salt.