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Astrology female attractiveness

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Astrology female attractiveness

To be happy, do not necessarily represent the beautiful scripture! Such is the fate rarely spoils: the fans, kissing - please a family dispensation of rest - no ... Surely not born beautiful and be born lucky!

Still, women tend to associate hope for happiness with an external appeal, look for a unique "flavor", which will be a powerful tool of influence on men's hearts. This is the "warmer" and if to ask a question about women's "highlight" to men, they certainly sly smile - and ... agree. Every woman should know their strengths and be able to use them - but in this case it will be successful with the opposite sex!

But how to maximize the attraction? What is this mysterious "pearl", and how to wield it? Does it have from birth, or comes with experience?

Psychologists, who are also looking for the answer to the female phenomenon, it is believed that the external appeal of women - a complex set of facial expressions, grooming, interior and exterior qualities. A "highlight" lies in a component of female identity: the mind, taste, style or charm. However, no matter how laid out these concepts, nor prepares them slim secret eludes understanding! Only close observation, but a hint from the stars allow to draw some conclusions.

Attractiveness of women's fire element (Aries, Leos and Sagittarius) - a strength of spirit and will. Them ruled by Mars, the Sun and Jupiter, which give our heroine a bright, visible appearance and incendiary character, as well as a truly fiery temperament. Hence - a special shine to eyes (sometimes it seems that one sypyatsya spark) is always hot hands, dark skin (the effect of natural tan, which is not available in any sunroom!) And ... mop of red, always matted hair are everywhere trying to be visible in plain sight, and fans light up of a single gesture, touch, turning heads of those persons.

In a moment of weakness (and it drops out very rarely) fire lady often charming nonsense that causes men to lose not only his head, but also the state. In good times, at the peak flowering of forces and possibilities, they enjoy visiting the entertainment and excitement nest "type of casinos and gambling houses, which are fast becoming a staple and a kind attractions. These women compete on equal terms with men in the magnitude of rates and hazardous properties to tempt fate, boldly chase by car and love the early morning.

Give fiery passion knows no limit, but because they are: generally excellent dancing (their finest hour - dancing on the table!) And are ready to have sex until complete exhaustion. These ladies are not interested in horoscope compatibility , they choose a man. As for appearance, it is precisely these persons are often small and very attractive mole at the edge of the lips (in fact, similar to raisins), which are highly prized in the East, and even imitated there artificially by antimony.

Begins an affair with a woman, born under the sign of the elements of fire, the man is risking much. He is ready to advance jealous, mad, lose your head, shoot, that is intentionally enter into competition with destiny, to make life brighter and more ... shorter. However, the risk - a noble cause! In addition, he richly compensated every moment, which can be carried out with your favorite ...

Names that are stronger than others emphasize the appeal and show "highlights" the female Aries, Lviv and Sagittarius - Susanna, Aglaia, Agniya, Victoria, Alina, Svetlana, Elena and Karina

The attractiveness of women earth element (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) is, above all, in their reliability, robustness, thrift. Them ruled by Venus, Saturn, Mercury is silt, and therefore, relying on the energies of these planets, they skillfully create an image of "the guy" who does not fail at a difficult moment in which case the pull out, almost from another world. These ladies tirelessly go on hikes through the mountains and down dale without fear of climbing, with evident pleasure, cultivate six acres, transforming them into the Garden of Eden. In the practical affairs of our heroine's savvy is much better than men, and therefore able to surprise a strong ability to pull the floor out of the deep ruts the stalled car and so nailed that fall out all the rest, who drove a spouse ...

Although nothing in the appearance of these ladies can not be called "highlight", they are skillfully chosen style of dress, carefully and slowly form a dressing room and then at the most modest incomes look quite respectable. If you can not afford to buy expensive cosmetics, instead of the cream they put on the skin cream and creates an image of natural beauty - no special tricks. And those men who are opposed to the deceptive beauty, store-bought "quite capable of consider it a virtue ...

To understand the appeal of "earthly" woman feel her inimitable charm, a man must first decide on marriage and a time to live under one roof with soiskatelnitsey female happiness. But first make a horoscope for the year , because at this stage, relations are tugovat - well, can not our rustic character to compete with friends! But they always seem to close with a man who rejected the more attractive woman. And willing to provide for his tears, her apron ...

All women love the element of earth to prepare. It turns them into the mystery, the magic over the stove! Finest hour of our heroines comes when the whole family gathers at the dinner table. Feeding brand soup and cake, they look much prettier than usual. Moreover, as we know, the way to a man's heart is through his stomach ... This assertion is well understood, after ten years of marriage!

Names, which add to the charm female Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn - is Paulina, Vasilisa, Mary, Lydia, John, Daria and Natalia.

Attractiveness of women's air element (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) is felt as soon as they fastened the general conversation are governed Mercury, Venus and Uranus, which together constitute the boiler feelings and states!

Our heroines are strong communication skills unique, mobile facial expressions and specific vocabulary is not peculiar to any other zodiac signs. They often form a special slang, the special accentuation of sounds, "swallowing" hissing and whistling, a little child imitate speech. These ladies are fond seem teenage children and an extremely cherished skoroprohodyaschey youth, and therefore try to look like gray hair to be treated to a "girl". The desire to notice everything, see everything, when the head lags behind the eyes, our heroines are often develops a charming cast in the eye. And this "highlight" gives them an inimitable charm that pretenders to his hand and heart are lining up! And our heroine is extremely resourceful, able to run all sorts of amusing stories to tell and catch a man at his word: that promise - does not mean to marry. But "more" quickly and quietly goes into the "already" ...

Most women have an air disaster on the nature of the fragile figure, and grace, flexibility unattainable by any workouts, and therefore really easy to go for the "girls" regardless of age. In addition, they are able to accept such intriguing postures that a man dumb with astonishment and wants to have this body ...

Women air disaster excellent pick up clothes and accessories can reduce a man with a crazy light bag or intriguing hat. They have inexhaustible imagination and easily gone into the world of his own dreams, which tend to come true, despite the complete contradiction and lack of realism.

Names that identify the stronger attraction of the female part of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius - is Veronica, Nadia, Anna, Olga, Barbara, Glafira and Anastasia.

Attractiveness of women's water element (Cancers, Scorpio and Pisces) is noticeable only at close range. Them ruled by the Moon, Pluto and Neptune, which endow them with many secret charms.

As a rule, our heroine has eyes that can drown (or at least how to get caught). Even if they are small in form and does not differ a special cut, the ladies enjoyed a habit of unconsciously increase his eyes during a conversation with an interesting man. This is a special gift of hypnosis, through which man can inspire anything, even love, or what his fiancee - a true treasure, full of goodness, and most importantly - the desire to always be near! It is these persons eyes are the perfect mirror of the soul, while in the shower constantly simmer secret passions and intrigues are born ...

Women are signs of water elements perfectly able to use perfume and pick for yourself heady, intoxicating scents, interrupting, "river" smell emanating from the body. Neither a wise woman, born under these signs would come out of the house, do not use perfume so that the density of the smell was enough to evening ...

Natural image, inherent to our heroines - vamp. They are led by the secrets of a love spell with the help of fluids when, despite the dissimilarity of the characters and the repeated attempts to look happy on the side, a man will not be solved at the final break. Their tears come into force, comparable to the power of waterfalls and whirlpools. They use a night for magic rituals and communication with the unseen forces, able to entangle beloved husband's hands and feet.

Names that are more often female originality Rakov, Scorpio and Pisces - is Diana, Snezana, Sophia, Tamara, Larissa, Vera, Marina, Tatiana and Ludmilla
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