Do you have a hot and cold relationship with your lover? Does it seem that just when you think you have him or her figured out, you don't? Do you want to set up a romantic evening that is guaranteed to produce squeals and screams of delight? Then test your sexual compatibility with astrological readings of you and your partner.

Whether your sex life is the best ever, or pitifully lacking passion and excitement, astrology can catapult you to the next level. By learning about sexual astrology you can discover and identify the time, place, and behaviors that will make the gears in your love life fit like a glove.
If you are seeking a compatible partner, turn to the stars. If you are a Libra, for example, know that Gemini Leo Sagittarius and Aquarius are the signs best sexually matched for you. When you are out on the prowl and meeting new people, ask a potential partner when his or her birthday is. This is a simple question that fits easily into that early getting-to-know-you conversation. If the answer is any time that correlates with the compatible signs (you might want to memorize those dates before you go out), then pursue this person with your natural charm and look forward to a night of great love-making. If the answer is anytime between June 22 - July 22 (Cancer) or between December 22 - January 19 (Capricorn), however, know that these are the signs that will reap more battles than love feasts, so move on quickly and exert your flirtatious energies elsewhere.

But what if you are already in a relationship and it's not a sexually compatible match? No need to worry, sexual astrology can enlighten you to the facts of when, where, why, and how that will lead you to a great time in the bedroom. For example, Libra is not compatible with Cancer, but because the tension of sexual energy is so intense at the beginning, these two signs can use their incompatibilities to learn more about sex and love relationships. If you are in this match, experience this relationship for what it is and enjoy it while it lasts. Libra is also not sexually compatible with Capricorn, but if these two are in a committed relationship, they can learn to enhance their sex life by understanding that Capricorn has a responsibility to keep Libra happy and content. In this way, both will find satisfying romance.
No matter what stage of development your relationship is in, you will find that sexual astrology can enhance what is already great, or make "good enough" really fantastic. Successful relationships require compromise; with a basic knowledge base of sexual astrology, you can give in where it really counts in order to get more where you really want it!