Libra Dark Side Astrology Reading Surprises Many
Astrology teaches that Libra, just like Taurus, is controlled by Venues, and ruled by the 7th House which governs love and relationships. Because of the symbol for Libra, individuals born under that sign are usually considered to be stable, reliable, and a boon for anyone in earnest search of a marriage partner. The duality of both justice (as symbolized by the scales) and love (because of the control issued by Venus) make this sign one that is considered to be the premier example of emotional balance. Yet in recent years a Libra dark side astrology reading surprises many who heretofore thought of this sign as being one that was blessedly devoid of such adversity.

Perhaps the most obvious giveaway is the fact that along with Venus, Libra is also associated with Discordia, the dark troublemaker that would upset the balance of the scales. When the latter enters the picture, the balance actually tips and what was previously a positive endowment now takes on a decidedly negative turn. There is the diplomatic aspect to the character which, when turned around, becomes a trait of clever exploitation. That which is described as the impartial method of arriving at judgment may actually mask an irresolute individual who changes moods and minds at a whim.

Another aspect of Libra dark side astrology rests on the fact that by definition these individuals are very easy to influence yet at the same time one of their overriding characteristic is a nearly tireless search for self gratification. When paired with an Aquarius, most of the dark side is kept under wraps and there is little chance of it suddenly breaking out; however, a match with a Scorpio is certain to prove right Libra dark side characteristics and astrologers warn against this kind of pairing whenever possible.
Of course, marching a Libra to the altar is not an easy feat, and by and large there is a good chance that especially younger individuals are more in love with the idea of being in love than the actual partner they are currently with. This is often interpreted as a natural defense mechanism that protects the Libra, dark side astrology aside, from the mistakes made by scales thrown off balance due to forceful flattery or idealistic notions of what a relationship truly holds in store. In the same way, the innate need for maturity prior to lifetime commitments also protects potential partners from flirtations that are little more than frivolities at best.