Your account helps you to notice the reality of the here and now ", cutting off too much, taking into practice right, tracking the self and others. Often we do not notice where are our thoughts and feelings. Try during the day to record what you're thinking and experiencing. Most likely, you'll find that most of the time you chew past events or worried and anxious about those who have not yet occurred. Most likely, this means that in the present moment of your life you are for any reason are not interested. If so - a pity, because only attention to this sum your life, your future.
Many practices of the East, Toltec traditions in modern psychotherapy there is the phrase "Here and Now." Here and now - that means not there and not back then. That is, does it mean to be present with all his being - the senses, body and thoughts - in the moment. Pay attention now, when you read these lines: Where is your body? What does it feel? Where are your thoughts? In the past? The present? In the future? Do you feel like your hand is holding a book? What are you doing with your other hand? And so on.
You may recall a lot of different cases where you might not be here and now in the same situation, for example, could not relax and get pleasure from sex! Often we are not present in this insofar as head wandering thoughts of unfinished feelings and situations, we again and again trying to solve the hindsight that has already happened and can not be changed. Or trying to find the perfect solution of the task that lies ahead. The use of chance and regret about missed opportunities - the criteria for the care and courage. Anyway, it is important to understand that the past can not be changed from it can only draw conclusions. It is useful to remember that we could not do otherwise than done, since that time we were the one who they were, and not someone else. If you did somehow at some point in time, it means that you could not do otherwise, and in that time you were the one person who could do just that. Now, thanks to this experience, you can do otherwise. But before they could not.

No matter how much we may think about the future, we can not predict the best way to act, the best choice, the best solution. Because the future is unknown to anyone. We can only act on the basis of this action to draw conclusions: what to do next. All life consists of decisions, meetings with the results of decisions and new orientation: what to do next. Each solution has its pros and cons and, of course, several versions of events. Most assuredly can feel in life, to be present. Because this is the only one in our lives that is available to change. Changes in your speech will help you become yourself, accept yourself and your feelings and using communication to change your relationships with others and realize the goal. Knowing your feelings and the ability to use them (as I continue in the following chapters) will change your self-perception and communication.