Attitudes and stereotypes in our lives
Have you ever heard the term "theory of the installation? This term is borrowed from psychology. We so often they use that without even notice it. But here's the concept we know little. Someone there quite a fair question: why do we need to hammer head concept, if we are so very successfully use this "theory installations" in practice? To this can be short and clear answer: Who owns the information, owns the world. The fact is that when we learn more about the theory itself, we are able to skillfully manipulate it, which will produce a performance in many of our affairs. Also, it helps us understand where and how someone is trying to manipulate us. After we can prevent it, and very skillfully smanipulirovat by the manipulator.
Very often I used the term "manipulate". This is because the theory itself is installed - part of manipulative process. Verbal part. And to know it should be everyone, because we constantly communicate with each other, exchange information and this often leads to a change in our views and priorities. Here we take, for example, rumors. Someone told you that your good friend Anya said to someone that you're fat and careless slob. It's pretty hurtful statements for each woman, and, moreover, that they had allegedly uttered from the lips of your favorite girlfriends.

What at such a moment we think? Oh, how could she? I trusted her so much! And her favorite dress gave her because she is also very pleasant. And all the problems it shared and listened to her woes. Well, all ... .. And then everyone has his own action. While this is not true, many can not even pay attention to such rumors. Yet, at zametochku currently take. And girlfriend trust will be less. Well, if a friend is really saying (in the sense of good that is not in vain credibility blown), and if it is a very decent and honest person, and truly loves you? Then nothing we changed our attitude towards it. Are the rumors - it's not part of the manipulative process? And if you know the structure and dynamics within, then maybe we will not become victims of unfair speculation and understand when they are truthful.
Now a small example. Imagine that I - your source of information. I tell you about the new play "Don Juan", which pretty much nashumela in the press and on television. I managed to get to it first, and here I am sharing with you my impressions: "It's just an excellent production! The protagonist of this handsome! I myself was ready to fall in love with him in the first row. Black hair, broad chest, manly hands .... The actors play the same indescribably superb. They experience all the emotions like the first time. Brilliantly selected text ... ". And so on. You have wanted to see this play? And to see the main character? And if I tell you this: "Oh, fie. It is such a careless creation. Stripped a lot of money for a ticket and watch it with. All must admit to advertising. Play ugly, just like first-year students Polytechnic. And the main character! You would have seen him! Some seven-worm. He and some words to remember really could not. I thought he would die on stage "... .. What is your attitude to the play now?
The whole point is that when we somehow do not know (yet), we do not have this opinion. But once, we were beginning to receive information about the object or subject, we form a personal opinion. While the range of this subject has never encountered. So what will be the first information, this opinion we ourselves construct.
Someone might object me and say that he first collects a variety of information, and only then builds an opinion for themselves. Surely you will object. None. What you heard first, has been placed on "clean sheet". It has already left its mark there. To simplify the understanding back to the example of play. I deliberately put in the first place a good review. Now in your subconscious mind hanging information that the play was still good. And most likely, you will go to watch it. But if I first showed you a negative feedback, something to do with the play would have been bad, and soon you would forget about it.
How is it used in real life? All of us were once new to some teamwork. And we wanted to colleagues and superiors think of us only good. Therefore, we conducted themselves accordingly. Its true nature, we did not show. Why do we need it? To our employees, giving information about our persona to each other, passed it only in a positive way. Then you can make a mistake and not one, because it has already been done - and you will get blagoporyadochny image.
Just working and advertising. We do not know anything about a new vehicle from a sore throat, but on the TV show, how wonderful it is for short term relieves the symptoms of the disease. Positive feedback is stored in our head. And when the opportunity arises, we buy and isprobuem this drug. While certainly better to get positive feedback from people who try it actually
How can you use the theory of the installation? It depends in what area you work and what results you want to achieve. I can not give you a more real-world examples, because this is very subjective. The main thing to remember the principle: that the first thing to remember. On it and the theory of "installation".