Attitudes toward sex between men and women
No, this article will not be a thousand and one ways to become sexually giant and cheers to meet all women indiscriminately. It would not be here, and secret information unknown to science erogenous zones and caresses. G-spot, too, let them remain a mystery. In short, a minimum of physiology, psychology, max. Although curious, what did they feel ... best to start from the beginning - attitudes toward sex between men and women, or rather the difference . Without this distinction, it is unlikely it would take to write all these articles.
The life of the people ran to the milk and honey, but in a relationship would silence reigned, and universal harmony. But it is opposed, there is. And, apparently, is not going to disappear anytime soon. Will not be his commercials years after twenty-five thousand, when, according to scientists, men on this planet does not remain. But then we have to be all the same. And while it corrupts our lives. What is that difference is worse? It's very simple. We share the love and sex, and women - no. For them, sex only a manifestation of love. Such is the sad fact.
Attitude to love joys of women more seriously than we do - simple as soap. And the problem is one little thing that is called the hypothalamus. Well, yes, this thing sits in my head. And it's worth getting there testosterone, as in humans there is a desire to have sex. So, men of testosterone once in 10-20 than in women. Both the hypothalamus of the average man more (if he is not "blue"). Now count up: the hypothalamus, more and more testosterone. Plus, this all different stereotypes, according to which educated boys and men's actions. Donut clear that in such hands, the willy-nilly, we believe sex favorite entertainment.

In women the opposite. And the hypothalamus is smaller and testosterone have no problems just a few days before menstruation. And after being forced to protect youth. The man who pulled with might and main, most people have is if not respect, then a certain envy. A woman? If she changes partners frequently, the corresponding reputation she assured. Our unbridled sexual desire has a clear purpose - procreation. Were it not for him, people have long povymirali would. Therefore, nature has taken care of, that we would always and everywhere. How to issue free time - immediately after the deal. It does not matter with whom of females and how. Will you choose and to think, do not make it. Or there is another, more agile, or a wild animal bite, or an insidious enemy was coming. Intelligibility is fraught.
So it was for many centuries. Now, little has changed. Here are just a social constraints ... And without them ... According to the Kinsey Institute (which in the United States Institute such that all zarulivaet on the part of sex research), almost all men now would have been polygamous, if it were not for these limitations. By the way, 80% of all human societies throughout history, it welcomed a polygamous relationship. Women in addition to the small of the hypothalamus and a small amount of testosterone have another reason to not actively love sex. The reason for this - a severe need to bear a child.
Nature has tried to libido women of this function does not interfere. Even the female orgasm (as opposed to male, which was given to us originally) appeared during evolution and domestication of society. Because this extra incentive to get pregnant, and they do not particularly want. But the man is even useful - there is an additional reason to do this often and long hours. Pleasure to get something like ".. Because of this difference and it turns out that the attitude toward sex between men and women are very different. For us, pure fun, for them almost a duty. As with this attitude did not begin to start conversations like: "the peasants of us only need one ..."? The problem is so serious that it can solve only time itself. Yes, women have time to sex ratio changes.
Women are hungry for love
Young Mademoiselle does not crave sex and love. Sex for them - a piece also an interesting and necessary, but only as a manifestation and proof of affectionate relationships. With age, the actual interest in sex increases and reaches a maximum by the age of forty. Until that time, she whines and complains that the men - all lascivious bastards and keep it pressed. It's not broken, not antics and do not wish to fill their own worth. Such an increase in interest in sex at the end of the fourth score is needed to ensure that the woman was a desire for the last time to have a baby before menopause occurs. A kind of swan song ... And again, the irony - a man of forty years can no longer so cheerful as twenty times. A woman Give! No order of eighteen they are so fussed ...
That it was not so sad to have sex, women have come up with myself all sorts of additional incentives. For example, a family unit of society ... The essence of a woman - to have a number who would be as much as helping to carry out her their main function. Physiological factors such as trust, intimacy, sense of safety and general welfare of every kind, in its combination provides an environment in which the female brain begins to produce a set of necessary for the emergence of sexual desire hormone. In men, this is the same set is injected into the blood at any place and at any time.
Here we must digress and say a few words about the chemical composition of love. Yeah. It's not a bug and not a joke. Love in its essence - a solid chemistry. That's about it and talk. Very shortly. Scientists have long and cleverly proved that "a state of love" is associated with a series of chemical processes in the brain. These processes produce the characteristic physical and mental reactions. The most important chemical substance that causes the physical sensations that accompany falling in love - feniletilenamin (FAN). This substance belongs to a group amfitaminov. Incidentally, it is contained in an ordinary chocolate. Maybe more so because women love chocolate? If this really is not love, at least so positive emotions get ... Well, this same feniletilenamin makes when you're in love, your heart beat faster, palms - sweat, eyes - to expand and so on. It evokes a pleasant shiver in the stomach.
Still rises in the blood content of adrenaline, which exacerbates the feelings and causing a general mood elevation. Plus, this included the work of endorphins (those hormones of joy), which activate the immune system (which is why the lovers are sick less). In men, all of these complex reactions are run much easier than women. They need more time to buildup and more reasons to go to bed with a man. Yes. Us to have sex, you should place a woman - a good reason. Savagery. But so they are arranged. With this you can only put up with. As with the rest of their stuff.
But this is them little. I mean, little alone a good reason. They need more help and understanding. Man wants sex, not really having understood the woman. And what sort? Legs, face, and similar charms in order? Then go ahead! What's there to pull ... and she just wants her man to understand his way (not too far) in her soul, was delighted by what he saw, and imbued with its depth and greatness. Well, the purity, of course, another way. Noticed that if you ask a man what his women were, he might, rogue, and even add a couple of fictional ladies, that list was impressive.
And if the same question a woman ask? Well, three, maximum five ... And all this with honest eyes. Someone might say that all the fault again stereotypes. Like, bad woman to admit that the change of partners, such as gloves. So what? Follow these conventions or not - a private matter. Rather, each of them. But almost without exception, they prefer to lie, pretending to be pure and blameless. Oh well. Let it be on their conscience. We know the truth ... The truth, alas, is that with regard to sex women - there is more than controversial. They need a sense of before, during and after sex.