Atu XV demonization of frailty
Burdened with the sins of mankind. According to the Bible, seven. One sin, as a rule, leads to a life other sins, have hardened karma.
Karma brings a lot of negativity, if it is negative. Karma is called the totality of human actions in any of the incarnations, from birth to death. Karma - one of the most difficult concepts of esotericism.
Birth Rights - the entrance to the theater of karma. Illusion (Maya) creates the illusion of a separate self, which leads to ignorance of the individual consciousness. Stopping during meditation your internal dialogue, a yogi can realize their true nature. She is out of illusion and ego.
Illusion can be seen at any level of consciousness. Just as the human body consists of a large number of individual cells and individual ego creates the separate units of existence, but by itself - an illusion.
Cosmic consciousness - the driving force behind the evolution of world events. The difference of experience in different people due to the transformation and all possible combinations of atoms of matter. Man is born to take part in this eternal game conversion.
The first sin is Wrath. To understand its nature must understand the nature of the ego. Ego - is what identifies himself as "me." People in the development process goes through a succession of identifications. Child first begins to feel like a separate being, when aware of its separateness from the mother. Then there is an identification with other members of the family, he accepts their behavior patterns and modes of thinking as their own. The child compares himself with peers of the same sex. Then he searches for his identity among the opposite sex. The journey ends when he finally identifies himself with the Absolute, and merges with the cosmic consciousness.
In the process of identification is involved intelligence that stores the information received in the course of development. True inner self knows what is inside it contains all reality.
However, identifies himself, "I will exclude those aspects of reality that are considered evil by those with whom it is" I "itself relates. Anger - is an emotional, a chemical reaction that occurs when the ego is faced with some aspect of his personality, which was rejected as evil. Clash with this negative aspect is experienced as an existential threat. In fact, the threat exists only for identification cards with varying assessments. Then the ego projects rejected on that aspect of the personality through whom this aspect of the manifest, and directs the energy at its disposal. Such is the nature of anger. Anger - a manifestation of widely scattered, weak, the main problem of the first chakra. Anger - a serious problem in the way of spiritual growth. The nature of anger - the fire that burns everything. Impersonal anger clears. Anger caused by personal reasons, eats good quality, leads to a fall. Anger - the opposite of love, because we are not angry at those who do not identify themselves. Anger stimulates the nervous system shuts down rational thought. Anger can be expressed in two ways: violent and nonviolent.
Often a person being able to remain calm, gets a great moral force directed against evil. Such anger is divine.
Numerologically anger is associated with a triple - the number of strength, courage, power, energy, wisdom and spirituality.
ZhADNOST.Chelovek strives to meet the needs, living in the Hindu theory of the three Huns - passion, ignorance, virtue.
Greed is due to self-doubt, because of incorrect identification of the self. Ultimately, greed is meaningless. Greed - the dignity only in the way of spiritual growth. A symbol of greed - a square, the number four. Sin is as old as the world: let us recall the legend of the Cretan king Midas.
EMERGENCY GORDOST.Chelovek gets bogged down in their own pride, as in a swamp, imagined himself as perhaps the center of the universe.
Vice pride is not ambition, which is great! Ambition is valid, the arrogance is dreaming. Every man, going from vanity to pride, destroying their talents.
SLADOSTRASTIE.Smert soul. People wallow in this vice. This tomb of love! It is this defect led to AIDS, other sexually transmitted diseases. Lust leads to rampant crime, degradation of society as a whole and the individual in particular. It is this sin breeds of demons and demon.
LENOST.Otluchenie from active life. "Death Wish" - keywords that sin. Laziness, lack of incentives, movement, sense of life generate a program of negative states, destroying the organism. All of the disease - his lazy person.
ZAVIST.Takoy people all the time seemed to be looking around in search of invisible enemies, more fortunate than himself. Faced with those he comes into the fight and the means chosen not be! Heavy share of envious: he does not see the beauty of life, is not familiar with poetry, can not love the real thing. He was possessed by an evil spirit of envy. This obsession creates a variety of diseases.
OBZhORSTVO.Takoy people - a piggy bank for all diseases. What else can you say about a man who cares only about how to "fill his stomach, and like Robin-Bobin with eyes, slits!
But there are other defects and diseases, not so much dependent on the character and propensities of man. This diseases such as alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse, etc.
There are diseases associated with a demonic indwelling of different entities in a person with whom the priests are working, for example besooderzhimost.
From time immemorial, there is a struggle between good and evil. Now is not questioned is that our world comes into contact with another dimension: for example, various paranormal phenomena, including poltergeist. People sometimes do things that can not be explained in terms of logic and reason. Have the effect of black magicians who violate the balance of nature, trying to show his power over the world.
Symbolic aspect. On the field Arkan priest, banishing the demon out of writhing in the throes of youth.
Divination aspect. At loss of Arkan should think about why you strange things happen that defy reasonable explanation. We must bear in mind that these events occur much more frequently than they say, and if you have something troubling in terms of fatal fatal warnings that need to pay them full attention.
If we are not talking about such phenomena, the loss of Arkan's still warns people: perhaps at this time manifest the negative aspects of his character, bordering on the seven deadly sins, and for them it is worth considering seriously.
This Arkan - one of the negative in the deck. He serves as a warning against more serious trouble that may arise.