Auto and woman
Civilization, its benefits and temptations of both body and act on intelligence that it is not that "left" view, on the contrary - nowhere to look at all may not want. This, if you live "in the jet, if you try to" be like everyone else "if you try to" rise "above all, using the traditional methods of" recovery ", the common forms of living. And the name of this mentality. It is called fashion. This is called an imperative. This is called ... Yes, no matter how it's called, but it is important that all leads to one thing - to premature aging! Traditional, conventional way of life leads to premature loss of health, fatigue in early age-related changes, and etc., etc. ...
One of these attributes of civilization, one of these temptations - a car. The fact that directly provokes views of the "left". We know that. But depending on the circumstances so strong that it causes problems if we do they are looking for, then look where they are not. And where are these primary source of our problems, we try to read them not to consider. Or even "blind eye". After all, depending on the circumstances so much ... Here's an example. Our time is now such that, without a mobile phone we are already hard to live. Often, if not impossible. And do not want to know about the harmful radiation!
Mobile phone manufacturers told us that radiation is not, and we are happy to agree to trust, because without the constant mobile modern, our life is impossible. It is a fact. This is an example. This is - dependency. And here's another aspect of our lives.Our time is that - and here already on the topic - if someone does not have a car, then does it mean to live "at the very bottom." And, if you take the big city with a developed economy, for example, Yekaterinburg, the Russian car brand is almost never see on the roads. That 's the mentality today. Not only in the sense that people have a real opportunity to get a decent machine - both citizens and villagers have the money. Or credit opportunity. But to go on so-called "Ramco" or "trachoma" was already abnormal - the time is now different. All right. It's the economy. It. This is an image. It's a lifestyle ...
On the dangers of driving at the wheel
Before we address the problem of " Slide and a woman , consider us all very friendly symbiosis - car tuning and a man. That in this dangerous? To begin with: it's really a symbiosis. But in order to forestall the types of thoughts about driving styles, or about the accident, immediately "issue head on - as many men begin to experience impotence at an early age - twenty, thirty, forty, fifty? Fifty - it's too early age. For example, for the inhabitants of the Caucasus and fifty, it is still young. Why, how and where to leave power?
We divide these "early" men into 2 categories. For those who do not have cars, but drinking beer and other liquids. And for those who pitiem not abused, because it is often found behind the wheel. First we were not interested. And anyone not interested. Drink and let drink. It does not fix. Two factors, alcohol and nicotine, a man in a short period of time completely replace a woman. But how can we provide a way of life without alcohol libation? Here is the same, the same sad result.
Just two factors, although others - stress when driving cars and sitting position - very soon reduce the degree of libido men to such of its features that novelty factor it will be a must. And the first thoughts come "left", then the views of the "left". And so it did not reach action "left", something must be done. And what can you do if a man spends much time in the car and the driving position? When disturbed circulation of pelvic organs? And, in addition to this, - a state of constant stress.
Women, you have nothing to do with if your faithful spend much time behind the wheel, especially on city streets. This life is so, the modern. But for the preservation of health should be conducted not just a healthy lifestyle and active healthy lifestyles. Throughout the complex. Or have an active aging. Choose. But if your lazy beats you, then you will need to add drugs that increase libido and potency from pharmacies or sex shops. Either that or this. Or sports and ZHOZ or tablets.Otherwise, come the third: your man will just need a novelty effect, which is observed among certain categories of persons. And other body parts.
It's all about men. That they misbehave and reprehensible. Although it is possible to make a reservation: to achieve harmony, including sexual, a man must lead the woman. So did our Creator: the first is the urge of a woman, the first act comes from men. And how women behave?
The woman behind the wheel - it is beautiful?
So what will come of it - the woman behind the wheel? On the part beautifully. And, in fact?
Stress when driving around town, plus the exhaust gases in the air, plus a seat in a bent position ... Of course, experts say, crouched position, and poor circulation in the pelvic organs is not as detrimental to women, how awful it is for men ... But the long immobility in stress ... And if all this time to add a workshop in a chair, a chair and all - in offices, it will not help and sporting activities in the halls, courts and swimming pools. Female body more sensitive to inactivity. Will not help gyms, if the day - sitting in his office, and plus to that - sitting behind the wheel.
Current time spoiling our progress - there was vumbilding. This, of course, a revolution in the relationship, "he - she". But vumbilding not solve the main problem: five years behind the wheel - and your body loses its elasticity. Here you have more time - the shortest joke: "spouse - resilient." You know, ladies, here we must repeat: the spouse must also be elastic. Maybe in five years' driving experience or work in an easy chair vumbilding and help you, but if your ten years behind the wheel of your men will surely be if not a lover, then at least the crazy thoughts about it. This condition, if your man is healthy, fit and able. But you still want your man to be healthy, athletic, capable of?