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Autumn depression depression treatment

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Autumn depression depression treatment

Here come the autumn holiday ... flying, as there was ... fell on cloudy days are the soul and somehow became depressed and sad ... But there is still a long cold winter ... With the onset of autumn like mood attends most of the women, some fall on this issue in a strong depression. As a rule, women do not consider depression as a serious, well, think of it, the blues was attacked - this is temporary. Unfortunately it is not, depression is an illness that you should not run, because otherwise you will be very difficult to independently get out of this depression.

Depression occurs in autumn is not just a way to blame the processes occurring in our body. Body begins to rebuild on a new seasonal period. The daylight hours getting shorter and our bodies, like all life on Earth is not enough solar heat. Exacerbated chronic sores, which then will be up? Affects the general condition and lack of vitamins. The most important time to recognize depression and begin to heal and not leave this state with his head.
When should you worry?

If you started going to think of the futility of existence, if you suddenly decided that the whole world is against you, you are not wanted, you bored with life in this world, you have no reason crying or tearing, it's time to sound the alarm - you are sick! In autumn breaks a lot of couples, the causes of ruptures are different, but the depressive state partners also play in breaking role. Depression is easy and hard. From mild depression can be successfully rid himself, but in the case of severe you will have recourse to experts.

Dull is the time! Eyes, a charm!

The very first thing to do - is look at the Fall completely different eyes. Despite rain and chilly weather, beautiful fall season! Just do not cycles on the shortcomings of this period! With the same success can be found disadvantages in the summer - oh, the unbearable heat, the stifling of public transportation, from morning till night screaming children under the windows, etc. Well, look at the autumn on the other hand: Is not it great yellow and purple trees? A mushroom is time? Rustling under the feet of a pile of leaves ... in fact fall - it's a very romantic time of year. And how many beautiful poems dedicated to the poets of this golden pore:

Dull is the time! Eyes, a charm!
Pleasing to me your farewell beauty - 
I love the lavish withering of nature, 
In crimson and gold-clad wood ... ... ... 

Let there be light

Anguish and despair on us not only to evoke rainy days are, but the lack of sunlight, so that always arrive in a good mood, try to secure good coverage and in the workplace, and of course at home. Light the lamps, lamps, floor lamps, candles - they certainly will not replace the sun caressing, but subconscious will cause association with him. Get rid of dark curtains and drapes, try going to bed early that night time is not brings to you the sad thoughts!

Down diet

Of course, watch out for her figure is necessary, but ladies autumn season for this, to put it mildly, not very suitable. During the period of "spiritual throwing" all diets canceled! On the contrary, treat yourself yum-yum will not leave you indifferent fascinating smell of fresh pastries, baked meat in French, well, about all sorts of cakes and desserts you can not even speak.

Do not forget about the natural stimulants, such as herbal teas, Chinese magnolia, broth hips and Eleutherococcus infusions. In the morning, allow yourself a small piece of dark chocolate. Dark chocolate enhances the production of serotonin, a hormone of joy, and thus improves the mood! Happy hormones "get" can also be eating ice cream, bananas, and candied fruits.

Surround yourself with beautiful things!

Late in the autumn we will not have enough paint, which is why the world seems gray and faceless. Surround yourself with bright colorful things, walk to the shops, buy yourself something. Hang on the wall of a beautiful seascape, which will remind you of summer. Treat yourself to a pleasant trifles. In your living space should attend as many bright things, yellow, green and orange colors will remind you of summer.

Physical exercise

During the period of the blues are very useful exercise - be it daily jogging, walking, gym. Very beneficial effect on the nervous system of the water, so if you have the opportunity to visit the swimming pool - now it will be most welcome! Firstly, after the water treatment you will receive a charge of vivacity for the whole day, and secondly, the water has soothing, relaxing - so bad thoughts after swimming will not attack your mind. If you can not go swimming - just more likely to take a shower, the water will wash away all the negative emotions.

Aromatherapy and music

This is a proven method of treatment of any depression, even the most protracted. Aromatic oils, through the organs of smell fall in parts of the brain responsible for emotions, so buy yourself aromalampu and enjoy! Wonderful effect is the dissolution of a few drops of oil in the bathroom.

Music heals our soul, regular relaxation helps you to relax and cheer up. In this case, you can listen to classical and pop music is not important to choose the mournful songs depressive. Sounds of nature, sea, rain, a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Healthy Sleep

Actually sleep - it's the best cure for many diseases. In depressed people suffer from insomnia, which only aggravates their negative mood. Before going to sleep can take a bath with essential oils, read a good book, watch a comedy or fantasy or listen to relaxing music. All this will contribute to a deep and prolonged sleep.

As can be seen in public more

If you constantly sit at home, your depression worse. Catch every fine day. Are visiting friends, relatives. Walk through the park, go into the woods for mushrooms, avoid being alone.

Let us learn to enjoy all the seasons, every passing moment, and then the depression will never knock at our door!
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