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Avoid a fight means to win

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Avoid a fight means to win

The atmosphere and threatens to become heated quarrel? What to do - go to the conflict or to stop, relax and, analyzing everything, go back down? Better than the second. You do not quarrel, do not favor against each other and often hurtful, exaggerated insult and will not spoil the impression of each other. A sharp increase in the conflict will lead to the fact that the relationship will change. Much better deal with the problem as soon as it manifested itself. One should also pay attention to what situations give rise to misunderstandings between you. " avoid a fight means to win!

If this is trifling quarrels over any nonsense, we should stop and think carefully: Are you satisfied and that your relationship is gradually destroyed, and (most annoying!) Without some substantial reason. You, of course, come to the conclusion that if your relationship will have an end and you'll have to someday give up, let the reason for this will not color sofa upholstery or the length of your dress, but something really serious.

Let us consider the situation in more detail. For example, you worried that your spouse's behavior has changed. Actually, your man may see another woman. Most likely this is why he has become less and less attention paid to you. But, perhaps, the reasons for his behavior completely different? But you may not even know what happened to him. Maybe he has big problems at work, as it may have problems with large cash debts. If there is something like that, it is quite likely that your spouse will feel remorse, because he is responsible for your financial well-being. It is difficult, and here you are with your reproaches.
Much better would be if you as soon as they feel the warning signs, talk to your loved one openly. You will not need to lie, dodge, you can honestly say everything that disturbs you. Of course, you absolutely useless to use an angry, accusatory tone, reproaching her husband, shouting about his suspicions publicly. In this case it is much more appropriate would be a sincere concern in his voice, a caring loving woman look. All this will show your man that you are really worried about him that you really care about all that was happening to him.

Remember, your goal - call it on straight talk and not show him a number of claims that have been invented by you. After all, you can not even assume that it happened to your favorite man. For example, he tries less to be at home, practically does not communicate with you. And you immediately decide that he got himself a mistress. But in reality your men may be having health problems, so he tries not to worry about your frequent use of drugs and their pale appearance.

If he comes, then you will be even harder. It turns out that you have watched a loved one's disease. And if you took time to be frank, men would not need to hide their problems from you, it would take time and appropriate measures would be healthy. In short, much depends on you, how you considerate and careful to call for frank talk to your spouse.

Try to control your negative emotions and you feel that your personal life began to slowly improve. Conflicts have no place in your relationship, and no doubt your husband will appreciate the world, which finally arrived in your home. After all those minor little things that we fill our lives and because of which we take offense at each other and fight, imprinted on all our surroundings, and of course our relationship.

Do not worry that you have with your partner is a disagreement over trivial matters, because it does not mean that your feelings faded. The matter of habit. Need to stop and take a fresh look at each other, to try to find positive features, but they certainly are many. Should look at the character traits that annoy you, because everything is not as difficult as it may seem at first. Nevertheless be taken into account the fact that the misunderstandings and mutual resentment can destroy your alliance.
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