Awareness of their own shadow
According to the psychoanalytic view of man, the noble side of his nature get on with destructive tendencies. In humans, there is a shadow formed by extrusion and is not perceived conscious mental content. Violence, rejected by us at the level of consciousness, is in the unconscious, relating to the shadow side of our personality, where it is gaining new rights. Awareness of his own shadow is not easy. It is much easier to project their shadow side to the external environment. The need to rid our minds from the unacceptable to him the contents of the unconscious forces us to transfer them to others.
Teen, fiercely defending his innocence and honestly believe that not to blame himself, but he who pushed him to commit a misdemeanor, in fact, projected onto the other share of aggressiveness. Excesses of violence must always serve as a reminder of our own potential aggressiveness. The need to master and subdue his own shadow - one of the most difficult psychological problems. The way to achieve integration of the individual strewn with thorns recognition of a party associated with violence.
The next difficulty is the tendency to seek a final and irrevocable decision, the desire to once and for all put the record straight "and" a naive faith (the victims of which we constantly find ourselves) in the existence of solutions to the problem of violence, allowing to get rid of him the world. As an essential attribute of the shadow part of humanity violence ineradicable. We are not able to "cut out" a tendency to violent action of the human psyche through the surgery.
If we do not want to sit back, we have to accept violence as an internal potential. Schematic insolubility of the problem of violence forces us to see in him a constant threat. To prevent violence to prevail, and we destroy, the invention is required from our side more and more new countermeasures. To become a Dr. Jekyll, we should take into satellites Mr. Hyde.

With regard to the school this means that to counter violence only in the case of active engagement of all stakeholders and the rejection of the practice of mutual recrimination. The basis for the investigation of the critical situation is the general willingness to jointly overcome the shadow effect. Violence is understood that as a general civilizing imperative of forcing him to our ongoing efforts to develop its social forms of deterrence, rules, guidelines and rituals.
The dual role of teacher
Ability to respond adequately to the violence does not give the teacher a gift. He should say goodbye to the illusion of the possibility of an idyllic and harmonious in all respects a perfect lesson in which he plays the role of mentor, revered by all, and come to terms with the real situation, requiring it to be constantly on guard and alert to the possibility of preparing provocations. At the level of class the teacher a dual function: on the one hand, he laid direct instruction and foster children, on the other - he is charged with the role of leader.
In the course of individual contacts, he tries to enter the position of students, understand their problems and difficulties and to establish a trust relationship with them, in which he plays the role of group leader. To prevent the constellation of shadowy forces and do not give them the opportunity to dominate the atmosphere of the class, he needs to become the spokesman of the opposite trend above the archetypal poles, act as a super-ego, which rejects violence. As leader of the group he was interested not so much a specific individual child as the nature and dynamics of the sentiments of the group as a whole. As the leader of the group it defines priorities.
However, this means that he is constantly faced with a sense of alienation. Kids do not want to understand the instructions the teacher, they struggled resist, resent and protest. Teacher is often difficult to sustain the character and remain steadfast. However, in the depths of the soul children are in need of a leader. They need someone in the class who they might be. This is true even if they prefer to run their course. Only the presence of the teacher's point of reference, clearly stated and firmly defended the position, availability of sustainable opposite poles of opinion paves their way to finding their own positions and rituals, and mobilize their own resources in the fight against aggression and violence.